Thursday, June 29, 2017

This Mom Apparently Has No Clue What Her Dog Looks Like

We"ve taken note of many text message fails by mom over the years.

But nothing quite like the one documented below.

A young man named Jeff Squires shared a back-and-forth he had with his mother via text this week, one that made it abundantly and shockingly clear to Jeff… 

… that his mom somehow had no idea what the family dog looks like. 

Scroll down and see what we mean:

1. This is How It Started:

This is how it started

With a very simple question about the family canine, right?

2. Uh-Oh

Uh oh

The mother then grew concerned. Did Dewy escape? Did he get picked up by the cops?!?

3. Ummm… Mom?

Ummm mom

Jeff tried to remain calm as he explained to his sweet mother than the dog pictured here looks NOTHING like Dewy.

4. Ok, Just Checking

Ok just checking

This is our favorite part of the exchange. It was worth repeating for his relaxed and casual the mom replied, in the face of utter consternation from her child.

5. This is Dewy

This is dewy

Go back and scroll up. Compare him to the dog the mother believed to be Dewy. Amazing and hilarious.

6. A Popular Post

A popular post

As of this writing, Jeff’s Tweet has been shared over 80,000 times. We love the simple caption here.

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