Showing posts with label Bree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bree. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2016

Bree Olson: Charlie Sheen"s Regrets Her Career Choice

Your heart breaks a little for Bree Olson, who"s only claim to fame is being one of Charlie Sheen"s "goddesses."

Olson spoke candidly about the shame she feels as a woman in adult entertainment in a video for Real Women, Real Stories.

"I came from the adult industry but then I transitioned into the mainstream industry but I encountered a lot of issues with my transition and people not accepting me into the mainstream world," Olson said, adding that she had wanted to do porn since she was a teenager.

"The names that people have called me, it"s as if if you could take out those names and print them and put a ribbon around my whole body of all the names and things that people say to me on the internet, that"s how I feel when I walk outside the door.

"The words are something that I didn"t expect to affect me in my everyday life, so when I go out I feel as if I"m wearing "slut" across my forehead.

"So I have really got into the point where there are days to weeks at a time where I don"t leave my house because I don"t feel like facing the world of what has been created out there for me."

A career in porn proved lucrative for Olson, but the stigma attached to it isn"t worth it, she admits.

""I gave up between $ 30,000 and $ 60,000 a month and I could just go back to porn today and still make that. "I could go back to porn and make $ 20,000 just in one week if I wanted to this week and I don"t because that"s how much I don"t want my photos on the internet."

"People treat me as if I am a pedophile," she said.  "They don"t treat me like an ex-sex worker, they treat me like I would somehow bring damage to children."

Watch the video below for more on Olson"s interview.


Bree olson charlie sheens ex says porn ruined her life

Friday, November 20, 2015

Natalie Kenly Hates on Bree Olson, Defends Charlie Sheen

Natalie Kenly continues to stand up for Charlie Sheen.

The former “goddess” – who dated Sheen in 2011 during the height of his warlock days – said soon after Sheen revealed his HIV diagnosis that she harbored no ill will toward him.

Kenly explained that Sheen kept the disease a secret during their relationship, but whatever. She’s still all good with the actor.

This is a stark contrast to the words of Bree Olson, a porn star who also slept with Sheen a lot and who has blasted the star for not coming clean about his dirty bill of health to her back in the day.

Sheen’s manager, however, has said that Sheen simply did not have HIV when he was dating Olson.

“I knew Charlie as the man, and not the myth or the legend,” Kenly tells Entertainment Tonight.

“Charlie didn’t pay me to keep quiet about his HIV diagnosis or anything else. I was tested.

“I’ve been tested several times since then, and I also don’t believe I was around when he was diagnosed or contracted the virus.”

Why does Kenly think Olson takes such a different point of view?

Why does she think Olson recently labeled Sheen a “monster” in a chat with Inside Edition?

Because Olson is an adult film actress, that’s why, Kenly reasons.

“The industry that Bree is in, this is devastating to her career,” Kenly says. “I think that’s why she’s so angry.”

Olson told Inside Edition that Sheen discovered his HIB status “when him and I were living together,” yet didn’t inform her at any point.

“He is a monster, and he put my life in jeopardy along with hundreds – or potentially thousands – of other women’s lives,” she said.

Jenny McCarthy is also really pissed at Sheen. For reasons that remain a tad less clear.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Charlie Sheen Did Not Tell Bree Olson About His HIV Because...

Through his manager, Charlie Sheen has a very simple message for Bree Olson:

Calm the heck down.

As anyone with an Internet connection and/or a television set knows by now, Sheen admitted to Matt Lauer on Tuesday morning that he has HIV.

The actor told the host that he was diagnosed with this potentially fatal disease about four years ago, which was right around the time he was “winning” and drinking “tiger’s blood” and dating Olson.

Sheen also told Lauer, however, that every woman he’s slept with since his diagnosis was informed previous to their bedroom romp that the star was HIV positive.

But Olson immediately went on Howard Stern and went off on Sheen, saying he’s a liar and he could have killed her because, no, he did NOT inform her of his health status.

There’s a perfectly good explanation for this, though. According to Sheen’s manager… his client did not tell Olson because there was nothing to tell her during their relationship.

“Bree Olsen was with Charlie in March and April of 2011 when he fired her from the [Violent Torpedo of Truth] tour,” Mark Burg says in a statement to E! News.

“Charlie was not HIV positive at that time and tested negative two times after he got back from the tour.

“He didn’t tell her because he wasn’t HIV positive at the time. He has not spoken to her since April 2011.”

This would help explain why Olson is not HIV positive, a fact she reiterated on Twitter last night.

“I thought by doing 1 radio & 1 television interview- this would stop, but it hasn’t,” she wrote. “I DO NOT HAVE HIV. I AM HIV NEGATIVE.”

Neither Brooke Mueller nor Denise Richards have been diagnosed with the disease, either, thank goodness.

But reports indicate this issue will remain a problem for Sheen, as six women have allegedly hired legal representation and plan on suing the star for endangering their lives through HIV-related sex.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Charlie Sheen: Bree Olson is a Liar & I"m Leaving the Country!

It’s been quite a day for Charlie Sheen. It all kicked off this morning when Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive in an interview with Matt Lauer.

Not surprisingly, that was just the start of the drama for Sheen, as the guy’s been known to have a one-night stand or two over the years, and some of his former partners say they weren’t aware of his condition.

The most vocal critic of Charlie’s chosen method of handling the situation is retired porn star and former Sheen “goddess” Bree Olson, who says Sheen never told her he was ill, despite the fact that they “slept together every night.”

Thankfully, Olson is not HIV positive, but she’s understandably pissed that Sheen kept such important information from her.

“I could be dead right now!” Olson said in an interview with Howard Stern this morning. “I could literally be dead right now because he did not tell me that!”

Now reps for Sheen are claiming that the actor wasn’t aware of his illness until after he completed his 20-city “Violent Torpedo of Truth” tour in 2011, which began several weeks after Olson broke things off.

In any event, you can be sure that Sheen will be hearing from Olson’s lawyers in the very near future – if they can track him down.

Radar Online is now reporting that Sheen has placed his Mulholland Estates mansion up for sale and is planning on leaving the United States for good.

“He wants to leave the United States,” says one insider. “He says he’s giving up.”

Yikes. We doubt that Sheen will carry through with his plan to flee the country, but whatever he does, we hope he’s not planning to give up.

It’ll be a hard road ahead, to be sure, but if anyone’s up to the challenge, it’s the MaSheen.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bree Olson: Porn Star Worked as Kendall & Kylie Jenner"s NANNY?!

If the name Bree Olson sounds familiar, it’s likely for one of two reasons:

Either you’re a porn aficionado with a stocked roster of fantasy favorites (We’re not here to judge.), or you remember the brief period when Olson was one of Charlie Sheen’s “goddesses.”

Olson’s time in the mainstream spotlight was short-lived as Sheen dumped her in the midst of his infamous 2011 meltdown.

However, it now seems that wasn’t the first time that Olson nearly broke out of the porn ghetto and landed a spot on the gossip A-list. 

Radar Online is reporting today that Olson was hired by the Kardashians in 2007. Her job? To look after the famous clan’s youngest tykes:

Yes, the website claims that in his new book about the Kartd clan, celebrity journalist Sean Smith writes that Olson was hired to work as Kendall and Kylie Jenner’s nanny.

Or, more accurately, she was hired to pretend to be the girls’ nanny for the benefit of reality show cameras.

“Bree was hired for one day and spent 15 hours being filmed at the house,” Smith claims. “The producers told Bree exactly what to do…She was told to go into Kris’s closet and try on her jewelry.”

But while Olson was essentially hired for an acting job (We’re guessing she was more photogenic than the family’s actual nannies. Sigh.), she ended up staying longer than expected, and she engaged in some unexpected interactions with Kendall and Kylie.

“When filming stopped, [Kendall and Kylie] went on their computer to show Bree a puppy they were excited about getting.” Smith writes.

“When the producers sent Bree down to the pool to sunbathe, the girls followed and asked her to play [in the pool] for an hour.”

We are shocked – SHOCKED! – that at the tender ages of 11 and 10, Kendall and Kylie we’re being taught that having sex on camera is a viable career option, and…Oh, wait the Kim Kardashian sex tape came out that same year. Never mind!