Showing posts with label Voters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voters. Show all posts

Friday, October 19, 2018

Congressman French Hill Condemns Offensive Radio Ad Targeting Black Voters

Arkansas Rep. French Hill says he had absolutely nothing to do with the shocking radio ad targeting black voters with threats of white Democrats lynching black men accused of rape by white women. French called the political ad appalling and…


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Trump Suggests Lunch With Kanye West Will Help with African-American Male Voters

Donald Trump says he values Kanye West’s passion for prison reform, but he sure sounded like the real reason for his lunch with Ye is because the rapper is a magnet for male African-American voters. Trump was on “Fox & Friends” Thursday AM and…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Lebron James: Hey Trump Voters, You Messed Up!

LeBron James says people who voted for Donald Trump made a mistake — but it’s okay, because even LeBron makes mistakes, too.  The NBA superstar spoke with reporters at Cavs media day and refused to say Trump’s name — or even call him the…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Donald Trump Voters Have THIS to Say About Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel brought his own version of fire and fury to ABC on Tuesday night.

In response to President Trump refusing to condemn and disavow White Supremacists who gathered in Charlottesville over the weekend, Kimmel unleashed his harshest critique yet on Trump.

And on his voters as well.

"The president is completely unhinged," Kimmel said earlier this week. "The wheels are off the wagon and hurtling toward the moon right now."

As you might expect, a certain segment of the American population was unhappy with Kimmel over his rebuke of Trump.

And then they let him know it via social media.

“I really think I made a breakthrough and I base that on all the thoughtful responses I got on Twitter and Facebook," Kimmel joked last night about the feedback his monologue generated.

He then went on to quote some dude named Thomas who wrote: "Why don’t you go somewhere else like a different country if you don’t like our president and stop you’re crying on TV snowflake."

This gave Kimmel an idea:

Why not do a version of his Celebrities Read Mean Tweets sketch… only the celebrity is himself!

And the Tweets are all from Donald Trump supporters!

“I want to thank everyone for the feedback,” Kimmel said, adding:

“And it just goes to show you that if you try to understand where people are coming from, and talk to them like human beings, they will open up.

"You just have to communicate.”

Considering one Internet user referred to Kimmel as a "whining baby," we think he was being sarcastic with this comment.

But click PLAY on the video below to get an idea of how some viewers are feeling about Jimmy Kimmel these days.

(And then click HERE to see what Jimmy Fallon even said about President Trump!)

Jimmy kimmel reads mean tweets dot dot dot aimed at himself

Monday, April 3, 2017

Tina Fey to White, Female Donald Trump Voters: Look at What You Did!

Tina Fey may very well be the funniest woman on the planet.

But the beloved actress was not in a joking mood on Friday night.

Speaking at the American Civil Liberties Union’s Stand for Rights benefit in New York City, the former 30 Rock star and current Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt producer couldn’t help but share her thoughts on Donald Trump.

Specifically, Fey shared her thoughts on the people who voted for Donald Trump.

Even more specifically, she shared her thoughts on one demographic in particular who voted for Donald Trump.

“A lot of this election was turned by white, college-educated women who now would maybe like to forget about this election and go back to watching HGTV,” Fey said as part of conversation with New York Civil Liberties Union executive director Donna Lieberman and ACLU deputy legal director Louise Melling.

The first part of that statement is a fact, as the number of educated women who cast a vote for Trump over Hillary Clinton really was astounding.

These individuals were somehow not turned off by Trump’s philosophy of just grabbing women by their pussy.

The second part of that statement, meanwhile, was a pretty harsh slam by someone such as Fey, who clearly picks and chooses her spots when it comes to getting involved in the political fray.

Go back to watching HGTV?

We love Fixer Upper as much as the next website, but that’s a clear dig at women who just sit at home, do very little during the day and don’t have any real idea of issues affecting most Americans.

Addressing this same set of females, Fey added:

“I would want to urge them … ‘You can’t look away’ because it doesn’t affect you this minute, but it’s going to affect you eventually.

“Again, open two windows. Do watch HGTV, but [don’t] turn our attention away from what is happening.”

It’s true: HGTV has some really entertaining television shows. But that really isn’t the point right now.

Earlier in the evening, ex-Saturday Night Live head writer took the stage at the fundraising event to speak out about women’s rights and to poke fun at the president and his administration.

“Did you know that women still only make one Ghostbusters movie to every two made by men?” she quipped.

“And men average Ocean’s Eleven for every Ocean’s Eight that goes to women. That is simply unacceptable.”

Just a few days ago, Vice President Mike Pence cast a tiebreaking vote in the Senate on legislation that will make it more difficult for women in rural areas to receive proper care.

“Right now it’s not just about fighting for progress,” Fey continued.

“Gains we’ve made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, [Vice President] Mike Pence isn’t allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him.

“So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears.”

That’s a pretty good joke.

It’s a reference to how the Vice President said his religion bans him from having dinner alone with any woman who isn’t his wife.

Sort of makes it hard for him to work with anyone of the opposite gender, doesn’t it?


Thursday, January 19, 2017

IHOP Slams Hillary Clinton Voters, Chain Cries "HACK!"

Wait a pancake-flippin minute, IHOP!

What just happened?!?

Based on a Tweet that"s gone viral, the breakfast-themed restaurant just slammed the heck out of millions of Hillary Clinton voters.

What did the chain say/do on social media to give this strong impression? And how is it trying to finagle its way out of this scandal?

Read on. Find out!

1. Good Morning… and Eff You!

Good morning and eff you

Excuse us, IHOP? This controversy started after the chain’s official Twitter account very clearly re-Tweeted a message from someone who thinks Clinton fans need to shut up, get over their bitter feelings and pretty much try do their part to #MAGA.

2. Prepare for That Pink Slip!

Prepare for that pink slip

As proven here (and in the messages below), this re-Tweet did not go unnoticed.

3. We Were Hacked!

We were hacked

Yes, IHOP used the old “We were hacked!” excuse. We’d love to meet the hacker who decided that it would be worthwhile to break into IHOP’s Twitter account, only to re-Tweet a single anti-Hillary message.

4. Can You Smell It, Twitterverse?

Can you smell it twitterverse

Smells like some prime BS, doesn’t it?

5. We Have So Many Questions

We have so many questions

Or, really, just one question.

6. The Cover-Up is Always Worse Than the Crime

The cover up is always worse than the crime

Someday, people may understand this.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Donald Trump: Electoral College Voters to Block President-Elect From White House?

In the two weeks since Donald Trump was elected president, the reality television star-turned political neophyte has done little to assure the millions who are concerned about his temperamental instability or his impractical and incendiary campaign promises that he is in fact prepared to assume the highest office in American politics.

In fact, the only time Trump made the slightest effort to convince those who didn’t vote for him that he still has their best interests at heart was during an interview with 60 Minutes,in which he half-heartedly called for his more extremist followers to stop engaging in race-based intimidation.

Other than that, Trump has shown little to know concern with regard to hate crimes committed in his name; he appointed a man with ties to the White Nationalist movement as his chief strategist; and he’s engaged in petty online feuds with the casts of SNL and Hamilton, despite the fact that his thin-skinned inability to withstand criticism has frequently led to doubts about his ability to lead.

On top of all that, his administration is still grappling with several disconcerting legal matters, such as Trump’s recent settlement of a $ 25 million fraud suit (despite promises to fight the charges in court); his charitable foundation’s admission of unethical and possibly illegal self-dealing in a 2015 tax filing; and concerns that Trump is already in violation of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause.

Candidate Trump promised Americans a more “presidential” Trump in the event that he should win the election.

With less than two months remaining until Inauguration Day, he has yet to deliver.

Now, an unexpected group of powerful protesters is making a last-ditch attempt to block Trump from assuming office.

While their efforts may prove too little, too late, they may also save future generations from demagogues seeking to con their way into public office.

According to the New York Post, at least six Democrats on the Electoral College are prepared to serve as “faithless electors” and abandon Hillary Clinton in order to vote for Republican candidates other than Trump.

There hope is that GOP electors will follow suit, thus costing Trump the 270 votes he needs to secure the White House, and sending the decision of who will be our next president to the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

As you’re probably, aware Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by more than 1.7 million votes, with several million more yet to be counted, most of them in Democratic strongholds, such as California.

The Democratic electors looking to block Trump have embarked on a quixotic mission, as it seems highly unlikely that they’ll be able to convince 37 of their GOP counterparts to jump ship and send the nation into an even worse state of political upheaval.

However, their efforts may bring attention to the problematic nature of the Electoral College, eventually leading to crucial reforms or even its abolishment.

“Reform going forward has a better chance of succeeding than this effort,” Kermit Roosevelt, a professor at University of Pennsylvania Law School, told The Post.

“Most people do think if you get more votes you should win the election.”

President-elect Trump has yet to respond to news of this latest effort to block him from office.

We imagine he’ll eventually share his views in a terse, 140-character statement to the American people.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Clinton vs. Trump -- More Voters Dislike Her ... The Donald Wins

Once America goes black, it can go back — Donald J. Trump will become the 45th President of the United States. Trump completed a shocking and historic upset of Hillary Clinton early Wednesday morning — taking her down in key…


Monday, April 18, 2016

Hillary Clinton to Voters: I"m Basically Beyonce

Hillary Clinton is expected to basically clinch her party’s nomination in Tuesday’s New York primary, but that doesn’t mean she’ll be easing up on the campaigning anytime soon.

The former secretary of state was up and at it bright and early this morning, doing some truly eyeroll-worthy pandering on Power 105.1’s The  Breakfast Club.

Asked by Charlamagne Tha God and company what one item she can’t travel without, HRC replied that she’s rockin’ that hot-sauce-in-her-bag swag, a la Beyonce. 

The following words actually came out of Mrs. Clinton’s mouth unironically:

“I’ve been eating a lot of hot sauce because I think it keeps my immune system strong.” When asked if she was pandering to black voters, Hillary replied, “Is it workin’?”

Look, we all know there’s very, very little that Hillary won’t do for a vote.

Just last month she posed for a photo with Caitlyn Jenner.

That may not seem like a big deal, but just three days prior, Caitlyn called Hillary a “f–king liar” on national television.

Despite that subtle critique (and the fact that she has more celebrity supporters than Botox), Hill plastered her signature fake grin on her face and buddied up to Caitlyn like was a Godlman-Sachs exec.

So it’s not exactly shocking that Hillary basically morphed into Iggy Azalea before our eyes this morning.

In fact, the only thing that’s surprising about this interview is the fact that she didn’t strap on some Beats by Dre headphones and spit a few freestyle bars.