Showing posts with label Clue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clue. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Tristan Thompson"s D.C. Makeout Chick Had No Clue Khloe Was Pregnant

One of the chicks Tristan Thompson made out with back in October says she had no idea he was serious with Khloe Kardashian … much less that she was having his baby. The woman’s name is Marie — she’s the one on the left in the…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Jana & Joy-Anna Duggar Drop Clue That Counting On Is NOT Canceled!

For several weeks now, we’ve been hearing reports that the Duggar family’s reality show, Counting On, had been canceled amidst declining ratings and growing controversy.

The rumor was the result of little more than silence from both the Duggars and TLC with regard to a renewal of the long-running series, but that was enough to send some fans into a state of premature mourning.

After all, if the show had been canceled, it wouldn’t come as too much of a shock.

Criticism of the Duggars has grown louder in recent months thanks to transphobic comments made by Derick Dillard during a series of bizarre social media tirades.

But the family has survived countless scandals in the past, and it looks as though the Duggars will successfully weather this latest storm, as well.

According to a new post from the ever-popular Duggar news Facebook page Life Is Not All Pickles and Hairspray, Joy-Anna and Jana Duggar were recently spotted filming scenes at an Arkansas beauty salon.

The page even posted photo evidence to prove that the girls are currently filming:

Pickles and Hairspray also shared an extensive list of things that we can expect to see on the show this season, along with a few things we most certainly will not see.

That list includes, of course, Josh Duggar and Derick Dillard (the former is still in exile, the latter has either been fired by TLC or quit the show of his own volition, depending on whom you believe).

Apparently, we also won’t see any of the Duggar girls wearing pants, even though several of Jim Bob and Michelle’s daughters have been favoring a more modern sartorial style in recent months.

The page sardonically informs fans that they also won’t be seeing, “The real religious views of the Duggars even though they consider the show their Christian ministry.”

Burn. Needless to say, Pickles isn’t exactly Jim Bob’s favorite Facebook page.

But hey, Duggar fans are likely just ecstatic that they’ll soon be treated to another season of fundamentalist hijinks.

There’s been no official word regarding a premiere date as of yet, but TLC sources have indicated that the show will return in spring of 2018.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for what should be a gloriously Derick-less season.


Saturday, December 9, 2017

DJ Mustard Says He Had No Clue Friend Brought Gun to LAX

DJ Mustard showed up at LAX Friday night with a friend who got arrested for packing a loaded gun in his carry-on, but DJ Mustard says it was all news to him.  TMZ broke the story … Mustard and his pal were both detained after TSA found a…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Counting On Renewed By TLC?! New Clue Revealed!

Rumors are swirling, saying that Counting On has been canceled, with even the Duggars hinting that TLC is ghosting them and refusing to give the family any direct answers.

Derick Dillard’s anti-trans attacks against Jazz Jennings got so bad that he’s been fired, but did he drag the rest of his extended family down with him?

Maybe … or maybe not. One report suggests that Duggar fans who want a seventh season might have great news on the horizon.

When 19 Kids and Counting became too controversial to stay on the air, the Duggars — for the most part — moved over to Counting On, a companion series about the young, adult daughters of the Duggar family and their marriages, lives, and children.

But Counting On has, well, never really gotten the sort of ratings that 19 Kids and Counting once enjoyed.

Maybe the novelty of a fundamentalist fertility cult existing on society’s fringes and condemning their children to share their values and their extreme lifestyle had worn off.

Or maybe, just maybe, Josh Duggar molesting five young girls, including four of his own sisters left a lot of viewers too disgusted to continue watching.

Josh might not have shown up on camera, but you can’t talk about the Duggars without talking about Jim Bob and Michelle, and they’re the ones who hid Josh’s evil crimes from the world.

So, has TLC finally decided to pull the plug or give the series the axe or whichever analogy you prefer?

Maybe … and maybe not.

So, John Rotan is Counting On‘s director of photography.

(Yes, reality shows have directors — there’s more to it than just a couple of cameras and some very creative editors)

The Christian Post reports that Rotan was at Thanksgiving with the Duggars, and you wouldn’t think that he’d be there for the food.

(Because what would you call the parts of a turkey in that kind of company? Refer to “turkey breast” in that crowd and Jim Bob might get mad and Josh might excuse himself to the bathroom)

It’s said that John Rotan even captured some footage for the series, which really spikes people’s hopes for Season 7.

(Or Season 2, as some people consider it to be a separate series with its shorter title)

However, that doesn’t mean that diehard Duggar viewers are out of the woods.

First of all, we cannot even describe the number of internet “hoops” that we jumped through to try to find a source for the news that John Rotan visited the Duggars and filmed with them.

What we found wasn’t an interview, but instead a statement that John Rotan reportedly said on social media:

“Yeah…those Duggar Thanksgiving dinners! #foodbaby #kiddingnotkidding.”

That quote was cited by Blasting News, who said that the comment “gave the feeling” that Rotan was perhaps there to film the Duggars.

In the long game of telephone that is the internet, that comment has transformed into confirmation that the Duggars filmed for a seventh season

Let’s not put the cart before the horse, folks.

The fact of the matter is that we just don’t know. The Duggars may have invited their cinematography director as a courtesy. There is no guarantee that he filmed anything at all.

Besides, filming does not always guarantee a new season. Not when TLC might be canceling them over more than just ratings.

They fired Derick Dillard for his repeated, angry attacks against Jazz Jennings and the transgender community.

Jazz, in particular, is a teenage girl and a fellow TLC star. if you’re gonna pick a fight with a minority group online, maybe don’t target a high school student when you’re a grown-ass adult.

And definitely don’t insult someone else who stars on your network. Executives don’t like to hear that.

As we said, Derick’s been fired, but since the “Dillard family” continues to attack the very existence of the transgender community in a very public manner … we can’t help but wonder if TLC is ready to say goodbye to the Duggars.


Monday, October 9, 2017

DJ Clue: Jason Aldean Shoulda Gone to UFC 216, "F**k That SNL Money"

Jason Aldean turning down UFC 216 to do “Saturday Night Live” was a bad move — so says DJ Clue, who tells TMZ Sports the country music star shoulda come through for the Vegas shooting survivors and first responders in Vegas. “He should…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

This Mom Apparently Has No Clue What Her Dog Looks Like

We"ve taken note of many text message fails by mom over the years.

But nothing quite like the one documented below.

A young man named Jeff Squires shared a back-and-forth he had with his mother via text this week, one that made it abundantly and shockingly clear to Jeff… 

… that his mom somehow had no idea what the family dog looks like. 

Scroll down and see what we mean:

1. This is How It Started:

This is how it started

With a very simple question about the family canine, right?

2. Uh-Oh

Uh oh

The mother then grew concerned. Did Dewy escape? Did he get picked up by the cops?!?

3. Ummm… Mom?

Ummm mom

Jeff tried to remain calm as he explained to his sweet mother than the dog pictured here looks NOTHING like Dewy.

4. Ok, Just Checking

Ok just checking

This is our favorite part of the exchange. It was worth repeating for his relaxed and casual the mom replied, in the face of utter consternation from her child.

5. This is Dewy

This is dewy

Go back and scroll up. Compare him to the dog the mother believed to be Dewy. Amazing and hilarious.

6. A Popular Post

A popular post

As of this writing, Jeff’s Tweet has been shared over 80,000 times. We love the simple caption here.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jerry Seinfeld Snubs Kesha, Appears to Have No Clue Who She Is (VIDEO)

Jerry Seinfeld made it clear he’s not down with hugs from random strangers who approach him out of nowhere … even if they turn out to be Kesha. LAST NIGHT @KeshaRose found out @JerrySeinfeld is not a #Hugger — Is it hard to be a…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Beyonce Drops Major Baby Clue: What is She Having?

Back on February 1, Beyonce announced that she’s having twins.

The singer did this on her own terns in her own unique way, releasing a photo on Instagram and writing as a very simple caption to the image:

“We would like to share our love and happiness.

“We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes. – The Carters.”

Since this confirmation, Beyonce has gone ahead and talked at length about the pregnancy, letting us know exactly when she’s due, what names she has in mind and what gender(s) the twins will be.

Just kidding.

The artist has let her work do a bit of talking, performing while pregnant at the Grammys, for example.

But she’s said basically nothing about the two children in her womb.

This has prompted quite a bit of speculation across the Internet when it comes to what’s happening inside of Beyonce’s tummy.

Because she appears to be fairly far along and because she reportedly got pregnant through IVF treatments, the beloved singer likely already knows what she’s having.

And a previous report claimed to know as well, with Radar Online alleging that Jay Z and Beyonce will welcome a boy and a girl into the world at some point this spring.

Might that claim have been premature, however?

Consider the photo above and then consider the following theory…

As you can see, the Grammy winner is posing a series of shots showing in a little black dress while donning a pair of round silver earrings.

It this latter accessory that immediately caught the attention of some veteran members of the Beyhive.

For what reason?

Because Beyone sported these same earrings back in 2008 for her “If I Was a Boy” music video.

That’s pretty much it. That’s the extent of the theory.

But many fans out there now think Beyonce is having two boys.

Is this a bit of a stretch? Is this more than just a bit of a stretch?


However, more than any singer, actress or actor out there, Beyonce knows how to control her own narrative.

She does almost nothing by accident and she rarely follows the typical celebrity script.

Are we really meant to believe that Beyonce went into her large closet and selected this piece of jewelry by accident?

That she wasn’t aware of the buzz she’d be creating by doing so?

Since making her pregnancy announcement, Beyonce has sat courtside in New Orleans for the NBA All-Star game, but that’s been about it.

She had to cancel her Coachella performance under doctor’s orders and we can’t say for certain when we’ll see her in public again.

But we can promise to keep looking for clues and wondering about various details of Beyonce’s babies until they officially become a part of this world.

So bookmark The Hollywood Gossip right now for all your Beyonce baby news, gossip and wild speculation.

We won’t let you down!


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Casey Anthony Says Caylee Would Be 12-Year-Old "Badass," But Still No Clue How She Died (PHOTO)

Casey Anthony believes her dead daughter, Caylee, would be a rock ‘n’ roll loving, sports-playing 12-year-old right now — but is also sticking to her story … she has no idea how Caylee died. Anthony says, “I don’t give a s*** about what anyone…


Casey Anthony: I Sleep Well at Night! No Clue How Caylee Died! I Don"t Give a S--t What You Think!

Casey Anthony has spoken out publicly for the first time since she was acquitted of killing her toddler daughter Caylee in July 2011.

The interview she gave to the Associated Press is not likely to help the public perception of her … not that she seems overly concerned.

Eight and a half years after her daughter died, and five and a half after she was controversially found not guilty of murder, she insists:

“I’m still not even certain as I stand here today about what happened.”

Now 30 years old, Casey says it’s not lost on her that much of the world still believes she is responsible for the death of Caylee Anthony.

“Based off what was in the media,” she says, she’s keenly aware.

The media portrayal of her was not good, but this is also a woman who could not account for a month in which her child was missing.

Moreover, she lied to investigators and her defense theory involved an accidental drowning for which there was no eyewitness testimony.

How can she expect to be a sympathetic figure after that?

“I understand the reasons people feel about me,” she admits.

“I understand why people have the opinions that they do.”

Still, she says she was convicted in the court of public opinion from the beginning, and nothing she did afterward could alter that stigma.

“The queen is proclaiming: ‘No, no, sentence first, verdict afterward,"” she said. “I sense and feel to this day that is a direct parallel to what I lived.”

“My sentence was doled out long before [the] verdict. Sentence first, verdict afterward. People found me guilty long before I had my day in court.”

“I don’t give a s–t about what anyone thinks about me, I never will,” Anthony said. “I’m OK with myself, I sleep pretty good at night.”

Whatever works.

Caylee’s skeletal remains were discovered back in December 2008, six months after the little girl was mysteriously reported missing.

The defense team posited that Caylee Anthony’s death was an accident and that she drowned accidentally in Casey’s parents’ pool.

George Anthony, Casey’s father and Caylee’s grandfather, found the body and helped dispose of it – according to the defense theory.

Asked about that, Casey said, “Everyone has their theories, I don’t know … as I stand here today I can’t tell you one way or another.”

“The last time I saw my daughter I believed she was alive and was going to be okay, and that’s what was told to me.”

The prosecution, conversely, claimed that Casey Anthony dumped Caylee’s body in the woods and then resumed her life of partying.

Casey eventually pleaded guilty to lying to the police, and was released after three years in jail awaiting and during her murder trial.

Asked by the AP why she lied to law enforcement, she says:

“Even if I would’ve told them everything that I told to the psychologist, I hate to say this but I firmly believe I would have been in the same place.”

“Because cops believe other cops.”

“Cops tend to victimize the victims. I understand now … I see why I was treated the way I was even had I been completely truthful.”

“Cops lie to people every day.”

“I’m just one of the unfortunate idiots who admitted they lied. My dad was a cop, you can read into that what you want to,” she laments. 

The AP reports that Casey’s bedroom walls are decorated with photos of her daughter and that she cried showing off Caylee’s artwork.

She lives at the home of South Florida home of Patrick McKenna, a private detective who was leading the investigation on her defense team.

Casey works with him, helping to investigate cases and said she would love to get her PI’s license. “I’ve lived it firsthand,” she said.

“I didn’t do what I was accused of but I fought for three years,” she says, adding that she fought “not just for me, but for my daughter.”

Anthony spends her time outside of her work taking photos of nature, hanging out with friends in bars, and thinking about her daughter.

Casey notes that “Caylee would be 12 right now … and would be a total badass. I’d like to think she’d be listening to classic rock, playing sports.” 
