Showing posts with label Harambe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harambe. Show all posts

Friday, September 15, 2017

Cincinnati Zoo Welcomes First Gorilla since Harambe

The Cincinnati Zoo opened its doors to another gorilla for the first time since Harambe was tragically killed. The zoo welcomed Mshindi … a 29-year-old silverback that previously called the Louisville Zoo its home. It’s the first time…


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Harambe -- Holiday Sweater Shooting Off Shelves (PHOTO)

Harambe’s experiencing a comeback of Hollywood proportions — going from a symbol of national tragedy to a spreader of Christmas joy … albeit on a not-so-attractive holiday sweater. The infamous gorilla is featured front and center on a Fresh…


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Harambe For President: Thousands Wrote In Dead Gorilla"s Name on Ballots

Harambe, The Ape. The myth. The legend. The president?

Okay, not quite on that last one, but thousands of Americans thought the Cincinnati Zoo resident turned deceased meme would make a great commander-in-chief.

Or they just thought it would be funny to write his name on their ballot. Either way…


The Founding Fathers gave you a republic and you take the time to actually show up to your polling place only to try and resurrect a dead-ass meme?!

Look, we miss ‘Be (pronounced “bae”) as much as anyone, but can that meme go the way of Ken Bone already?

Granted ‘Be-‘Be (pronounced “bae-bae”) never said anything about Jennifer Lawrence’s butthole on Reddit, but he still probably wouldn’t be the greatest president.

Better than the guy we just elected, obviously, but at best, he would fall near the Franklin Pierce, Warren G. Harding side of the presidential-quality spectrum.

Though it would send a powerful message, flinging your own poop is just not an appropriate response to disagreeing with a visiting foreign leader.

Now is it an appropriate response to a White House tour waking you up from your nap.

Though it’s better than tackling the slowest runner and ripping their face off, which is another course of action President Harambe might pursue.

In case this is your first day dabbling with this Internet thing, Harambe is the gorilla who was killed when a child fell into his enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo.

Since then, he’s been elevated to the status of social media god.

Harambe memes are still a thing six months after he died.

That’s approximately 4 millennia in meme years.

Today, it’s being reported that an estimated 11,000 Americans wrote Harambe in as their vote for president.

Many are slamming these citizens for wasting their votes.

But let’s face it, 11,000 votes wouldn’t have swayed the election, and we would’ve ended up with a game show host as president no matter who those people cast their ballots for.

Come to think of it, a reality star president was always our destiny.

We may have just reached #PeakAmerica.

A social media flash-in-the-pan is the only way to go down from here, but don’t force it.

It’ll happen, America. It’ll happen.


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Cincinnati Zoo Deletes Twitter Account Due to Harambe Memes

Back in May, officials at the Cincinnati Zoo killed a gorilla named Harambe after a 3-year-old boy fell into his enclosure.

Fearing for the boy’s life and believing that a tranquilizer dart would only agitate Harambe, authorities made the difficult decision to put the 17-year-old animal down.

They never could have predicted that they’d just created a social media icon.

In the months since Harambe’s passing, memes about the late lowlands beast have popped up constantly on Twitter and Instagram.

They started predictably enough:

And got increasingly strange as time wore on:

Zoo officials asked the public to stop making posting images that reminded those involved in the Harambe incident of the tragedy.

But clearly those folks don’t really understand how the Internet works, as that only added fuel to the fire.

At this point, there are even memes about how ridiculously long the Harambe joke has been running:

Like we said, the Harambe stuff has gotten weirder and weirder as time goes by (though who doesn’t love a good Sandlot reference?)

In addition to the captioned images, there have been trending hashtags like the bizarrely popular (and yes, somewhat hilarious) #DicksOutForHarambe.

But the folks at the Cincinnati Zoo are not seeing the humor in the situation.

Yesterday, the zoo released an official statement asking the public to cool it with the memes:

“We are not amused by the memes, petitions and signs about Harambe,” the statement read.

“Our zoo family is still healing, and the constant mention of Harambe makes moving forward more difficult for us.

“We are honoring Harambe by redoubling our gorilla conservation efforts and encouraging others to join us .”

Unfortunately that was followed by a comment from a blog post from a Cincinnati journalist that read in part:

“The goofuses of the Internet hopped on the Harambe train for their jollies, and it has gotten out of control.”

If you’ve spent much time on social media, we probably don’t need to tell you what happened next.

The memes came fast and furious, and last night, the Cincinnati Zoo deleted its Twitter account.

Is it another sad development in a tragic case or justice for Harambe finally served?

Or is it neither, and the Cincinnati Zoo just needs to lighten up?

We have no idea, but we’re sure plenty of opinions are being offered up on Twitter.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Cincinnati Zoo Parents: Will They Be Charged in Murder of Harambe?

The verdict is in.

About a week after officials at the Cincinnati Zoo shot and killed a gorilla named Harambe because they feared it would injure a toddler who had fallen into its enclosure, we now have legal closure on the case that has captivated the nation.

The parents of said toddler will not be charged with any kind of crime.

Hamilton County prosecutor Joe Deters announced on Monday morning that Michelle Gregg was NOT negligent when her three-year-old boy strayed from her watch the Cincinnati Zoo.

Many on the Internet have been calling for Gregg’s head ever since the video below went viral:

It depicts the 17-year old, 450-pound gorilla throwing the child all around.

Did Harambe mean the infant harm? Maybe not.

But when you have this kind of size and strength discrepancy, there’s simply no way of knowing what would have happened… and no way the zoo could have taken any chances.

In making his ruling, Deters pointed out Gregg had three other kids with her at the time one of her sons ended up in the animal’s clutches.

Moreover, based on surveillance footage and witnesses at the scene, she was being attentive. Accidents simply happen.

Deters explained very simply that “kids can scamper off and they do.”

He added, in sort of hilarious fashion, that if Gregg had been “in the bathroom smoking crack that would have been a different story, but that’s not what happened.”

Deters concluded by saying “there’s nothing that the mother could have done” and also defended the zoo’s difficult decision in putting Harambe down.

The lawyer labeled this a “painful choice” for officials to make, however:

“It’s still an animal. It does not equate to human life.”

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Harambe Sperm Will Be Used to Continue Gorilla"s Bloodline

As the Internet continues to debate all the things that went wrong at the Cincinnati Zoo last Saturday, we have an update on Harambe.

The 17-year old was shot and killed by a zoo employee a few days ago after a four-year old boy tumbled into his enclosure.

Following 10 minutes of the 450-pound animal thrashing all around with the boy in his clutches, officials saw no alternative but to take Harambe down with a fatal shot.

They said afterward that the use of a tranquilizer would have made the gorilla angry and the amount of time it would have taken for the tranquilizer to go into effect could have cost the boy his life.

Once again, we present the disturbing surveillance footage from the incident:

In the days since the unfortunate situation took place, the mother of the child has defended herself and thanked God her son is safe.

The Cincinnati Police Department, meanwhile, has started an investigation into both the mother and the boy’s father (who was not present at the time) to determine whether or not charges of criminal negligence ought to be filed.

This is the latest, however:

According to, reproductive biologists from the Cincinnati Zoo’s Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Wildlife extracted viable sperm from Harambe after he died.

The center plans to use this sperm in its reproductive programs, which includes artificial insemination and genetics research.

In other words: the beloved gorilla may actually live on.

He’ll have the opportunity to father future generations of his endangered species.

“There’s a future,” zoo director Thane Maynard said during a press conference Monday. “It’s not the end of his gene pool.”

There are only 175,000 western lowland gorillas remaining in the wild. The Cincinnati Zoo has actually seen the birth of 50 gorillas overall, with the most recent being Elle. She was born in August 2015.

In somewhat related news, the world’s most foremost expert on chimpanzees has spoken out on this tragedy.

“I tried to see exactly what was happening – it looked as though the gorilla was putting an arm around the child – like the female who rescued and returned the child from the Chicago exhibit,” Jane Goodall wrote in an email to Maynard, referring to a 1996 incident in which a female gorilla picked up and handed an unconscious eight-year-old to her keepers.

She also expressed sympathy to Maynard for having to defend an action he very much did not wish to take.

“Anyway, whatever, it is a devastating loss to the zoo, and to the gorillas,” Goodall added. “How did the others react? Are they allowed to see, and express grief, which seems to be so important.”

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Harambe Mourned, Celebrated by Celebrities Everywhere

Tragedy struck on Saturday, May 28 when a 17-year old gorilla named Harambe was shot and killed by an employee at the Cincinnati Zoo.

The employee was acting out of concern that the animal would kill a four-year old boy who fell into his enclosure.

Not long after this incident went viral, regular folks on Twitter reacted in outrage over a gorilla having to be killed due to a human"s mistake, while many celebrities also chimed in with their opinions.

Here is a look at how a handful of famous people feel about the sad death of Harambe:

1. Donald Trump

Donald trump shrugs it off gif

I don’t think they had a choice… it’s too bad there wasn’t another way.

2. Kaley Cuoco

Kaley cuoco in black lace dress

RIP #harambe. I’m sure I will get tons of backlash (per usual) I mean let’s be honest, I wear the wrong sweatpants and the entire world has something to say about it, but once again, another senseless horrendous animal being killed over people not using their brains.

3. Katharine McPhee

Katharine mcphee at the ny musical eighth seasons award gala

This is why I hate zoos! This is so messed up. This poor gorilla.

4. Piers Morgan

Piers morgan pic

Taking their eye off the ball, but no child should ever be able to crawl into a gorilla compound.

5. Lisa Vanderpump

Lisa vanderpump close up

Oh the poor gorilla, he did nothing wrong, if you watch the video, so a mother I would’ve jumped in too.

6. Holly Robinson Peete

Holly robinson peete

Last week a naked man in Chile jumped in a lion den on purpose now this boy with the gorilla…Beautiful innocent animals killed. Smh.

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