Thursday, January 11, 2018

Kylie Jenner: REAL Reason She"s in Hiding Revealed?!

We’ve heard a number of explanations for why Kylie Jenner is hiding herself and plans to hide her baby. One is that she wants to follow in Kim’s footsteps and control which photos are taken.

Another is that, allegedly, Kylie’s eating is out of control and she can’t stand to be seen in public.

But a new, much less cruel report has come out explaining why Kylie is remaining in seclusion. And this actually makes a lot of sense.

Sometimes, when a star won’t comment on their own life, the vacuum gets filled by reports, rumors, and speculation.

It’s widely believed that Kylie Jenner has, for years, had body image issues that arose from growing up famous.

Not everybody who’s hot at 20 looks like they’re going to be a knockout when they’re younger.

Plus, well, folks are pretty sure that Kylie’s had some work done to get to be the beauty that she is today.

(Which, of course, is why Wendy Williams says that Kylie Jenner’s baby will be ugly)

So it’s easy to believe reports that claim that Kylie Jenner hates her pregnant body. We’ve been hearing this for months.

And we all know how pregnancy can transform a body. Stretch marks, acne, morning sickness.

Some things, like how parts of Kylie’s lower skeleton have literally rearranged themselves in preparation for her to give birth, are permanent.

And it may very well be true.

Whether or not the report that she’s “eating uncontrollably” and has “gained 60 pounds” is true, pregnancy can make some people — especially people who are prone to insecurities about their appearance — feel ashamed of how they look.

It doesn’t have to be rational, folks. Few feelings are.

However, in a new report, a source tells Entertainment Tonight that Kylie Jenner isn’t so much hiding as she is taking a long overdue break.

“[Kylie’s] worked hard her entire life, and being a mother will be a lot of work, so now is a chance for her to recharge.”

If you think about it, Kylie has had the same job — as a reality star — since she was a child. She’s also grown to dominate social media — particularly Snapchat (though it looks like Snapchat’s time may be at an end).

And, of course, she’s a makeup mogul.

Kylie Cosmetics, which is projected to be worth a billion dollars within 5 years, probably doesn’t really take that much out of her. She’s mostly branding and ownership, right?

Being a reality star and always making herself visible to fans through social media? That can exhaust you beyond belief.

Interesting that the source describes this as Kylie “recharging.” Is Kylie Jenner an introvert?

She’s always seemed a little more subdued than some of her siblings.

Introverts aren’t necessarily shy or whatever, they’re just drained by social activity. They “recharge” by spending time with fewer people or being completely alone.

Even Kylie’s baby daddy Travis Scott says Kylie has less personality in bed than her sister Kendall. (Yeah, he’s banged them both, ugh)

Her constant social activity, constantly being on camera — her own or someone else’s — and her entire celebrity lifestyle may have left Kylie with a sense of fatigue.


This is one of those situation where it feels like each of the major claims contains at least a kernel of truth.

Kylie probably is having issues with her pregnant body’s shape. She shouldn’t. Baby bumps are normal with pregnancies, and so is weight gain.

And you know what else? Kylie probably wants to slowly roll out information about her baby.

And it’s probably also true that she’s enjoying taking this time off. (Though, if you’re pregnant, it’s not like it’s a real vacation)

It’s expected that Kylie’s big pregnancy reveal will take place over the two-part Keeping Up With The Kardashians event next week. Perhaps we’ll know more, then.
