Friday, May 18, 2018

Meghan Markle Makes Stunning Wedding Decision, Snubs Her Own Family

Meghan Markle has shocked the world.

We’re barely even exaggerating here.

Nearly the entire world has moderate to major interest in Meghan Markle’s wedding to Prince Harry tomorrow, which means millions and millions of people are likely surprised by what the bride-to-be just decided.

Kensington Palace announced on Friday that Markle has asked Prince Charles to carry out the second most important duty of anyone at her ceremony tomorrow.

(The most important, of course, being Harry’s job of vow recital and bride kissing.)

He’ll be walking her down the aisle.

“Ms. Meghan Markle has asked His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales to accompany her down the aisle of the Quire of St George’s Chapel on her Wedding Day,” the Palace statement reads, concluding:

“The Prince of Wales is pleased to be able to welcome Ms. Markle to The Royal Family in this way.”

Markle had hoped her father would give her away to Harry, but he recently underwent a heart procedure and cannot make the trip.

Most observers had assumed that Markle would therefore be walked down the aisle by her mother.

We can’t help but therefore wonder whether this last-minute change was truly Markle’s decision… or if it was forced upon her by the Palace, which may not want any members of Markle’s family front and center for this monumental occasion.

(Markle’s mom hasn’t done or said anything controversy. But the former actress has been slammed left and right by her half-brother and half-sister, neither of whom are invited to the wedding.

And both of whom suck a whole lot.)

An insider insists to People Magazine, however, that Markle is behind this surprising decision.

“It was Meghan’s wish and she is grateful for the Prince of Wales to be doing it,” this source claims.

Charles, of course, is the father of Prince William and Prince Harry — but he is not without his own history of scandal.

He infamously cheated on Princess Diana prior to splitting from the beloved Royal many decades ago.

Thomas Markle, meanwhile, lives a rather reclusive life in Mexico.

He isn’t especially close with his daughter, but he doesn’t have a bad relationship with her, either.

Aside from his unfortunate health concerns, Thomas was at the center of controversy last week after admitting that he accepted money from the paparazzi in exchange for staged photos.

He likely didn’t mean any real harm by agreeing to this arrangement, but making oneself into a public spectacle is a giant no-no in the universe of the Royal Family.

Said Markle, through a spokesperson, after her dad officially backed out of the wedding:

“Sadly, my father will not be attending our wedding. I have always cared for my father and hope he can be given the space he needs to focus on his health.

“I would like to thank everyone who has offered generous messages of support. Please know how much Harry and I look forward to sharing our special day with you on Saturday.”

A global audience will be tuning in for the event, which has sort of become a nightmare for one of its participants.

“This poor girl. Your wedding, everyone says, ‘It’s your day. It’s your day,’” said Amy Schumer this week on Australia’s Fitzy & Wippa podcast. “She’s like, ‘No it’s not.’

“She has to meet all these foreign dignitaries she’s never met before. There’s so much pressure. Can you imagine having a worse wedding?”

Not really, no.

We hope the ceremony goes as smoothly as possible on Saturday and we hope Markle has the bes time EVER on her honeymoon.

She deserves it.
