Showing posts with label Confounds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Confounds. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

IHOP Announces Name Change, Confounds the Internet

For once, IHOP is not here to give you an immediate heart attack from a menu that occasionally mixes in some breakfast food underneath gobs of whipped cream and chocolate.

Instead, IHOP is here to rock your world.

The long-running franchise has announced on Twitter that it is changing its name to IHOb on June 11, stunning Internet users and causing them two ask two basic questions:

  1. What does the b stand for?

  2. What the heck is wrong with you, IHOP?!?!?

The restaurant says it won"t answer that first question for a few days, while social media folks continue to ask the second one.

Scroll down for a look at IHOP"s shocking Tweet, the poll it is running in relation to it — and to read what people are saying about this impending change:

1. This is Happening, People


All this uproar started after a single Tweet from the official IHOP account, which has 320,000 followers.

2. So… What Will It Be?

Ihop poll

Biscuits? Bacon? Butternut Squad? Barnacles? Will the “B” stand for any of these things?

3. Burritos, Definitely!


We doubt this is it, but we would absolutely eat at the International House of Burritos.

4. Gotta Be Burgers, Right?


Go run and hide, Five Guys. You’ve got some major competition coming… some people think.

5. No Way: It’s Bacon!


Bacon may be the most universally beloved foot on the planet, this much is true.

6. This is a Bad Idea

No ihop

It doesn’t matter if you love burgers or bacon, this is just a dumb example of re-branding… some are saying.

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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Trump Chicken Confounds, Divides the Internet

If the world really does come to an end in the near future due to a nuclear war with North Korea, at least Taran Singh Brar will die happy.

At least this activist will have completed one of the more unusual protests against Donald Trump in recent memory…

… prior to watching himself and millions of other disintegrate in a poisonous mushroom cloud.

On Wednesday afternoon, residents of Washington D.C.and tourists in the area were taken aback when they noticed a 10-foot tall inflatable chicken who had apparently flown the coop.

He was just hanging out near the White House, a look of anger on his face and a Trump-like haircut atop his head.

It didn’t take long, as you might expect, for the Internet to take notice.

And the most common question asked upon its sighting (aside from WTF?!?) was a rather simple one:

Who the heck was behind this Trump chicken?!?

game of chicken

The answer, it turns out, is Brar.

He plopped his creation down between the President’s residence and the Washington Monument so that it was in full view of all news cameras and he made a video in which he explained the genesis behind the chicken.

According to the documentary filmmaker, he chose this farm animal to represent Trump because he believes Trump is a “weak and ineffective leader.”

Speaking to The Huffington Post, Singh Brar added of the Commander-in-Chief: “He’s too afraid to release his tax returns, too afraid to stand up to Vladimir Putin.”

Also, the protester emphasizes, he’s “playing chicken with North Korea.”

This critique is a reference to Trump saying the dangerous nation will be met with “force and fury” if it continues to build up its nuclear arsenal and threaten the United States or its allies with an attack.

Many, including many in his own party, have criticized Trump for using such language when dealing with a country that’s led by an unstable mad man.

Singh Brar refers to his giant friend as “Chicken Don” and says it took him five months to acquire the permit necessary to fly him on the premises and everything.

The President was unfortunately on vacation at his golf club in New Jersey working REALLY hard elsewhere when the hatched plan was finally executed, but we’re pretty sure Trump often checks Twitter.

And Twitter had a lot to say about Chicken Don.

“The left would rather spend $ 1300 on a #TrumpChicken, than use that money to feed the homeless. The obsession continues,” wrote one Republican, while some on the Left disagreed with this sentiment.

“Yes, #TrumpChicken is juvenile. But he makes me ridiculously happy. I needed him today. What about you?” one person Tweeted.

Added some dude named Eugene: “Now we have a real President. #TrumpChicken.”

In case you were wondering, Chicken Don does already have an Instagram account and it currently has 638 followers.

It’s unclear when, or if, Singh Brar has a plan for any further fowl play of this nature, but even Trump has to give the guy credit for such a creative display of protest.

Okay, that’s probably not true.

But it’s still hilarious!
