Monday, November 23, 2015

Jill Duggar Opens Up About Raising Her Son in Central America

We’re just a few weeks away from the premiere of Jill and Jessa: Counting On, and the Duggar sisters are promoting the 19 Kids and Counting spinoff by reaching out to fans through social media and their own personal websites.

Jessa Duggar just welcomed her first child, but this week all eyes are on Jill, as for the first time in over a week, she took to her blog to offer fans an update on her life as a new mom living in Central America.

It seems these days Jill’s life consists of learning Spanish, interacting with locals and enjoying all the “new tricks” that baby Israel is learning

“Last week, we were able to have my Spanish teacher and her two young sons (10 and 8 yrs. old) over to our place to watch, “Cuarto de Guerra” (“War Room”) and to have one of our favorite dinners, ‘Chicken Etti,"” Jill wrote in an blog entry posted earlier today.

“We talked about the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We were able to give her a Bible and she asked if she and I could study it together one hour a day in class.”

It’s interesting that Jill mentioned that she and Derick are taking Spanish classes, as their lack of linguistic knowledge was one of the reasons the Dillards were deemed unfit for missionary work the first time they applied.

They were reportedly instructed to take language lessons before they embarked on their mission, but they failed to do so. Better late than never, we guess!

Of course, the Dillards’ life isn’t all Bible study and conjugating verbs. Jessa says she and Derick are thoroughly enjoying life as first-time parents:

“Israel has been busy this week showing us new tricks! Every day for the last three days he has learned something new! First it was clapping, then crawling, pulling up into a standing position and waving!

“He is about to cut his first two teeth, so recently he has been a little fussier than normal. He is usually happy though and loves exploring new areas in the house now that he can move!”

Sounds like the Dillards are having quite the experience down there.

Based on Jill’s updates, a spinoff about her family’s life abroad is something we could get behind!