Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Woman Spends Thousands to Look Like Barbie: PHOTOS

Rachel Evans is not the first woman to want to look like a real-life version of Barbie.

She probably isn"t the most famous woman to want to look like a real-life version of Barbie, either.

But Rachel"s story is still worth telling because it"s interest, it"s sad, it"s made her into a viral sensation… and the photos that accompany her transformation are pretty incredible.

See for yourself:

1. This is Rachel Evans

This is rachel evans

Or it WAS Rachel Evans, we should say, before she fell into a depression as the result of losing a son at a very young age.

2. Response to Tragedy

Response to tragedy

Around the same time this child died, Rachel’s relationship was falling apart. She says she developed an eating disorder in response and hated the way she looked at the time.

3. Start of the Transformation

Start of the transformation

“Because I was skinny, some people called me Barbie,” Rachel has said. “So I decided to embrace it, knowing it would make me a happier person inside and out.”

4. A New Woman

A new woman

Along with working out to improve her figure, Rachel underwent Botox and quickly became hooked. She loved her new look.

5. An Addiction is Born

An addiction is born

“It was like ironing out a shirt to erase the creases,” she has said. “After that I noticed other wrinkles I hadn’t noticed before, so I got more and more done. I gradually increased the face treatments and started having fillers in my cheeks and lips. By my early 40s, I was having non-surgical facelifts on top of all the other treatments to maintain my youthful look.”

6. A New Identity is Formed

A new identity is formed

“I feel like Barbie, I think like Barbie and I am Barbie,” says Rachel, adding that she is on the lookout for her Ken. “I think me and Barbie are the same person. I am a human doll.”

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