Showing posts with label Toddlers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toddlers. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Guns are Great Toys for Toddlers! Leave Me Alone!

If there’s one thing we can say about Jenelle Evans, it’s that she just never knows when to quit.

But, as you probably know, that’s not always a good thing.

Actually, we’d say that when it comes to this girl, it’s rarely a good thing.

And come to think of it, there’s been occasions when she did quit with varying results — she quit heroin that one time, which was great, but then there were all those times she quit trying to be a decent human being, which was not so great.

Look, this is getting a little convoluted, but all we’re trying to say is that Jenelle has a habit of getting herself into a pickle and then doing everything in her power, consciously or not, to make the situation worse.

And that’s exactly what she’s doing right now.

If you’ve been keeping up with Teen Mom 2’s hottest mess, then you know that she could be losing that title soon — there’s a good chance she could get fired from the show.

It all started a couple of weeks ago, when David shared that photo of Jenelle posing with a gun shortly after the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

When people began to point out that perhaps they should take down the photo out of respect, David refused, and he even mocked those that suggested removing the photo.

Because why be sensitive in the aftermath of such a tragedy when you’ve got big guns to pose with?

For a few days after that, David continued making dumb statements about guns, and eventually he decided to work a bit of homophobia in there as well.

He said some truly terrible things about gay and transgender people, and then he said more terrible things about anyone who dared to call him out for his backwards, ignorant ideas.

He told Chelsea Houska’s dad to “eat a bag of dicks” after he reported him to Twitter, for example.

So that happened, and David was fired from Teen Mom 2.

Jenelle hasn’t been fired yet, but as far as we know, that’s still a possibility. The word is that MTV is done filming her for the upcoming season anyway, so they have more time to decide what to do with her.

If you were Jenelle, god forbid, you’d probably being laying low, right? Trying to be quiet and inoffensive so you don’t lose your high-paying job that supports your entire family?

Trick question: if you were actually Jenelle, you’d just keep right on being awful.

Knowing full well that gun photos were what got her into this mess in the first place, Jenelle still shared these photos of Kaiser earlier this week:

And the photos did not get a positive reaction.

“This is very inappropriate given recent events and you should take it down,” one of her followers advised her.

Another commented “You might want to rethink this post in light of the recent school shootings. Clearly, it’s going to cause a problem. You make your own trouble.”

“So David gets fired over the photo he posted and u come on posting this?” someone else asked. “Like there’s nothing wrong with your son playing with a toy gun but we all know u did this for a reaction?”

“Using ur son too? Sweet move for more haters.”

Isn’t it though?

But despite all the criticism she got for the photos, Jenelle didn’t back down.

She responded to all the comments by explaining “This is a toy gun that I just bought Kaiser and he absolutely loves. Everyday he goes outside to ‘find something to hunt."”

“Let boys be boys. My kids are Country Boys so everyone needs to get over that part.”

There are so many things wrong with what she said that it’s hard to know where to begin, but let’s try anyway, OK?

One, since when were her kids “country boys”? Does her current soulmate determine her children’s identities? Because she was never into “country” stuff before David.

Also one of her kids is a girl?

Two, you can’t write off any valid criticism anyone has about your parenting with the saying “let boys be boys.” It’s not like all boys are required to like guns.

Three, she’s completely ignoring the fact that many people don’t even have an issue with Kaiser having a toy gun — it’s simply an issue of timing.

It’s not hard to not post photos like these when it could affect your livelihood, or after so many people were killed in such a tragic shooting.

As many of her followers pointed out, it’s pretty clear that she’s just looking for some attention with this.

Well, we hope you enjoy it, Jenelle. After all, if you get fired, you’ll only get so much more of it.


Monday, September 18, 2017

"Fuller House" Twin Toddlers Bank $9k Per Episode

The 2-year-old twins who play Tommy on “Fuller House” got cribs full o’ cash … because both boys are raking it in every episode. According to their contracts … Fox and Dashiell Messitt scored $ 9,000 each per episode for season 1 of the…


"Fuller House" Twin Toddlers Bank $9k Per Episode

The 2-year-old twins who play Tommy on “Fuller House” got cribs full o’ cash … because both boys are raking it in every episode. According to their contracts … Fox and Dashiell Messitt scored $ 9,000 each per episode for season 1 of the…


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Watch Toddlers and Tiaras Online: Check Out Season 7 Episode 3!

Did you catch the latest installment of Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC?

If not, have no fear. We’ve got you covered.

On Toddlers and Tiaras Season 7 Episode 3, Jaimie and Cambrie took their teams back to the west coast in order to get ready for a pageant run by Jaimie’s mom.

But things did not go so smoothly for… well… anyone.

Tensions on both sides flared when one parent got kicked off the team and another was accused of lying about her kid’s age. Sounds about right for this show, doesn’t it?

Use the video above to watch Toddlers and Tiaras online and find out more now.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Toddlers & Tiaras: Where are These Poor Kids Now?

Toddlers and Tiaras may be the most disgraceful show on television.

This statement is really not up for debate.

But what about the kids who once starred on this TLC reality program and then outgrew both the toddler phase and the tiara phase?

Let"s take a look at what some of them look like now…

1. Eden Wood

Eden wood

Wood is now 11 years old. She had a reality spinoff titled “Eden’s World” and has appeared in the occasional, very small show or movie.

2. Paisley Dickey

Paisley dickey

One of the most famous alums in show history. This star, who made headlines for dressing up like Julia Robert’s hooker character in Pretty Woman, is now in third grade.

3. Alana Thompson

Alana thompson

Who, you may be wondering?!? Honey Boo Boo. We all know about her TLC series, but did you know she’s now releasing rap albums?

4. Kayla Hatton

Kayla hatton

Famous (or infamous?) for doing a “twerk” during an episodic competition, Kayla is now a cheerleader at her school.

5. MacKenzie Myers

Mackenzie myers

Her most recent photo is from 2013. Sources say the former star has since taken a leave of absence from the pageant world and isn’t active on social media. (Good for her!)

6. Taralyn Eschberger

Taralyn eschberger

Taralyn is still active in pageants, sadly. Sje is 12 years-old.

View Slideshow

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Watch Toddlers & Tiaras Online: Check Out Season 7 Episode 2

We are off and running on Toddlers & Tiaras Season 7.

Or, to be more accurate, we are off and posing/strutting/dancing on Toddlers & Tiaras Season 7.

Following last week’s premiere, Toddlers & Tiaras Season 7 Episode 2 aired on TLC on Wednesday evening.

On this installment of the popular reality series, Cambrie’s kids were on point while Jaimie’s kids could not say the same thing at the Jungle Safari Pageant.

Elsewhere, Kallyn got really confused and Selyse wandered off stage. Uh-oh!

Where did things go from there?

Click on the video featured here to watch Toddlers & Tiaras online and find out now.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Lane Graves Alligator Attack: More Details Emerge On Toddler"s Fatal Injuries

The drowning of 2-year-old Lane Graves by an alligator at Walt Disney World’s Grand Floridian Resort still haunts members of the public two months later.

On the evening of June 14th, Graves was wading in the shallow waters of Seven Seas Lagoon, Disney’s man-made lake when an alligator snatched and dragged him underwater.

The little boy’s body was found by divers six feet under water the next day,  just 10-15 feet away from where he was attacked. 

Radar Online obtained a copy of the full autopsy, which rules the death as an “accident” and notes that Graves sustained fatal injuries to his “neck, scalp and skull.”

Graves, whose family was enjoying a movie night on the beach, was “dressed in a pair of blue shorts” with a disposable diaper underneath, “worn with a short-sleeved T-shirt emblemized with the American flag.”

The most severe injuries, according to the report, were around Graves’ head.

“The right side of the scalp,” the coroner noted, revealed “a vertically-oriented laceration measuring 2.3 x 0.3 cm.” with “a maximal depth of 0.4 cm.

“The skin on the left side of the hair-bearing scalp in the parietal region has two recent puncture wounds.”

Graves’ skull was fractured, and the coroner found “abrasions on his eyelid, eyebrow and jaw.”  He concluded that Graves “died as the result of cranio-cervical trauma and drowning.”

The alligator was eventually caught and killed by authorities.  Even though there is no swimming permitted in the lagoon, signs did not warn resort guests that alligators, snakes and other dangerous animals inhabited the waters. 

Prior to the accident, lounge chairs would be set up on the beach for people to sunbathe, and the resort also hosted movie nights, like the one the Nebraska-based Graves took part in before their son was killed.

Graves’ father, Matt tried to wrestle the boy out of the jaws of the alligator, but it was too late.

We continue to keep the Graves family in our thoughts.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Toddlers & Tiaras Promo: Next-Level Parenting Horror is Back!

"You have to have a good body, even at five years old."

Oh yes. Toddlers & Tiaras is back on TLC, and the nauseating spectacle is being cranked up about 10 notches from the looks of this trailer.

Seriously. This is next-level parenting horror here.

Toddlers and tiaras trailer the pint sized beauty queens are bac

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Louisiana Twin Toddlers Found Dead In Truck, Heat To Blame?

On Saturday, June 18th, Alisha Orr woke up from a nap in her Bossier City, Louisiana home, and couldn’t find her twin toddlers, Oliver and Aria, anywhere.  

Orr got in touch with her neighbor, Rhonda Williams to see if she had see the three-year-olds.

While Orr searched their backyard, Williams look into the family’s truck and found Aria.  

Williams attempted CPR, but told the Shreveport Times it was too late.

“Her jaws had locked. It was obvious she was gone.”

Williams thought Oliver may have had a fighting chance at the time.

“It may have been wishful thinking, but when I tried to do CPR on him, I thought I felt a thready pulse,” Matthews recalled.

Though details are sparse, the initial autopsy revealed that the twins may have died from heat-related issues, since temperatures in parts of the country recently have soared.  

It’s not known how they got into the car, or how long they were in there, authorities warned, as the investigation is ongoing.

“They were wonderful, happy kids,” she said.

“I pray every moment of the day for the family. They are good people, and they were good parents. I can’t imagine what they are going through.”

Alisha’s husband, Travis is a deputy with the Bossier Parish Sheriff’s department, and both parents were devoted to their three children (they also have a son, 8).

“You could see this took him to his knees,” Williams said of Travis.

“Everything he did, he did with the kids.”

The Sheriff’s department released a statement of support for the Orrs.

“We are saddened by the tragic loss suffered by the Orr family, and our hearts are heavy,” Bossier Sheriff Julian Whittington said.

“This is a very difficult time, but it’s even more so, as they are a part of our Bossier Sheriff’s Office family. Please keep Deputy Travis Orr and his family in your thoughts and prayers.”

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Endangered Gorilla Killed to Save Toddler’s Life: Who"s to Blame?

An employee at the Cincinnati Zoo shot and killed an endangered lowland gorilla on Saturday after a four-year-old boy slipped and fell into the animal"s enclosure.

A zoo official confirmed the incident during a press conference… and the Internet is now abuzz over who is to blame for this tragedy.

The following piece of surveillance footage depicts Harambe – a 17-year-old, 400-pound gorilla – grabbing the child and pulling him around its habitat.

This lasted for approximately 10 minutes, while the boy"s mother and many other zoo guests looked on in helpless horror.

Considering this a life-threatening situation, the zoo"s dangerous animal response team acted by fatally taking down the gorilla, according to Cincinnati Zoo Director Thane Maynard.

After the animal was shot with a rifle, the toddler was taken to Cincinnati Children"s Hospital.

He had non-life-threatening injuries and is expected to be just fine.

"The child was not under attack but all sorts of things could happen," Maynard said. "He certainly was at risk."

After the boy went under the railing, through a set of wires and over a moat wall, two female gorilla were called away from the scene.

However, the male gorilla went to the moat, picked up the kid and started to drag him through the water and all around.

Why were real bullets used over a tranquilizer?

Because the latter would take too long to take effect, Maynard explained.

Because the western lowland gorilla is a critically endangered species, zoo employees are in mourning today… even if understand why the shooting had to take place.

Others, however, wonder why this precaution had to be taken if the gorilla had done the child any harm after 10 minutes.

Watch the frightening video below and choose a side: did the employees do what needed to be done in order to save a child"s life?

Or should they have refrained from the fatal act because they understood Harambe would never have hurt the boy?

Cincinnati zoo gorilla killed to save toddlers life whos to blam