Showing posts with label Divides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divides. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Big Brother Recap: The Surprise Eviction Divides the House

It was the end of the line for one houseguest on Wednesday’s special eviction episode of Big Brother. 

The host once again introduced herself as “Julie Chen Moonves,” meaning she’s brushing off all of the controversy she stirred up on Thursday night. 

When the episode kicked off, the houseguests looked genuinely blindsided when they were told eviction night was coming one night early. 

“One should always expect the unexpected,” said Julie, who was clearly surprised the houseguests were not shocked. 

We then got to learn about what happened over the past few days, and Sam was pissed to be put on the block for the fourth time. 

“These people don’t want to hurt me,” she says. “They just want the money.”

While that made sense, Sam was adamant she wanted to win the “motherf—— veto.” Sam felt safe … for now. 

In her mind, Tyler was going to keep her safe until final two, so she felt like JC would be the one heading out the door during the surprise episode. 

Kaycee, Angela, and Tyler watched JC from the HOH room, and they could see that he was visibly defeated. 

He was alone following Brett’s eviction and feels like he has no fight left in him. 

JC used this to his advantage when he chatted with Tyler about being on the block. 

“I need to remind you I’m your friend, not your pawn,” JC said, adding:

“If you win the veto and you pull me off, [Angela] has to put Kaycee.”

But this only further turned Tyler against him because he felt like JC was putting him in an impossible spot. 

At the veto competition, Kaycee continued her winning streak, and Tyler continued to worry even after she decided against using the power. 

“Dammit, I hate this game sometimes, man,” Tyler said to viewers. “I gotta do what I gotta do to win, but that means I have to backstab some of the best people.”

At the eviction, Sam was sent packing with a vote of 2-0, and she was surprised. 

Upon exiting, she stayed classy and asked someone to deal with her belongings. In her chat with Julie, she never threw anyone under the bus, but she looked mad as hell. 

Kaycee, Tyler, and JC competed in the “What The Bleep?” competition and it played out as follows:

  • Round 1: JC & Tyler get a point 

  • Round 2: JC gets a point 

  • Round 3: No one gets a point

  • Round 4: Everyone gets a point

  • Round 5: Everyone gets a point

  • Round 6: JC & Tyler get a point 

  • Round 7: JC & Tyler get a point

Oh yes, JC actually won a competition! Given that Tyler has been the one not keeping his word, it would make sense for him to be the target. 

However, there’s still a veto to play. Will Kaycee win ANOTHER veto? 

Who will go home? 

We don’t have long to wait to find out because another episode airs tonight at 9/8c on CBS. 


Monday, July 30, 2018

Bridesmaid Gets Fired from Role, Divides the Internet in Half

Remember the terrible Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson movie Bride Wars?

Yes? No? Maybe? It doesn"t really matter.

Because now it"s time for a bride versus her bridesmaid war!

Actually, to be more accurate, it"s time for a bride versus her bridemaid versus the entire Internet war, as an email shared online by a woman getting married as sparked quite a debate among complete strangers.

What role has JetBlue played in this back-and-forth?

And what responsibilities does a bridesmaid have to the person who asked her to fill this role?

Scroll down for the answers to both of these questions and many more!

1. Okay, So How Did This Start?

Bride email

A woman named Courtney Duffy shared the email above. It was written by a bride-to-be who had asked Courtney to be in her wedding party.

2. Let’s Break It Down, Shall We?

Email part 1

Solid opening here. Perfectly fair and reasonable and it sets the scene: Courtney is busy (as an MBA student at Dartmouth, according to her Twitter bio), yet making a real effort to attend her friend’s wedding.

3. But Then…

Favor to ask

Yikes, huh? Courtney is being asked to “relinquish [her] duties as a bridesmaid.” We do not know, of course, whether the bridesmaids were truly given specific tasks that each had to complete in order for the wedding to go off and is Courtney had agreed to hers ahead of time.

4. This Arrangement Just Won’t Work

Fulfull duty

Again, we do not know if Courtney actually had to bail on any specific, pressing task… or if the bride was referring here to broad and mysterious “duties” that her party was responsible for.

5. It’s Not You… It’s Not Really Me, Either

Fair or foul

This is where the bride (Alex) loses some people, as she tries to comfort Courtney and to make sure she understands that she isn’t letting her down. We somehow don’t think Courtney thought that she was.

6. You’ve Been Replaced!


Wait, wait, wait… a jumpsuit?!? This is suddenly the only part of this entire email we care about now.

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Big Brother Recap: JC"s Vote Divides the House

Kaitlyn Herman is out of the Big Brother house, and Sunday’s episode proved that the rest of the cast could the drama without her in the house. 

With Kaitlyn being evicted 9-1 against Rockstar, her former houseguests wondered where that extra vote came from. 

Viewers knew it was JC, but most others seemed to think it was Tyler because they thought he and Kaitlyn were closer in the game than they were being led to believe. 

JC planned to spread paranoia around the house because it would help keep the target off himself. He was campaigning to send Kaitlyn out the door for much of last week. 

Scottie started to act stranger than usual, and everyone concluded that he must be the one who flipped. 

The HOH competition was mostly a game of chance. The houseguests were tasked with sliding on a bit of wood and get to get to the other end of a platform in 8 seconds. 

Bayliegh was the lucky victor, and she immediately got to work to find out who to put up on the block. 

Her pool of targets was revealed to be Brett, Scottie, and JC, but Faysal was not going to stand for JC to be put on the block. 

He said that Rachel would be a better option against Brett because he knew that putting two people from the other side of the house would give them the numbers. 

Bayliegh turned to Haleigh to let her know that Faysal would do anything to keep JC in the game. It resulted in a blow-up between the two women and Faysal. 

Faysal was furious that Haleigh would question his loyalty after he saved her from the block with the veto last week, but the three of them managed to patch things up. 

As Bayliegh was in a tailspin wondering what to do about the nominations, she turned to Rachel and asked that she would go up as a pawn to get Brett out. 

Bayliegh said she had a good reason for it: Scottie was running his mouth and saying that Rachel was the liar and that she needed to be sent home. 

To get Rachel on her side, Bayliegh told her about the Identity Theft power and the Vegas actress was blindsided by it. Rachel was not impressed about going on the block but liked that she got some intel from Bayliegh. 

Will she tell her allies or will she keep quiet about it?

As for Bayliegh, she confirmed in the DR that things could change in the next few days, likely alluding to JC or Scottie being put up if someone comes down. 

What are your thoughts on the latest episode?

Will Bayliegh change her target? 

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues on Wednesday on CBS!


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Trump Chicken Confounds, Divides the Internet

If the world really does come to an end in the near future due to a nuclear war with North Korea, at least Taran Singh Brar will die happy.

At least this activist will have completed one of the more unusual protests against Donald Trump in recent memory…

… prior to watching himself and millions of other disintegrate in a poisonous mushroom cloud.

On Wednesday afternoon, residents of Washington D.C.and tourists in the area were taken aback when they noticed a 10-foot tall inflatable chicken who had apparently flown the coop.

He was just hanging out near the White House, a look of anger on his face and a Trump-like haircut atop his head.

It didn’t take long, as you might expect, for the Internet to take notice.

And the most common question asked upon its sighting (aside from WTF?!?) was a rather simple one:

Who the heck was behind this Trump chicken?!?

game of chicken

The answer, it turns out, is Brar.

He plopped his creation down between the President’s residence and the Washington Monument so that it was in full view of all news cameras and he made a video in which he explained the genesis behind the chicken.

According to the documentary filmmaker, he chose this farm animal to represent Trump because he believes Trump is a “weak and ineffective leader.”

Speaking to The Huffington Post, Singh Brar added of the Commander-in-Chief: “He’s too afraid to release his tax returns, too afraid to stand up to Vladimir Putin.”

Also, the protester emphasizes, he’s “playing chicken with North Korea.”

This critique is a reference to Trump saying the dangerous nation will be met with “force and fury” if it continues to build up its nuclear arsenal and threaten the United States or its allies with an attack.

Many, including many in his own party, have criticized Trump for using such language when dealing with a country that’s led by an unstable mad man.

Singh Brar refers to his giant friend as “Chicken Don” and says it took him five months to acquire the permit necessary to fly him on the premises and everything.

The President was unfortunately on vacation at his golf club in New Jersey working REALLY hard elsewhere when the hatched plan was finally executed, but we’re pretty sure Trump often checks Twitter.

And Twitter had a lot to say about Chicken Don.

“The left would rather spend $ 1300 on a #TrumpChicken, than use that money to feed the homeless. The obsession continues,” wrote one Republican, while some on the Left disagreed with this sentiment.

“Yes, #TrumpChicken is juvenile. But he makes me ridiculously happy. I needed him today. What about you?” one person Tweeted.

Added some dude named Eugene: “Now we have a real President. #TrumpChicken.”

In case you were wondering, Chicken Don does already have an Instagram account and it currently has 638 followers.

It’s unclear when, or if, Singh Brar has a plan for any further fowl play of this nature, but even Trump has to give the guy credit for such a creative display of protest.

Okay, that’s probably not true.

But it’s still hilarious!


Friday, August 4, 2017

Husband Gushes Over "Curvy" Wife, Divides the Internet

A writer named Robbie Tripp recently penned a very sweet message to his wife, a model named Sarah Tripp.

Due to Robbie’s very candid and sweet message, the Instagram post went viral.

But it didn"t receive over 20,000 Likes purely because it was an example of a husband gushing over his wife.

As you"ll find out below, the note stirred up quite a bit of controversy online because Robbie cited his wife"s curvy body as a major reason behind her appeal… and users were divided over how they felt about this description.

1. This is Sarah

This is sarah

She’s a model and fashion blogger who emphasizes the growing “body positive” movement in her posts and poses.

2. And This is a Photo of Sarah and Robbie

And this is a photo of sarah and robbie

The married couple is very much in love, as evidenced by a note Tripp wrote to Sarah as a caption to this snapshot.

3. He Likes Big Butts and He Cannot Lie!

He likes big butts and he cannot lie

Basically, Robbie explained in his love letter.

4. A Misguided Message

A misguided message

Robbie went on to explain that society sends a bad message about what true beauty is when it comes to the female form.

5. THIS is Sexy!

This is sexy

Sarah may never appear in Cosmo, Robbie says, but she’s featured where it matters most.

6. Curvy and Confident

Curvy and confident

These attiributes add up to real sex appeal.

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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Tomi Lahren & Charlamagne Tha God -- We Can Be Friendly But Trump Still Divides Us (VIDEO)

Tomi Lahren’s “I Have Black Friends” tour of NYC made a stop in Times Square with Charlamagne Tha God, and instead of Black Lives Matter … they focused on a different movement. The day after TheBlaze’s ultra conservative host had drinks with…


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Pregnancy Hoax Goes Viral, Divides the Internet

Sit down and get comfortable, readers.

The following story may take awhile to explain. But we promise it"s worthwhile.

It centers on Shantasia Phillips, an 18-year old who Tweeted an ultrasound photo to Kyle Harris, a 25-year old behind the popular Twitter account @kylegotjokes.

She alleged that he had blocked her number…and that she was pregnant with his baby… and … well… we"ll let them take it from there:

1. You Want to Block Me?

You want to block me

Block THIS, Phillips wrote. She claimed this was a photo of the child Harris had put inside of her.

2. Everybody Apparently Know This

Everybody apparently know this

Harris tried to argue that the couple used a condom. But Phillips said everyone knows he likes to go in “raw.”

3. A Revealing Exchange

A revealing exchange

From there, Harris used a screenshot of their texts to deny he had fathered any babies, actually saying his friend may have been the one who had impregnated her. Oh: and apparently Harris had a girlfriend while he was sleeping with Phillips.

4. Speaking of That Girlfriend…

Speaking of that girlfriend

… Harris decided to get her involved.

5. But The Girlfriend Wasn’t Having It…

But the girlfriend wasnt having it

… like, at all.

6. Are You There?!?

Are you there

Yeah. Brena wanted no part of this drama.

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