Showing posts with label Roque. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roque. Show all posts

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Matt Lauer Has to Pay HOW MUCH in Annette Roque Divorce?!

In November of 2017, Matt Lauer was accused of serious sexual harassment in the workplace, which included an allegation of rape. He was fired.

Annette Roque is divorcing him, and now we know what she’ll be getting in this hefty settlement.

Lauer is absolutely furious over how much he’s losing.

Us Weekly has the scoop on how much Matt Lauer’s divorce will cost him.

“He’s going to be forking out around $ 50 million in a settlement,” the insider reveals.

That is not the same thing as receiving $ 50 million in liquid currency. Only about half of that is cash.

“She will receive the horse farm,” the source explains.

Roque will also receive “their current residence and a one-time payment of $ 25 million.”

That’s a nice sum. It’s no surprise that Roque is keeping the house after she booted Lauer out of it.

“There will be no child or spousal support and they will split the costs for the kids,” the insider adds.

Lauer and Roque have three children together.

Jack is 16. Romy is 14. Their youngest, Thijs, is 11.

(Please do not make fun of kids’ names — they did not choose them)

So it sounds like they’ll be working hard to co-parent on an equal basis.

Incredibly, Lauer apparently feels like he got a raw deal.

“Matt is furious,” the insider reports. “He is essentially handing over half of his net worth to Annette.”

Isn’t that literally how divorce is supposed to work?

“He could fight for a better deal in court,” the source admits.

Lauer knows that he could contest this arrangement, “but that would only result in dragging this out longer.”

He wants to avoid a (divorce) war of attrition, the source says, “and negative headlines.”

Ugh. This isn’t the first time that we’ve heard people say that Lauer is obsessed with media coverage of his divorce.

But it gets worse.

“He is ready to move on with his life,” the insider reveals.

We’re sure that the various women at NBC whose careers may have been discouraged or sabotaged by his sexual harassment wish that they had so easily been able to move on.

What’s worse, though, is that Lauer actually thinks that people want to see him on TV again, the source says, “and truly believes that a television comeback is possible.”

Well, that’s gross. Remember, Lauer didn’t get fired for being a serial cheater. He was fired for sexual harassment. He was accused of rape.

There are a lot of people who believe that all rapists belong behind bars — at least.

It takes a hell of a lot of audacity for someone who has tens of millions of dollars and his freedom (post-divorce) to whine about dividing assets.

It takes nothing short of hubris to try to restart your television career after you’ve been exposed as a sex monster.

Good for Annette Roque for getting what was owed to her, though.


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Matt Lauer FINALLY Ousted From Home by Annette Roque

In the wake of Matt Lauer’s firing from NBC and the horrifying revelations about his behavior, his marriage has fallen apart.

For months now, Annette Roque has wanted Lauer out of her house. Now, it’s reported that he’s finally moved out.

But Roque apparently had to take drastic measures.

Us Weekly reports that Matt Lauer has moved out, at long last.

But their source reveals that he wasn’t exactly eager to go.

“Getting him to move out was quite daunting because Matt was refusing to leave.”

Despite Lauer and Roque’s divorce being underway, it sounds like he didn’t want to budge from the family residence.

And he apparently had one reason for dragging his heels.

“It was all about Matt, who expressed concern about how it would look to the media in the wake of being fired by NBC.”

As absurd as it sounds that he could be preoccupied with his public image, despite everything, that does fit in with reports that he believes that he has a second chance at his career.

The insider continues, saying that Lauer seems to not understand how all of this is hurting his family.

“Annette was simply at a loss for words because she had hoped that he would recognize this was best for her and the kids.”

Ultimately, she had to take drastic measures. The source says that she had to threaten legal action — which finally got him to pack his bags.

“Matt will always be more concerned about public perception and obviously doesn’t want to make headlines for being forced out of the house.”

It’s so sad to hear that he cares more about his image than about right and wrong.

Even with his departure, he’ll still be part of the lives of their children.

“Annette told him that there would never be any limitations on access to their kids.”

But things between the divorcing spouses are different. The source reports that they hardly communicate anymore.

“It’s minimal on good days.”

And the source continues, saying:

“But mostly nonexistent.”

All things considered, very few can blame Roque for not wanting to speak to the man who cheated on her. And adultery is the least of his alleged wrongdoings.

There have been reports that say that, despite everything, Matt Lauer believes that he can make a comeback.

Sure, most would like to believe that the man accused of multiple affairs, sexual harassment visited upon his subordinates, and of raping a woman in his office is as broken and ashamed as some have claimed.

But considering that Lauer reportedly used NBC as a hunting ground for years, going so far as to have a remote lock installed for his office door, it’s easy to believe that his worldview is so divorced from reality that he thinks that he can have a career again.

Perhaps he is thinking of the long history of men accused of doing evil, unforgivable things who somehow continue to have careers.

Convicted rapist Mike Tyson has his own show on Adult Swim. Woody Allen keeps making movies to critical acclaim. Chris Brown is still selling music. Johnny Depp is starring in the new Harry Potter movies.

But as much as those men are despised by many people, they weren’t exposed during the #MeToo movement. Matt Lauer was. Many hope that this will make the difference, and that he’ll never be able to claw his way back into social acceptance.

Contrary to what the reviled former NBC host might like to believe, Today is doing just fine without Matt Lauer.

In fact, ratings are higher than they’ve been in 5 years.

It’s possible that, one day, people will wax nostalgic about how awkwardly charming they found Lauer when he covered the Olympics and will be willing to forget what he was doing to his colleagues when the cameras weren’t running.

At the moment, however, many people familiar with the allegations against him don’t even want to look at him.

Annette Roque and her children are better off without having to share their home with him.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Matt Lauer and Annette Roque Begin Divorce Process

For almost 20 years, Matt Lauer was married to Annette Roque. Clearly, among Lauer’s many widely reported failings was his failure as a husband.

It’s long been suspected that Annette Roque is planning to divorce Matt Lauer, but her approach to this has seemed calm and careful. And quiet.

Now, reportedly, the divorce process has finally begun.

One of the biggest stories during these months of #MeToo was Matt Lauer being revealed and accused of being a serial harasser.

The shocking details of Matt Lauer giving sexual “gifts” and dropping his pants to demand sex acts from coworkers and underlings at NBC were enough.

But it didn’t stop at creepy stories about a button on his desk to remotely lock his office door, or at his alleged fondness for using NBC trips as a hunting ground, looking for young, pretty, ambitious staffers to invite — or lure — to his hotel room.

And then, of course, Matt Lauer was accused of rape

According to the allegations, he locked a woman in his office, bent her over, and only stopped his sexual assault after she lost consciousness.

Some divorces are started by mere cheating, not an international media scandal that leaves a once-beloved TV personality in disgrace.

Us Weekly reports that, after nearly two months of … whatever Annette Roque has been up to … she’s finally divorcing Matt Lauer.

“They’ve started the divorce process.”

For a while, many feared that Annette Roque was refusing to divorce Matt Lauer. Since then, however, she’s kicked Matt Lauer out of their family home in the Hamptons.


Clearly, something has changed.

Do you know what the weirdest part of this is, though?

It sounds like Matt Lauer is totally detached from reality. At least, from what we hope reality is.

Per their source:

“He thinks he can start fresh. In both his personal and professional life.”

We’re sure that he can date and even remarry. Sadly, he’s rich and famous, and some people don’t mind dating an accused rapist.

But … he really believes that he can salvage his career?

“He thinks he’ll be back on TV at some point.”

Maybe he’s right. After all, Johnny Depp is still somehow starring in movies even though we all know exactly what sort of man he is. And Woody Allen is still making movies.

As we said, Matt Lauer and Annette Roque were married for nearly 20 years.

Divorce can be hell, and there’s a decent chance that what’s currently a quiet divorce will grow contentious over time.

The couple has three children together: Jack, 16, Romy, 14, and Thijs, 11.

(Don’t make fun of their names; kids don’t choose their names)

Shortly after the Lauer story first broke, Annette Roque pretty much fled the country, and she brought Romy and Thijs with her.

Jack remained behind … we don’t know what to read into that other than that he’s 16.

This divorce will impact the children no matter what, but they’re at least old enough that they (particularly Jack and Romy) can probably have some sort of say when it comes to custody.

It’s difficult to tell how this divorce will go.

On the one hand, if we were for some reason advising Matt Lauer, we’d suggest giving his wife everything she asks for, quietly and politely. Surely he owes her that much, if not more.

On the other, the description that Us Weekly‘s source provides of Matt Lauer hardly meshes with the “broken, ashamed” description of him that we were so pleased to hear a while back. (Excuse my schadenfreude)

if he really thinks that his life can somehow go on as before, that people can still see him as a public figure and not as a sex monster who abused the trust of coworkers but also of the public, then he might fight to enforce the couple’s prenup.

We can hope that he makes the choice of a decent human being. But, given his alleged behavior in recent decades, we won’t hold our breath.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Annette Roque: Planning to Divorce Matt Lauer & Take EVERYTHING?!

The world now knows things about Matt Lauer’s shameful, inexcusable conduct that no one ever wanted to know but everyone needs to know.

His wife, Annette Roque, knows about them, too. For a wife, it must be a nightmare, just a rung or two below “husband turned out to be a serial killer.”

And it looks like she’s finally moving for a divorce … and may be planning to clean him out in the process.

Matt Lauer’s disgraceful behavior only recently came to light, but his alleged misdeeds have been going on for years.

Accusations of sexual harassment have him doing things like giving wildly inappropriate sex toy gifts, along with notes on how he wants to use them on the recipient. Or inviting a coworker into his office, dropping his pants, and scolding her when she balked instead of performing a sex act on him.

And of course using NBC work trips as almost a hunting ground for young, ambitious women who could be lured — or tricked — into coming to his hotel room.

Worst of all, Matt Lauer has been accused of rape. Of allegedly locking a woman in his office through his creepy desk button and just bending her over without her consent, only stopping when she passed out.

When NBC announced that they’d fired him over an incident that they had reason to believe was not isolated, investigators who’d been quietly working on their Lauer stories published what they knew.

In the aftermath of these horrifying revelations, Annette Roque fled the country with her youngest children.

We absolutely cannot blame her. Can you?

They’ve been married for two decades — if you look at older photos of them, Matt Lauer almost looks like he has hair in them — and though she’d reportedly not trusted him at times, it’s probably fair to say that she can’t have known the extent of his bad behavior.

And now her husband is one of the most infamous men on a very long list of recently exposed powerful men who are accused of using their wealth and positions to turn coworkers into victims.

That sounds unbearable.

Strangely enough, it appeared for a while there that Annette Roque was refusing to divorce Matt Lauer.

Reportedly, they were trying to make things work amicably for the sake of their children.

Honestly? That sounds like it would work if he’d just been a cheater, or even a famous cheater.

But he’s accused of wronging so many women, not just his wife. Some marriage counseling and a few months sleeping in the guest room aren’t going to fix that.

And it looks like Annette has finally, finally realized that.

Star reports that Annette Roque was seen meeting with lawyers, and their source says that a split announcement should be “coming any day now.”

It had been previously reported that Annette was spending a great deal of time “hiding out” at home, avoiding news, calls, and the internet because she already knew more than anyone ever wanted to about her husband.

Star suggests that Annette may not rest until, despite her prenup with Matt Lauer, she wrests a substantial sum from Matt Lauer in the divorce.

If that’s true, well, good for you, Annette.

Annette filed for divorce from Matt Lauer, however briefly, back in 2006.

At the time, her attorneys claimed that her husband treated her in an inhumane manner, but it’s been pointed out that New York law at the time didn’t allow divorce over irreconcilable differences, so if you wanted a divorce, you had to accuse your spouse of being a toxic jerk in order to establish grounds.

(Honestly, it’s weird that any court could ever set standards for whether or not a couple can divorce)

And they reconciled a week later.

Still, if there were ever a time to do well in a divorce (and prenups are seldom as ironclad as people imagine), it’s when your husband has just been accused of being absolute scum.


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Matt Lauer: Wife Annette Roque REFUSING to Divorce Him?!

So, Matt Lauer has been fired for sexual misconduct and is now at the center of a scandal after countless stories of sexual harassment and other creepy, unacceptable behavior emerged about him.

Even so, he"s apparently trying to keep his life from falling apart. Specifically, as you"ll see in the video below, Lauer is trying to keep his marriage together.

That could be challenging, especially since his wife fled the country when news broke of his many misdeeds.

Matt lauer wife annette roque

For decades, Matt Lauer masqueraded as a pillar of the broadcasting community.

In many ways, viewers perceived him as something like "America"s Dad." He was awkward, but in a way that many people found to be endearing.

Endearing enough that most viewers were apparently happy to overlook his creepier moments — like his infamously bad interview with Ann Hathaway.

All of that changed when the news broke of Matt Lauer"s firing.

Though he was fired for the harassment of one employee, NBC admitted that they had reason to believe that it was not isolated.

And now that we"ve heard details about Matt Lauer"s sex toy "gifts" and pants-dropping and worse, it looks like they were right about that.

Matt lauer looks dour

We heard about how Matt Lauer allegedly leveraged his position within NBC to pressure women into performing sex acts.

This included treating NBC trips, such as for the Olympics, as his own personal hunting ground, identifying ambitious and attractive young NBC employees and either inviting or luring them to his hotel room.

Reportedly, he gave a female coworker a sex toy as an unsolicited "gift" … and made it immeasurably worse by including a note about how he"d like to use it on her.

Another time, he"s said to have invited a colleague into his office and dropped his pants, presenting his genitals to her … and later chastising her for not performing a sex act.

We heard about Matt Lauer"s creepy button, installed on his desk at his request, that would remotely lock his office door.

That button figured into one woman"s grim accusation that Matt Lauer raped her, as he apparently did not begin propositioning her until after he had already locked his office door.

(And, from her description, it sounds like he stopped asking anything altogether, and only unlocked the door sometime after she passed out during the assault)

We"ve mentioned this before, but there are comedian brothers known as the McElroys who suggest, as a general rule, to never ask out a woman in a situation when she couldn"t run away.

Not in an elevator, not on a car ride, not when she"s a cashier or barista, and definitely not just after you remotely locked the door to your office.

Matt lauer smirks

As we mentioned, Lauer"s wife, Annette Roque, fled the country with the couple"s two youngest sons in the immediate aftermath of the scandal.

(We don"t think that her leaving their 16-year-old behind necessarily signifies anything beyond the fact that every 16-year-old would rather stay home alone than go visit family in Europe)

That was an understandable reaction.

Learning that your husband is a cheater is hard — that alone is enough to end plenty of marriages.

But for your husband to be outed as a serial predator in one of the biggest stories of a scandal-filled year?

That"s almost unimaginable.

Matt Lauer offered a vague apology without really admitting to any significant wrongdoing. He spoke about being embarrassed and ashamed in the same breath as he claimed that at least some of the charges are false.

That was public. In private, we"re sure that he"s been trying even harder to apologize to his wife. Strangely, it seems to be working.

Matt lauer at nbc

As you can see in the video below, E! News reports that Matt Lauer and Annette Roque are trying to make their marriage work.


Apparently, they believe that it will be best for their children.

If this were just an embarrassing cheating scandal, we"d be inclined to agree — if the couple had made nice and just needed to wait out the public embarrassment.

But the Matt Lauer scandal isn"t about him having a bunch of mistresses. It"s about him having a bunch of victims.

Women who fled from promising careers after he allegedly preyed upon them. Women who may have missed out on well-deserved promotions because they turned him down.

And a woman whom he allegedly locked in his office, bent over a chair, and raped.

Even if he manages to avoid hard-to-prove charges for sexual assault, which he very well may (just look at Bill Cosby!), Matt Lauer could be faced with a number of lawsuits in the near future.

If we were friend with Annette Roque, we"d advise her that she doesn"t need to leave the country to avoid the coming storm. But she might want to go ahead and leave her husband.

He might lose everything.

Matt lauer wife annette roque refusing to divorce him