Showing posts with label Because…. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Because…. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Selena Gomez: SLAMMED on Twitter Because...

Selena Gomez tried to come to the defense of her best friend yesterday.

But she failed in pretty spectacular fashion.

Gomez, of course, is extremely close with Taylor Swift.

And Swift is having, like, the worst week in celebrity history, culminating early yesterday when Kim Kardashian released Snapchat videos of Kanye West speaking to her on the phone.

The topic of the call is Kanye’s song, “Famous,” and the references he makes about Swift at various points within the single.

Soon after the song went viral, Swift pleaded innocent, angry and confused, saying she was irate that Kanye would diss her in such a manner.

(For example, West refers to Taylor as a “bitch” in the song and says he made her “famous.”)

Not long after the Internet nearly exploded due to a beef between the world’s biggest pop star and world’s biggest reality star, Selena spoke out.

“There are more important things to talk about…” the artist Tweeted. “Why can’t people use their voice for something that fucking matters?”

Selena Gomez Tweet

Gomez isn’t wrong.

Of course there are more important things we can discuss than Taylor Swift, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.

But people are capable of talking about more than one thing at once… plus, come on now.

This is a very silly response to a celebrity gossip flap, especially when Selena herself appears on magazine covers and gives interviews in which she talks about such pressing world topics as her music and her relationship with Justin Bieber.

As many critics on Twitter pointed out: when was the last time Selena brought up these “important things” online?

“Good question! Why haven’t you or Taylor not said a thing about #BlackLivesMatter or police brutality?” one fan responded.

Gomez slammed the follower by replying as follows:

“Oh lol so that means if I hashtag something I save lives? No, I could give two f—s about ‘sides.’ You don’t know what I do.”

Again, that’s fair. Gomez may do some very important charity work away from the computer.

But the subject here is what people write about on social media and Gomez should have seen this backlash coming.

“I love you but how about you use it as well to talk about what matters? you haven’t spoke up about a lot of things,” another follower wrote. 

Gomez is the most popular user on all of Instagram.

She doesn’t have to use this platform to speak on important subject matters.

But she can’t tell other people to do so just because she’s unhappy with the way they’re insulting her close friend.

We admire Gomez for standing by Swift in her time of need; she just could have done it in less hypocritical fashion.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Emma Watson to Take Year Off From Acting Because...

Emma Watson just made an announcement that likely made Demi Lovato very proud.

Over the weekend, Lovato slammed Taylor Swift for only donating money here and there, saying her fellow singer tries too hard to be “politically correct” and does not use her platform to truly assist with feminist issues.

But no one would ever say this about Emma Watson.

As well-rounded and as grounded as any young celebrity our there, the Harry Potter star tells Paper Magazine that she is about to embark on a year away from the camera.

She lists two reasons why.

“My own personal development is one,” Watson explains. “My own personal task is to read a book a week, and also to read a book a month as part of my book club.

“I’m doing a huge amount of reading and study just on my own… I’m reading a lot this year, and I want to do a lot of listening.”

Yes, Emma Watson is taking a break from acting in order to read. 

But that’s not all.

She wants to read and she wants to educate herself with far grander goals in mind.

“I want to listen to as many different women in the world as I can,” Watson continues.

“That’s something that I’ve been doing on my own, through the UN, the HeForShe campaign, and my work generally. This January, our HeForShe IMPACT champions are ten CEOs who for the first time will be releasing to the media what their companies look like internally.

“So how many CEOs are male or female, the gender wage gap. We’ll be making all of these statements completely transparent, which is huge. It’s never been done before.

“So big companies like Vodafone, Unilever and Tupperware will be standing up to the media and really acknowledging the issues within their own companies and talking about how they are planning to address these issues as HeForShe IMPACT champions.

“I’m very interested and excited to see how that works out. I’ll also take another field trip in the next two or three months. We are organizing a HeForShe arts week, a university tour, and launching the HeForShe website.

“It’s a lot. There’s a lot to do.”

There’s a lot to do when you are a star who cares sincerely about making the world around you a better place, absolutely.

We’ll miss you on the big screen, Emma Watson.

But we wish you the absolute best.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Charlie Sheen Did Not Tell Bree Olson About His HIV Because...

Through his manager, Charlie Sheen has a very simple message for Bree Olson:

Calm the heck down.

As anyone with an Internet connection and/or a television set knows by now, Sheen admitted to Matt Lauer on Tuesday morning that he has HIV.

The actor told the host that he was diagnosed with this potentially fatal disease about four years ago, which was right around the time he was “winning” and drinking “tiger’s blood” and dating Olson.

Sheen also told Lauer, however, that every woman he’s slept with since his diagnosis was informed previous to their bedroom romp that the star was HIV positive.

But Olson immediately went on Howard Stern and went off on Sheen, saying he’s a liar and he could have killed her because, no, he did NOT inform her of his health status.

There’s a perfectly good explanation for this, though. According to Sheen’s manager… his client did not tell Olson because there was nothing to tell her during their relationship.

“Bree Olsen was with Charlie in March and April of 2011 when he fired her from the [Violent Torpedo of Truth] tour,” Mark Burg says in a statement to E! News.

“Charlie was not HIV positive at that time and tested negative two times after he got back from the tour.

“He didn’t tell her because he wasn’t HIV positive at the time. He has not spoken to her since April 2011.”

This would help explain why Olson is not HIV positive, a fact she reiterated on Twitter last night.

“I thought by doing 1 radio & 1 television interview- this would stop, but it hasn’t,” she wrote. “I DO NOT HAVE HIV. I AM HIV NEGATIVE.”

Neither Brooke Mueller nor Denise Richards have been diagnosed with the disease, either, thank goodness.

But reports indicate this issue will remain a problem for Sheen, as six women have allegedly hired legal representation and plan on suing the star for endangering their lives through HIV-related sex.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sandra Bullock"s Unlucky In Love Because…

She’s a fixer!! Listen and then chime in with YOUR thoughts! Check out more at and subscribe on iTunes to The PHP: Perez Hilton Podcast.