Showing posts with label IHOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IHOP. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2018

IHOP Reveals Name Change, Angers the Internet

For once, IHOP is not here to give you an immediate heart attack from a menu that occasionally mixes in some breakfast food underneath gobs of whipped cream and chocolate.

Instead, IHOP is here to rock your world.

The long-running franchise has announced on Twitter that it is changing its name to IHOb on June 11, stunning Internet users and causing them two ask two basic questions:

  1. What does the b stand for?

  2. What the heck is wrong with you, IHOP?!?!?

The restaurant says it won"t answer that first question for a few days, while social media folks continue to ask the second one.

Scroll down for a look at IHOP"s shocking Tweet, the poll it is running in relation to it — and to read what people are saying about this impending change.

(UPDATE: Scroll to the end of this gallery to find out what IHOb actually stands for!)

1. This is Happening, People


All this uproar started after a single Tweet from the official IHOP account, which has 320,000 followers.

2. So… What Will It Be?

Ihop poll

Biscuits? Bacon? Butternut Squad? Barnacles? Will the “B” stand for any of these things?

3. Burritos, Definitely!


We doubt this is it, but we would absolutely eat at the International House of Burritos.

4. Gotta Be Burgers, Right?


Go run and hide, Five Guys. You’ve got some major competition coming… some people think.

5. No Way: It’s Bacon!


Bacon may be the most universally beloved foot on the planet, this much is true.

6. This is a Bad Idea

No ihop

It doesn’t matter if you love burgers or bacon, this is just a dumb example of re-branding… some are saying.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

IHOP Announces Name Change, Confounds the Internet

For once, IHOP is not here to give you an immediate heart attack from a menu that occasionally mixes in some breakfast food underneath gobs of whipped cream and chocolate.

Instead, IHOP is here to rock your world.

The long-running franchise has announced on Twitter that it is changing its name to IHOb on June 11, stunning Internet users and causing them two ask two basic questions:

  1. What does the b stand for?

  2. What the heck is wrong with you, IHOP?!?!?

The restaurant says it won"t answer that first question for a few days, while social media folks continue to ask the second one.

Scroll down for a look at IHOP"s shocking Tweet, the poll it is running in relation to it — and to read what people are saying about this impending change:

1. This is Happening, People


All this uproar started after a single Tweet from the official IHOP account, which has 320,000 followers.

2. So… What Will It Be?

Ihop poll

Biscuits? Bacon? Butternut Squad? Barnacles? Will the “B” stand for any of these things?

3. Burritos, Definitely!


We doubt this is it, but we would absolutely eat at the International House of Burritos.

4. Gotta Be Burgers, Right?


Go run and hide, Five Guys. You’ve got some major competition coming… some people think.

5. No Way: It’s Bacon!


Bacon may be the most universally beloved foot on the planet, this much is true.

6. This is a Bad Idea

No ihop

It doesn’t matter if you love burgers or bacon, this is just a dumb example of re-branding… some are saying.

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

IHOP Slams Hillary Clinton Voters, Chain Cries "HACK!"

Wait a pancake-flippin minute, IHOP!

What just happened?!?

Based on a Tweet that"s gone viral, the breakfast-themed restaurant just slammed the heck out of millions of Hillary Clinton voters.

What did the chain say/do on social media to give this strong impression? And how is it trying to finagle its way out of this scandal?

Read on. Find out!

1. Good Morning… and Eff You!

Good morning and eff you

Excuse us, IHOP? This controversy started after the chain’s official Twitter account very clearly re-Tweeted a message from someone who thinks Clinton fans need to shut up, get over their bitter feelings and pretty much try do their part to #MAGA.

2. Prepare for That Pink Slip!

Prepare for that pink slip

As proven here (and in the messages below), this re-Tweet did not go unnoticed.

3. We Were Hacked!

We were hacked

Yes, IHOP used the old “We were hacked!” excuse. We’d love to meet the hacker who decided that it would be worthwhile to break into IHOP’s Twitter account, only to re-Tweet a single anti-Hillary message.

4. Can You Smell It, Twitterverse?

Can you smell it twitterverse

Smells like some prime BS, doesn’t it?

5. We Have So Many Questions

We have so many questions

Or, really, just one question.

6. The Cover-Up is Always Worse Than the Crime

The cover up is always worse than the crime

Someday, people may understand this.

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Monday, October 19, 2015

IHOP Apologizes for Terrible Joke About Small Boobs

IHOP has finally gone too far in its recent attempt to be young, hip and edgy.

Over the past year or so, the beloved breakfast chain has clearly made an effort to change its social media game, Tweeting such messages as “pancakes are on fleek” and asking this delicious menu item to “back that stack up.”

Pretty funny overall, really, and successful too:

Over the course of this unique run, IHOP has seen numerous messages get reTweeted, while AdWeek has praised the business for finding “its voice on Twitter,” saying “it sounds an awful lot like a teenage hip-hop fan.”

But teenage hip-hop fans make dumb jokes sometimes… and IHOP is now guilty of the same.

On Sunday, as seen above, the restaurant chain posted a picture of a stack of pancakes with the caption: “Flat but has a GREAT personality.”

The backlash to this offensive, misogynistic message was swift and harsh, prompting its removal and the following response from IHOP:

“Earlier today we tweeted something dumb and immature that does not reflect what IHOP stands for. We’re sorry.”

Fair enough. Case hopefully closed now.

But hopefully not the end of IHOP’s fun Twitter account because, come on…

“Is it worth it, let me work it. I put my fork down, flip it and reverse it.”

THAT’s funny stuff.