Monday, November 2, 2015

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: FIRED From Speaking Gig Due to Scandals!

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar may be experts on home-schooling after educating their 19 offspring, but one prominent home education organization wants nothing to do with the scandal-plagued reality stars.

The Duggars were scheduled to speak at the Alberta Home School Association on in April, but were informed this week that they’d been fired from the gig.

As you’ve probably heard, Jim Bob and Michelle have taken a good deal of flak for their handling of the Josh Duggar sex scandal, and with good reason.

Not only did they help to hide his actions from authorities, Jim Bob defended the decision in an interview back in June.

As a result, the disgraced couple has asked not to attend a a Canadian convention for parents of home-cshooled kids, where they had previously been scheduled to give a speech.

“Although early feedback from our members this summer was supportive of having the Duggars come here, recent feedback from our own members points out that their appearance here would not be in the best interests of home educators,” AHSA president Paul van den Bosch said in a statement.

Apparently in response to claims that the Duggars are rebuilding their reputation and returning to television, van den Bosch offered this stinging rebuke:

“As we have learned, child abuse can happen in any home and is never ‘old news."”

The organization is absolutely right on that score, and while there’s nothing funny about Josh Duggar’s abuse of his own siblings, it’s hard not to be amused by the irony of this situation.

Prior to their recent string of scandals, most of the criticism of the Duggars involved the family’s tendency to cast judgment upon the beliefs and actions of those with whom they disagreed.

We hope Jim Bob and Michelle occasionally take time out from their comeback to consider the lessons that can be learned from their recent twists of fate.