Thursday, June 1, 2017

Jenelle Evans: I"m Never Speaking to My Mother Again!

Jenelle Evans has been quite the busy bee recently, hasn’t she?

She’s been getting into the trashiest feud of all time with David Eason’s sister, she’s been caring for three kids full time — her baby girl, Ensley, her toddler, Kaiser, and David’s daughter, Maryssa.

She’s also been losing her mind over the recent developments in her custody case over her first son, Jace.

Last week, Jenelle went to court with her mother, the legendary Barbara Evans, and while she’s always claimed she was going for full custody of Jace, she settled for mediation.

In the mediation, they decided on an official list of rules they were both required to follow when around Jace — things like “no drugs,” “no excessive drinking,” and “no fighting around him.”

You know, things you wouldn’t automatically know to do around a young child.

They also came up with a visitation schedule: now, Jenelle gets Jace every other weekend, some holidays, and for his summer vacation.

And according to a new interview Jenelle did with E! News, she’s super, super pumped about it.

She says that last Friday was the beginning of her first weekend with Jace in several weeks, and he stayed with her through Memorial Day.

“It felt amazing to finally be reunited,” she explains. “He was so happy he didn’t even know what to do when he first got home.”

“I was nervous a little bit because I didn’t want Jace thinking it was me that didn’t want to visit with him, but when he arrived everything was back to the way it used to be.”

By “the way it used to be,” we’re assuming she means the last time he came to visit her, not all the times in the past several years when she left him with Barb to party or to get arrested.

Jenelle says the visit was emotional her, and “I did cry but not around anyone except for David. I didn’t want any of the kids thinking I was upset.”

“Lots of hugs and kisses were going around all weekend!”

Perhaps we’re reading into this too much (though probably not), but it feels like Jenelle is trying to hard to make us all believe that Jace strongly prefers being with her.

Instead of, you know, the woman who raised him for eight years.

She says that while Jace was with her, he “acted as if he hadn’t missed a beat,” and that she “Couldn’t have asked for a better weekend.”

“Even though having all four kids on our weekends is a lot, I love being a mom and love the responsibility.”

What a lovely new development, right?

“I wouldn’t trade my life with anyone,” Jenelle continues. “Having them all together at once makes me so happy to see everyone playing and bonding.”

“Jace always gets along with everyone and adores David. David teaches Jace a lot of ‘guy’ things that I don’t even know about!”

“Not to mention Jace and David’s daughter are best friends,” she adds.

Sure, Jenelle.

It seems a little suspicious because up until now, Jace really hasn’t spent all that much time with David or Maryssa, but soon enough, that’s all going to change.

“My next visit with him is this upcoming weekend since his summer school break will begin,” she explains. “We are planning on taking the kids on vacation so that should be lots of fun!”

She’ll be able to do that since, believe it or not, she’ll have Jace all summer long. What could go wrong?!

As for poor Barbara, who’s never been apart from Jace for this long, and who’s also said that she’d planned for him to go to a summer camp that he was really excited about?

“I don’t have much interaction with Barbara anymore,” Jenelle says. “I only speak to her at our drop offs and that’s it.”

“I do not discuss the details of my life with her anymore and it will continue to be that way probably for the rest of my life.”

What a great big pile of sadness at the end of what would otherwise be a happy-ish story.

Oh, Jenelle, you really can ruin everything, can’t you?
