Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bree Olson: Porn Star Worked as Kendall & Kylie Jenner"s NANNY?!

If the name Bree Olson sounds familiar, it’s likely for one of two reasons:

Either you’re a porn aficionado with a stocked roster of fantasy favorites (We’re not here to judge.), or you remember the brief period when Olson was one of Charlie Sheen’s “goddesses.”

Olson’s time in the mainstream spotlight was short-lived as Sheen dumped her in the midst of his infamous 2011 meltdown.

However, it now seems that wasn’t the first time that Olson nearly broke out of the porn ghetto and landed a spot on the gossip A-list. 

Radar Online is reporting today that Olson was hired by the Kardashians in 2007. Her job? To look after the famous clan’s youngest tykes:

Yes, the website claims that in his new book about the Kartd clan, celebrity journalist Sean Smith writes that Olson was hired to work as Kendall and Kylie Jenner’s nanny.

Or, more accurately, she was hired to pretend to be the girls’ nanny for the benefit of reality show cameras.

“Bree was hired for one day and spent 15 hours being filmed at the house,” Smith claims. “The producers told Bree exactly what to do…She was told to go into Kris’s closet and try on her jewelry.”

But while Olson was essentially hired for an acting job (We’re guessing she was more photogenic than the family’s actual nannies. Sigh.), she ended up staying longer than expected, and she engaged in some unexpected interactions with Kendall and Kylie.

“When filming stopped, [Kendall and Kylie] went on their computer to show Bree a puppy they were excited about getting.” Smith writes.

“When the producers sent Bree down to the pool to sunbathe, the girls followed and asked her to play [in the pool] for an hour.”

We are shocked – SHOCKED! – that at the tender ages of 11 and 10, Kendall and Kylie we’re being taught that having sex on camera is a viable career option, and…Oh, wait the Kim Kardashian sex tape came out that same year. Never mind!