Friday, March 10, 2017

Farrah Abraham Reveals Identity of Kailyn Lowry"s Baby Daddy!

In the weeks since we first learned that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child, speculation about the father’s identity has run rampant.

Fans have different theories, and three clear frontrunners have emerged among the candidates.

No one really knows the truth except for Kailyn and the dad, but that’s not stopping Farrah Abraham from acting like the answer is right in front of us, and we’re all idiots for being unsure.

Hollywood Life recently asked Farrah if she has any info regarding the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy, and to the surprise of absolutely no one, her response was obnoxious:

“It’s not a secret, look and you will know,” Abraham told the site.

But … it is a secret?

Farrah acts as though she’s Kailyn’s confidant, but the two women barely know one another.

In all likelihood, she’s pretending to have inside info because she has a Trump-like allergy to the words “I don’t know/”

But just for fun, let’s examine Farrah’s statement, shall we?

She claims that the answer is right before out eyes, but there are two candidates who seem to have presented public evidence that they’re the mystery dad.

Farrah’s comment most likely refers to JC Cueva, the Teen Mom 2 producer who befriended Kailyn over the past season and is now rumored to be the father of her third child.

Kailyn and JC’s relationship has, in part, unfolded on camera, so that’s probably what Farrah means when she says “it’s not a secret.”

Then again she could be referring to the Kailyn’s dalliance with Chris Lopez.

In a recent Instagram live stream, Kailyn appeared to slip up and reveal that Lopez is the father, so maybe he’s the one Farrah is referring to when she says the answer is in front of our faces.

Of course, this may come as a shock, but it’s possible that Farrah just has no idea what the hell she’s talking about and she’s simply dodging the question so as not to appear out of the loop.

It’s important to remember that even if, for some reason, Farrah does know the answer, she’s still clueless with regard to just about everything else under the sun.

Never forget that, folks.
