Showing posts with label Caylee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caylee. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Nancy Grace Skewers Casey Anthony, I See Why "Caylee Never Had a Chance" (AUDIO)

Nancy Grace is angry and sad about Casey Anthony’s flippant remarks about Caylee — and can’t understand how Anthony sleeps “pretty good at night.” Nancy lit into Anthony when we talked to her about the AP interview where Caylee’s…


Casey Anthony Says Caylee Would Be 12-Year-Old "Badass," But Still No Clue How She Died (PHOTO)

Casey Anthony believes her dead daughter, Caylee, would be a rock ‘n’ roll loving, sports-playing 12-year-old right now — but is also sticking to her story … she has no idea how Caylee died. Anthony says, “I don’t give a s*** about what anyone…


Casey Anthony: I Sleep Well at Night! No Clue How Caylee Died! I Don"t Give a S--t What You Think!

Casey Anthony has spoken out publicly for the first time since she was acquitted of killing her toddler daughter Caylee in July 2011.

The interview she gave to the Associated Press is not likely to help the public perception of her … not that she seems overly concerned.

Eight and a half years after her daughter died, and five and a half after she was controversially found not guilty of murder, she insists:

“I’m still not even certain as I stand here today about what happened.”

Now 30 years old, Casey says it’s not lost on her that much of the world still believes she is responsible for the death of Caylee Anthony.

“Based off what was in the media,” she says, she’s keenly aware.

The media portrayal of her was not good, but this is also a woman who could not account for a month in which her child was missing.

Moreover, she lied to investigators and her defense theory involved an accidental drowning for which there was no eyewitness testimony.

How can she expect to be a sympathetic figure after that?

“I understand the reasons people feel about me,” she admits.

“I understand why people have the opinions that they do.”

Still, she says she was convicted in the court of public opinion from the beginning, and nothing she did afterward could alter that stigma.

“The queen is proclaiming: ‘No, no, sentence first, verdict afterward,"” she said. “I sense and feel to this day that is a direct parallel to what I lived.”

“My sentence was doled out long before [the] verdict. Sentence first, verdict afterward. People found me guilty long before I had my day in court.”

“I don’t give a s–t about what anyone thinks about me, I never will,” Anthony said. “I’m OK with myself, I sleep pretty good at night.”

Whatever works.

Caylee’s skeletal remains were discovered back in December 2008, six months after the little girl was mysteriously reported missing.

The defense team posited that Caylee Anthony’s death was an accident and that she drowned accidentally in Casey’s parents’ pool.

George Anthony, Casey’s father and Caylee’s grandfather, found the body and helped dispose of it – according to the defense theory.

Asked about that, Casey said, “Everyone has their theories, I don’t know … as I stand here today I can’t tell you one way or another.”

“The last time I saw my daughter I believed she was alive and was going to be okay, and that’s what was told to me.”

The prosecution, conversely, claimed that Casey Anthony dumped Caylee’s body in the woods and then resumed her life of partying.

Casey eventually pleaded guilty to lying to the police, and was released after three years in jail awaiting and during her murder trial.

Asked by the AP why she lied to law enforcement, she says:

“Even if I would’ve told them everything that I told to the psychologist, I hate to say this but I firmly believe I would have been in the same place.”

“Because cops believe other cops.”

“Cops tend to victimize the victims. I understand now … I see why I was treated the way I was even had I been completely truthful.”

“Cops lie to people every day.”

“I’m just one of the unfortunate idiots who admitted they lied. My dad was a cop, you can read into that what you want to,” she laments. 

The AP reports that Casey’s bedroom walls are decorated with photos of her daughter and that she cried showing off Caylee’s artwork.

She lives at the home of South Florida home of Patrick McKenna, a private detective who was leading the investigation on her defense team.

Casey works with him, helping to investigate cases and said she would love to get her PI’s license. “I’ve lived it firsthand,” she said.

“I didn’t do what I was accused of but I fought for three years,” she says, adding that she fought “not just for me, but for my daughter.”

Anthony spends her time outside of her work taking photos of nature, hanging out with friends in bars, and thinking about her daughter.

Casey notes that “Caylee would be 12 right now … and would be a total badass. I’d like to think she’d be listening to classic rock, playing sports.” 


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Caylee Anthony Cause of Death: Did Casey"s Daughter Die By Accident!?

Was the scandalous death of Caylee Anthony, Casey Anthony’s two-year-old girl who disappeared back in 2008, actually an accident?

Believe it or not, the judge who presided over Casey’s murder acquittal in 2011 made that explosive claim in an interview this week.

Former Circuit Judge Belvin Perry Jr., who presided over the 2011 trial and as of 2014 works in a private practice, posed this theory:

Casey Anthony, who was acquitted of first-degree murder, may have accidentally killed Caylee when she tried to quiet her with chloroform.

It’s a theory, he said, and if jurors had come to that conclusion, they might have found her guilty of second-degree murder or manslaughter.

Anthony, now 30, was charged with murder, and prosecutors pursued the death penalty against her. Jurors ultimately let her walk free.

In a phone interview Wednesday, Perry did not find fault with the verdict, but pointed out that there was evidence to support his point.

He said Anthony had gone online to research how to use chloroform as a sedative, while a scientist found chloroform in the trunk of her car.

That’s where prosecutors said Anthony – whose story changed during the course of the investigation – likely put Caylee’s body temporarily.

Authorities were unable to determine a cause of death. The child’s remains were found five months after she was reported missing. 

Prosecutors did say during the trial that Anthony used chloroform and then suffocated the child by putting duct tape over her mouth.

As for why he feels this could’ve been an accidental death, even so? In the past, Perry said, surgeons used chloroform as an anesthetic.

“There was a possibility that she may have utilized that to keep the baby quiet … and just used too much of it, and the baby died,” he said.

“As I’ve expressed, that’s just one of the many theories as to how this beautiful young lady [Caylee] tragically met her death,” he said.

“The only person that really knows what happened was Casey … for whatever reason, people are still fascinated with Casey Anthony.”

Defense attorney Jose Baez told jurors that the toddler accidentally drowned in the family pool and that someone else hid the body.

Whether the jury believed that or not, they obviously felt there was enough reasonable doubt to let the media-scourged “Tot Mom” go.

Since her trial, Anthony has lived in seclusion, though as Perry says, her case and life after acquittal remain the subject of fascination.

Last year, rumors spread that Jose Baez demanded sexual favors from her in exchange for her defense, a claim he adamantly denied.

As recently as this past December, a former bodyguard claimed Casey Anthony 100 percent murdered Caylee and everyone knows it.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Casey Anthony Bodyguard: She Killed Caylee and Everyone Knows It!

Casey Anthony did indeed murder her little daughter Caylee, according to a new audio recording from a man once paid to protect her life.

Casey’s life, not Caylee’s.

The bombshell claim of her former bodyguard is making the rounds after he discussed the high profile murder case on a podcast this week.

Rob Dick was Casey’s bodyguard when she was first released from jail in 2008; Anthony was found not guilty of murder in July 2011.

Looking back on those events, the bodyguard called Anthony’s situation “completely insane,” which may be the understatement of all time.

Speaking this week on the podcast Allegedly with Theo Von & Matthew Cole Weiss, he said, “I still question the world’s fascination with it.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been involved in something so crazy.”

“There are lots of women out there that killed their kid,” he told Weiss and Von, adding matter-of-factly, “and I do say killed their kid.”

Recalling the mass hysteria outside the Anthony’s home in Florida, he described the crowds just waiting for a glimpse of Casey’s family.

Dick describes the bedlam that ensued:

“At one point I’m standing in the front yard trying to keep 100-200 people from lynching her while Nancy Grace is [live] across the street.”

“It didn’t seem real. Just craziness.”

Weiss and Von asked for clarification as to why he said “killed her child,” and Dick claimed, again, that he thinks Anthony is guilty of murder.

“Without a doubt,” he responded.

“I think everybody knew she did it.”

Dick described his “disbelief” that the jury found her not guilty in the murder of the little girl, despite the evidence and Casey’s lies.

In the early stages of the police investigation, Caylee had been missing for 30 days when her mother was sent to jail for 30 days.

Dick recalled the “first night getting her out,” noting that at that point Caylee had been missing for 60 days at the time Casey was released.

“When she gets out, I’m driving her, [lead attorney Jose] Baez, Leonard [Padilla], going back to the family to [her parents] Cindy and George.”

“We get in there. It’s just a surreal thing,” he says. “You know what should happen. Here’s a mom in jail for the last 30 days.”

“Supposedly not knowing where her child is for 60 days now. First question … what do you think it would be? Have you heard anything?”

But that’s not what she said. At all.

According to her bodyguard, Casey didn’t ask a single question about her missing toddler, immediately acting like everything was normal.

“She was just completely happy, excited to see her parents. What’s for dinner? Jail food sucks,” he recalls of that eerie scene.

“There’s that moment right then that we’ve got a problem.”

“It’s not about getting out and finding your child.”

Dick asserted his believe that while Anthony is in all likelihood a child murderer, she is not a serial killer, nor will she ever take her own life.

“She loves herself too much,” he said.

