Thursday, August 10, 2017

Anna Duggar: Is She Refusing to Follow Josh Duggar"s Rules?

Back in April, a photo of Jinger Duggar wearing pants surfaced on social media, and many fans posited that the pic signaled the start of a rebellion for Jinger and her long-oppressed sisters.

Months later, however, the revolution seems to have stalled, as the women of the Duggar clan have chosen to stick to the draconian dress code devised by their parents.

But that doesn’t mean that Jinger’s gesture of independence hasn’t planted the seeds of insurrection elsewhere in her family.

The above photo was posted to Jinger’s Instagram page earlier this week.

It’s one of many pics that Jinger posted from her recent visit to Little Rock.

The woman who accompanied her to the Arkansas State Capitol Building remains unidentified, but some fans have a theory about Jinger’s pants-clad traveling companion.

“Girl on left – Anna???” commented one fan.

“Anna could be a fit for the woman on the left. But I doubt, she would ever wear pants!” wrote another.

Yes, many believe they’ve solved the mystery of “the girl on the left” (probably also the title of a bestselling thriller hitting bookstores this fall).

We know that Jinger spent some time with Anna during her trip to Little Rock, and the photo above is being cited as further evidence that Josh’s wife has joined the Pants Party.

That’s Josh and Anna’s daughter Meredith seen rocking a pair of tiny jeans in 2015.

It’s hard to believe, but typically, the Duggars’ no-pants rule extends to very young children.

So Anna allowing her daughter to wear jeans may be an indication that she agrees with the rest of the world that Jim Bob and Michelle’s dress code is completely idiotic.

And if anyone would have reason to reject some of the rules and values with which the Duggar children were raised, it would be Anna.

Despite the frequent Josh and Anna divorce rumors, the couple is still together and expecting their fifth child.

But now that her husband’s been caught engaging in multiple acts of sexual impropriety (some of them criminal), it stands to reason that Anna would start making some changes in their relationship and, quite literally, wearing the pants.

So is that really Anna rocking a pair of Levi’s next to Jinger in that photo?

We may never know for sure, but we’re cheering her on if it is.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
