Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner Snubs Khloe Kardashian, Apparently Thinks She Sucks as a Mom

Come on now, Caitlyn Jenner.

Don’t you think Khloe Kardashian is dealing with enough these days?!?

on instag

The 33-year old reality star is in Cleveland at the moment, struggling with that whole my-baby-daddy-is-a-horrible-no-good-dishonest-cheater thing, and now she’s also dealing with questions about her relationship with her step-father.

Khloe has made it pretty clear for awhile now that she and Caitlyn aren’t on the best of terms…

… and Jenner went ahead and made this pointedly clear via some very passive aggressive shading on Mother’s Day.

“So blessed to have so many amazing moms in my life!” the former Olympian gushed in her Instagram Stories this past Sunday.

Along with this caption, Caitlyn included a few pictures:

One was of daughter Kylie Jenner cradling her daughter, Stormi.

One was of Caitlyn, Kim Kardashian and grandchild Saint.

And one was even of Kris Jenner from way back when she and Caitlyn were getting along well.

Note who we did not name there?

Note who Caitlyn did not cite as an “amazing mom,” despite having just given birth a month ago for the first time ever?

Yup: Khloe.

Kardashian’s social media snub comes after a February interview with U.K. morning show Lorraine, during which she opened up about her estranged relationship with Jenner.

Still pregnant at the time, Khloe was asked whether or not having a child would mend her broken connectionto Caitlyn.

“I don’t think that affects anything with Caitlyn. Things are just as they are,” she replied.

Not exactly any shade thrown here on Khloe’s part, just an honest (and unfortunate) answer.

We can’t say for certain whether Caitlyn was offended by Khloe’s reply, but it seems hard to believe he forgot to mention her on Mother’s Day by accident, doesn’t it?

Jenner has since deleted this post, but not before the Internet could capture it for all of eternity.

Caitlyn’s relationship with the entire Kardashian family has been on the rocks ever since April of 2015 when she revealed her identity as a transgender woman.

It didn’t help matters when she later wrote in her memoir how ex-wife Kris was well aware of her transgender desires during their marriage.

“I’ve lost all relationship with them, yes, I don’t talk to any of them anymore,” Caitlyn told Piers Morgan in 2017. 

At the time, the ex-athlete revealed she hadn’t spoken to Khloe in two years.

That really is pretty sad, isn’t it?

Khloe, who did NOT spend Mother’s Day with Tristan Thompson, did make a point to honor her own mom on this occasion.

She referred to Kris Jenner as “the best mommy we could ask for!! and added:

“We couldn’t imagine life without you!! You are the reason for it all!! Thank you for showing us what unconditional love and loyalty is.”
