Thursday, August 24, 2017

Amber Portwood to Matt Baier: Leave Me ALONE!

We’ve heard all about it, we’ve seen the proof on social media, it’s official: Amber Portwood has herself a brand new boyfriend.

And while we don’t know too terribly much about this new fella, it’s already clear that he’s miles better than Matt Baier.

Which, to be fair, isn’t exactly a feat.

She’d have to really try to find a guy worse than Matt.

Like, she’d have to start perusing Indiana’s finest crack dens, or she’d have to start up a correspondence with Charles Manson.

But so far — on paper, anyway — this new guy, Andrew Glennon, actually seems to be a big catch for her.

He’s got a long-standing career in television production, he doesn’t have an arrest history, he doesn’t seem to have a slew of children that he fathered and then ghosted.

Basically, Amber and Andrew forever.

But still, even though it’s been a few months now since she dumped Matt, and even though she seems to have a great thing going with Andrew, Matt still can’t seem to let her go.

And, according to a new report from Hollywood Life, she has had it.

“She wishes Matt would just move on and leave her alone,” a source reveals.

“Amber gave Matt opportunity after opportunity to make their relationship work, but he just kept messing up.”

And isn’t that the understatement of the year?

We’d have probably dumped Matt after Farrah Abraham called her to let her known that he tried hooking up with her before he got with Amber.

Or when she found out that he’d lied to her about how many kids he had.

Or, at the very least, after she found out all those terrible things he’d said about her when she refused to marry him that time in Las Vegas.

“The relationship was toxic,” the source continues, “she could never trust him and they were constantly fighting.”

“She finally managed to get the strength to walk away from him for good, but he’s still trying to pull her back in.”

Terrifyingly enough, the source claims that Matt is “constantly calling and texting Amber, begging her to give him another chance, but she’s done with him.”

“He had his chance and he blew it.”

Boy, did he ever.

All this is definitely easy to believe, and not just because Matt is the worst.

Ever since we learned that Amber got herself a new boyfriend, Matt has been giving interview after interview about her to anyone who will listen.

He’s said that he can’t help but to “hold out hope for a reconciliation,” and that he misses her so much because she was his “best friend” and his “family.”

Which is funny, considering that he has multiple children that are his actual family that he doesn’t have anything to do with.

It seems like Matt is having a really hard time letting go of Amber — or at least he’s having a hard time letting go of that sweet Teen Mom gig.

Here’s hoping Amber is able to stay strong, because goodness knows how long it will take for him to finally slither away into oblivion for good.
