Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kim Kardashian Reveals NEW Weight, Is Super Excited

OMG you guys, you know how, like, Kim Kardashian totally gained like a ton of weight when she was preggers?

And for a super long time it, like, messed up her life because, I mean, how could she even think of going out in public and stuff when she was so, ya know, ginormous?

But, like, ever since she gave birth to Saint in December, she’s been, like, totally good and eating carrots and working out like a beast and everything.

Bible, guys!

Ugh, I can’t keep talking like Kim. It’s giving me a headache.

So here’s what’s happened now. 

Kim is almost at her pre-pregnancy weight, and she’s extremely excited.

As in, ALL CAPS and excessive exclamation points excited.

The reality star shared her exuberance along with a photo of herself standing on a scale on Snapchat.

Kim Kardashian on scale

“YOU GUYS!!!! PRE BABY WEIGHT WAS 135!!!!!” she wrote.

So, according to arithmetic, she’s got 4.6 pounds to go. Huzzah!

The self-obsessed celebrity has been complaining about her desire, nay, need to lose weight ever since the umbilical cord was cut.

About a month ago, Kim gave fans an update, saying she had 28 pounds to go before reaching her goal weight.

But at the beginning of 2016, she said she wanted to get below her pre-pregnancy poundage.

“I gained 60 lbs during my pregnancy but have been an extra 10 lbs up for the last few years so it’s time to really get to my goal,” she wrote.

So I guess that makes it 14.6 pounds to go. Keep the kale coming, servants.

BTW, all this math is killing me. I’m a writer, here, folks.