Monday, November 2, 2015

Star Trek Reboot: Headed to CBS in 2017!

CBS has beamed up a reboot of Star Trek.

The network announced today that it will unveil a new version of this iconic series in 2017… but there’s a twist.

The premiere will air on the regular broadcast channel, but all subsequent episodes will air exclusively on CBS All Access.

For $ 5.99 per month, subscribes to CBS All Access (which already hosts every episode of every previous Star Trek program) offers thousands of episodes from CBS’ current and past seasons for your mobile device or tablet.

In announcing this significant piece of news, CBS Television Studios said:

“The brand-new Star Trek will introduce new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception in 1966.”

The original Star Trek starred William Shatner as Captain Kirk and took to the small screen solar system in September of 1966.

Future versions have included Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

“There is no better time to give Star Trek fans a new series than on the heels of the original show’s 50th anniversary celebration,” CBS Television Studios president David Stapf said in a statement.

“Everyone here has great respect for this storied franchise, and we’re excited to launch its next television chapter in the creative mind and skilled hands of Alex Kurtzman, someone who knows this world and its audience intimately.”

So now, of course, only one question remains:

Which actor or actress should serve as the new Star Trek captain?