Friday, December 22, 2017

Jinger Duggar: I"m Wearing Pants & I"m Still Not Pregnant!

Birthdays in the Duggar family are not like birthdays elsewhere in civilized society.

As we learned from Jordyn Duggar’s birthday earlier this week, the Duggars even have their own Jesus-centric birthday song, because of course they do.

But Jinger Duggar isn’t like the rest of her siblings, a fact that she reminded us of again this week.

The fan favorite and resident rebel turned 24 this week, and she marked the occasion with activities that we don’t commonly associate with Duggar women–namely, wearing pants and not being pregnant.

Yes, Jinger wearing pants is nothing new at this point, but all the same, there are Duggar obsessives who go full-Carrie’s mom every time they see her sporting her blasphemous leg wear.

As for the fact that Jinger still isn’t pregnant after more than a year of marrige, well … she’s responding to fan curiosity on that score in the most rebellious and admirable way possible:

She’s simply refusing to answer any questions about the situation.

It’s one of the many ways in which Jinger gives us hope for this family’s future.

Jinge’s husband Jeremy Vuolo posted the above photo of his pants-clad wite to celebrate her big day.

“Happy Birthday to this pretty lady. God has blessed her with twenty-four years of life today and I’ve had the privilege of spending one of those years at her side as her husband,” he captioned the image.

“May God be pleased to grant her many more.”

Nice try, Jeremy, but clearly the devilry here knows no bounds.

First, what sort of structure is Jinger seated in?

Certainly doesn’t look like any church we’ve ever seen.

Also, are those rose pedals on the ground?

Rose pedals belong in romance novels in which Fabio beds some sort of lonely sea wench, not in Duggar birthday photos.

And don’t get us started on the jeans and barren uterus!

We kid, of course.

Jinger’s birthday photo as almost as inoffensive as humanly possible, but the Duggars are playing a different game than the rest of us.

In their eyes, not only is Jinger angering Jesus by wearing comfortable clothing, she’s thumbing her nose at the family business by refusing to get knocked up.

She’s not the hero her siblings deserve … but she’s the hero they need.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
