Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Adam Lind: Refusing Rehab For Meth Addiction?

On the long list of all the deplorable boyfriends, husbands, and baby daddies who have graced the Teen Mom franchise with their presence, Adam Lind stands alone.

Lind isn’t just a deadbeat dad or an addict like so many of the other walking red flags that MTV regrettably made famous.

No, he’s those things and much, much more …

Lind tested positive for meth shortly before a scheduled visit with his daughter back in June.

Amphetamines generally don’t remain in the human body for very long, which means Lind was likely indulging just minutes before he was supposed to spend time with youngest daughter Paislee.

Yes, Lind smoked meth in preparation for hanging out with a 4-year-old.

Like we said, dude is next-level messed-up, and it seems he’s not open to receiving the kind of help he clearly needs.

According to Radar Online, Lind’s friends and family recently staged an intervention, but the father of two reportedly stormed off when his loved ones implored him to enter rehab.

“He won’t go,” said one insider.

“It’s bad. He’s so far off the deep end that his friends can’t even be around him anymore,” the source added.

There’s no word on whether or not Lind’s baby mamas, Chelsea Houska and Taylor Halbur, were in attendance at the intervention.

But given how strained relations Lind and his exes have been, we’re guessing both moms couldn’t make it.

Halbur has instigated legal action to strip Lind of all custody rights, including the right to supervised visits with Paislee.

Houska hasn’t gone quite that far, but she stated in a recent interview that she has taken steps to ensure her daughter’s safety.

“I am glad I took precautions and he isn’t allowed to drive with her,” Houska said.

“Before, there was no proof. You know you are making the right decision, but you question it.”

Lind has yet to comment on the allegations of drug use, but that’s probably for the best.

We don’t need another unhinged social media rant from reality TV’s worst baby daddy.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself how atrocious Adam really is.
