Friday, February 9, 2018

Jinger Duggar: Shamed by Fans Over Pregnancy

It’s no secret that Jinger Duggar Vuolo is pregnant. In fact, fans were just treated to a look at Jinger’s baby bump at 15 weeks.

Some fans are offering Jinger and Jeremy their congratulations. This will be the couple’s first child.

Others, however, appear to be shaming the couple for having “taken so long” to get pregnant.

After Jinger shared her good news — and a glimpse of her baby bump — fans and followers filled her Instagram comments.

“Yay!! They are finally pregnant!!”

That comment … didn’t need the finally part, but it’s overall positive and doesn’t seem to be mean-spirited.

“Omg yay!!! Finally.  I’m so happy for you guys.”

That’s more like it.

“Congratulations, so happy for you guys! My God bless you and your family.”

That one’s sweet and incorporates a reference to the Duggar family’s Christian faith. Totally appropriate.

Other commenters offered their heartfelt congratulations … while also congratulating the “late” timing of the news, since Jinger and Jeremy have been married for a “whopping” 15 months.

“You look gorgeous. So glad you took time to just enjoy being a married couple before having a baby. I suspect you planned it that way & good on you. After all, women are not just brood mares.”

She does look great. Though we suspect that Jim Bob would disagree about the brood mares comment.

“I am glad you waited a little bit to enjoy being a newlywed. There is nothing like being parents but you also need time to learn and grow as a couple first.”

That’s definitely very healthy!

“So cute. Congratulations , I happy you had a year to learn about each other without distractions.”

Most people learn about each other by dating, but the courtship-to-marriage pipeline for the Duggars is practically instantaneous. 

Then came a comment that sounded an awful lot like shaming.

“Finally I was wondering if y’all were just gonna use birth control unlike the rest of your sisters. But I guess it happened for ya all in good time.”

This sounds like, for one thing, they’re relieved. And there seems to be a judgmental tone to it.

I’m not the only one who picked up on this and similar comments as being rude; one commenter took their peers to task:

“You don’t know why she didn’t get pregnant right away, whether it was by choice or they were having trouble for some reason or if she’s had miscarriages.”

In fact, very miscarriages are so common that many women have them without realizing that they were ever pregnant. The commenter continues:

“Please think about that kind of comment for any pregnant woman, because some women actually want to get pregnant right away and it can be hurtful when you congratulate them for a timeline they didn’t plan on.”

A couple of these comments seemed a little off-topic but also worth mentioning, so that people can get the full spectrum of Jinger’s Instagram comments:

“Congrats to you Jinger & Jeremy can’t wait to start the new season on the 26th of February. I have been wondering what the heck was going on and finally saw a commercial last night. My husband always has the control but I have a lot of shows saved on the dvr”

This sounds less like a comment and more like a cry for help. One possibly misplaced in the Instagram comments of a Duggar, since the family eschews both “worldly” entertainment and any notion of gender equality.

And then there’s this:

“The Lord put you and your baby on my heart today to claim the Lords DNA In every cell in that little babies body! And for protection against any firey darts the enemy tries to throw in the growing process! The Holy Spirit is guarding your womb and you will have a healthy baby and God ordained delivery in Jesus name!”

That is perhaps the most colorful well-wishing that we’ve ever seen on Instagram.

Jim Bob has been criticized for doing his best to force his children to be “clones” of his ideology and lifestyle by deterring them from seeking higher education (or public education).

Jinger may be a deviation from that — or maybe she and Jeremy have been trying their hardest to conceive since they got married.

We don’t know. Frankly, it’s not our business when an adult gets pregnant or what they did or didn’t do along the way.

She’s pregnant now and anyone who considers themselves a real fan should just offer congratulations. Pariod.
