Friday, June 3, 2016

Tom Cruise Completely Cuts Ties With Daughter Suri: Report

Back in April, we reported that Tom Cruise had not seen his daughter Suri in 1,000 days.

Now, he’s reportedly inching close to the three-year mark with no apparent plans to break his shameful streak of negligent parenting.

Sources say Cruise justifies his abandonment of Suri through Scientologist directives that require Church members to cut ties with those who have abandoned the faith (known in CoS jargon as “suppressive persons”).

Cruise refused all contact with ex-wife Katie Holmes immediately after she left the Church, and sources say he gradually distanced himself from Suri until he reached the point of having zero contact with his with his youngest daughter.

“They used to Skype and text, but that trailed off drastically,” one insider tells In Touch.

“He uses his film commitments as an excuse, but the truth is that doesn’t hold much weight with Suri anymore.”

Many who were formerly close to Cruise speculate that he was eager to remove Holmes from his life, and his relationship with Suri was simply collateral damage.

It seems there was a time when Cruise wanted 10-year-old Suri to be “reformed” by attending a school for Scientologist children.

Not surprisingly, Katie doesn’t want her daughter to have anything to do with the Church.

As a result, Scientologist leader David Miscavige reportedly gave Cruise all of the justification that he needed to cut off contact with his daughter.

“Tom eats, breathes and sleeps Scientology,” one insider states.

“He’s disconnected from Katie, and then de facto from Suri, because of her connection to Katie. He hasn’t seen her since she was 7.”

“Miscavige would have hammered home to Tom that Suri has been infiltrated by a bad Thetan,” says former Scientologist and Cruise associate Gary Morehead.

Cruise has yet to respond to claims that he’s abandoned he’s not longer a part of his daughter’s life.