Showing posts with label Booth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Booth. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Shawn Booth Breaks Silence on Kaitlyn Bristowe Breakup: I"m in Agony

They were one of the couples that seemed to have beaten the odds, but Shawn Booth and Kaitlyn Bristowe are over.

Now, Shawn is opening up to fans with a heartfelt message.

He’s thanking them for their support — over the years and now, as he experiences real emotional pain.

Shawn Booth took to Instagram to deliver a heartfelt message about his not-so-secret breakup with Kaitlyn Bristowe.

“I just want to thank everyone who has been so supportive of my relationship with Kaitlyn over the years,” he writes.

After nearly three years together, the couple accrued a lot of fans.

“You’ve made me feel incredibly special,” he shares.

Shawn continues, noting that fans have made him feel “supported, and very loved.”

“So from the bottom of my heart,” Shawn continues. “Thank you.”

Shawn writes: “It truly means a lot.”

He’s thanking fans for more than just their support during the relationship.

Shawn appreciates the outpouring of respect that has flowed from the Bachelor Nation following their split.

“And,” Shawn says. “Thank you to everyone who has sent their love & support during this painful time.”

He gushes: “I love you guys.”

According to a recent report by People, Shawn isn’t the only one feeling heartbroken.

Kaitlyn’s in the same boat.

“This was the last thing Kaitlyn wanted,” and insider reveals.

According to the source: “she was willing to fight for the relationship.”

Ultimately, however, she and Shawn realized that they had lost their forward momentum.

“But,” the insider laments. “There was nowhere for it to go.”

“It’s only natural to think about the next steps when you’ve been together for three years,” the source explains.

“Kaitlyn,” the insider says. “Wants to be married and have kids.”

“But,” the source notes. “It didn’t seem like they were on the same page.”

Kaitlyn is two years older than Shawn. She is 33, he is 31.

Did that slight age difference make her the one who wanted to settle down first?

Fans cannot help but wonder.

Despite this key difference, the report says that neither of them simply quit on the other.

“It wasn’t one of them who broke things off,” the source reports.

In other words, it sounds like this painful decision to break up after nearly three years together was mutual.

According to the insider, Kaitlyn and Shawn are still “on good terms.”

That is great. But Kaitlyn is not doing so well internally, apparently.

“She’s devastated,” the source reports.

“There is a lot of hurt,” the insider says.

The source notes that “Kaitlyn tried to make it work.”

“She never thought this would end,” the insider concludes.

The hardest thing about relationships is that they inevitably end, one way or the other.

After three years of engagement, Shawn and Kaitlyn still have their memories of happiness, at least.

In time, those should be a source of comfort as the reasons for their conflict fade.

Who knows? Maybe they’ll even get back together, though we don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.

Only time will tell.


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth Split, Break the Hearts of Fans

The Bachelor Nation is still reeling from the news that it"s over between Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth.

They were together for so long!

They gave fans hope that love is real!

Now, after three years together, they"ve announced that they have broken up.

Here is why his breakup might be the hardest ever for fans of the Bachelor franchise.


1. It’s over!

Kaitlyn bristowe and shawn booth in bed

This week, Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth broke off their engagement and their relationship.

2. They had been together for three years

Kaitlyn bristowe and shawn booth

Most couples on The Bachelor break up within a year — and plenty part ways after just a few months. Three years is like a lifetime for the Bachelor Fam.

3. Kaitlyn and Shawn even released a breakup statement

Bristowe and booth

“This difficult decision comes after thoughtful, respectful consideration,” the couple issued in a statement to People. “Even though we are parting as a couple, we’re very much committed to remaining friends.”

4. These things are always sad — and awkward

Shawn booth and kaitlyn bristowe

“We have both evolved as people, which is taking us in different directions, but with the hope that we will continue to support each other in new ways,” they said.

5. Breakups are personal, but breakup announcements are not

Shawn kaitlyn

“Due to the nature of how we met, our relationship has always been very public, and we have enjoyed sharing it with all of you,” they concluded. “But we ask that you respect our decision and our privacy at this time.”

6. A lot of fans were really rooting for them

Kaitlyn bristowe and shawn booth kiss

It’s about more than how long they’d lasted. Some folks were rooting for them from the start

View Slideshow

Friday, November 2, 2018

Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth: It"s Over!

For three long years, they seemed to be one of those rare Bachelor Fam couples who beat the odds.

Just last December, there was even a rumor that Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth were married.

Unfortunately, not all relationships last. Kaitlyn and Shawn have broken up.

In 2015, Kaitlyn and Shawn got engaged on the Season 19 finale of The Bachelorette.

Now, at the tail end of 2018, the couple has issued a statement to People.

“After three incredible years,” the statement begins. “We have decided to go our separate ways.”

This is a joint statement that the couple has issued together.

“This difficult decision comes after thoughtful, respectful consideration,” the statement continues.

“Even though we are parting as a couple,” they explains. “We’re very much committed to remaining friends.”

That is wonderful to hear … though it is admittedly what most couple’s say.

“And,” their statement reads. “We will continue to support each other.”

As with a relationship, a breakup doesn’t always work out the way that you hope.

But that’s a great sentiment anyway.

“Due to the nature of how we met,” they admit. “Our relationship has always been very public.”

“And,” they say. “We have enjoyed sharing it with all of you.”

They acknowledge that “but we ask that you respect our decision.”

Please don’t send hate to celebrities for their relationships, their breakups, or anything else — unless it truly warrants your fury.

They hope that fans will respect their judgment “and our privacy at this time.”

Breakup rumors followed these two over the summer.

But just a few months ago, Kaitlyn was shooting down those claims.

“So here’s the truth,” she said on her Off the Vine podcast back in August.

“I’m in Canada because … I have made a promise to myself and my family,” she explained.

Her promise was “that I will come up every August and enjoy downtime with the people that I love in a country that I love.”

“Family is so important to me,” she affirmed. “Relationships in general are very important to me.”

She made her priorities clear: “I put relationships first.”

“Shawn did not come up with me,” Kaitlyn explained. “Because the guy just bought a gym.”

“He bought a business,” she emphasized. “He has started something huge.”

Kaitlyn raved: “He is the most dedicated person I’ve ever met.”

“He’s going to have to be there for months,” she noted.

“We are both so busy,” she said. “And unfortunately that means we’re spending all of this time apart.”

She spoke more generally about relationship struggles.

“You are both always away, you’re exhausted at the end of the day, sometimes the relationship isn’t being put first,” she said.

“But does that mean you call it quits?” she asked, answering: “No.”

“You love the s–t out of each other and you work through it and yourselves to be better,” she advised.

“And you know,” she concluded. “That times aren’t always going to be smooth sailing.”

The thing about not-so-smooth sailing is that it doesn’t always get better.

Sometimes, the metaphorical ship (relation-ship, if you will) capsizes.

Better luck next time to both Kaitlyn and Shawn!


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

TMZ Live Ice-T Arrested After Toll Booth Debacle

ON TODAY’S SHOW Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton: Terrorist Bomb Threats  Kylie & Travis: Stormi’s First Pumpkin Patch! Megyn Kelly: Blackface Apology Kanye West: Gunning For Rock Grammy


Monday, September 10, 2018

Broadway Star Carole Cook on Trump, "Where"s John Wilkes Booth When You Need Him?"

Legendary Broadway star Carole Cook said something so shocking when asked about Donald Trump — “Where’s John Wilkes Booth when you need him?” Cook and her husband were leaving Craig’s in WeHo Sunday night when our photog asked about a performance…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tia Booth: Will I Be The Bachelorette? Well ...

Maybe you"re completely hooked on Arie"s season of The Bachelor … or whether you"re just watching to see if The Bachelor Spoilers hold true.

Either way, you had to be captivated by Tia Booth"s heartbroken farewell and her deeply emotional exit.

In the video below, she"s opening up about that experience, everything that she said, and … whether she would star on The Bachelorette if asked. Her answer was refreshingly honest.

Tia booth considers

Tia Booth won over many fans with her Arkansas charm.

If you read our The Bachelor recap, you know that Arie"s narrowed down his choices to the final three.

Before that, however, it was time for hometown dates.

Everyone"s families tend to have concerns, but Tia"s families had done a little internet sleuthing (okay, you don"t really need to be a sleuth to type Arie Luyendyk Jr"s name into the search bar), and found out about Arie"s reputation.

As a playboy. As a womanizer. As possibly someone who"s on the show to improve his brand rather than to find love.

(Do you think that they read that Arie is allegedly great in bed?)

In the end, though, Arie was able to charm Tia"s concerned loved ones and assure them that he"s not some sort of snake in the grass.

Tia booth cries

Tia"s family may have accepted Arie, but Arie sent Tia packing. Her sobs really tugged at your heartstrings.

Because rumors have been mounting that Arie has broken off his engagement already, maybe it"s a good thing that Tia got her heart broken here and now.

A devastated Tia moved audiences with her tears as she said farewell to Arie Luyendyk Jr.

And then, in the car, she admits that she"s tired of feeling like she isn"t good enough.

So … how"s she feeling now that the dust has settled?

Tia booth rose

Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, Tia Booth says that she"d jump at the chance to become the leading lady on The Bachelorette.

"I think it would be an amazing experience getting to be the Bachelorette and to get to meet some amazing men."

A lot of people are coy about their desire to fill that roll. Not Tia.

Good for her.

She also says that it would probably present different but interesting challenges.

"I know it would be tough, but I would kinda be in control and in charge."

Tia booth and arie luyendyk jr

She thinks that she could really benefit from being the Bachelorette.

"I think it would be another learning and growing experience, and I"m all for that."

She has the same rationale for being all for that experience as she did for going on The Bachelor, pretty much.

"Thirty years from now, I don"t want to say, "Well, I turned that down because I was scared or nervous.""

Hey, that"s a great way to live if you want to seek out new experiences.

Tia booth confessional

Even if Tia doesn"t end up becoming the leading lady, we could still see more of her and her journey for love.

"I would love to be in Paradise. I would love to continue on this Bachelor journey."

More than many, she knew what she was getting into before the joined the show, since Raven Gates had already been on that adventure.

Even if Tia isn"t the next Bachelorette, Arie Luyendyk Jr. is evidence that she could always be called back — even years from now.

Here"s the video of her interview:

Tia booth would i be the bachelorette well

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth: Married?!

Kaitlyn Bristowe may have gotten her happily ever after with Shawn Booth after they became a thing on The Bachelorette Season 11, but that was back in 2015. 

As far as reality TV stars go, weddings generally follow months, not years later. Fans have been speculating when the wedding will take place and more importantly, whether it will be televised. 

In a surprising turn of events, Kaitlyn may have accidentally revealed that she is already married during a recent helping of her Off The Vine podcast. 

Fans of the star took to Reddit when the reality TV star made a jab about the possibility of her already being married to Shawn. 

“I promise, when we have a wedding date you will all know, I will announce it on the podcast, you will never have to question me again,” she said, apparently confirming that her fans would be first to know. 

The bombshell came after the advertisements, and there’s every reason to believe the end of the advertisements caught the star mid-conversation with Claudia Oshry. 

“Maybe we are already married because I needed a green card to work on Broadway!” she said with a laugh. 

It’s not news that Bristowe can be seen on Broadway up until December 30 at the August Wilson Theatre, but could this have been a slip of the tongue with her pal that confirmed the news?

It would be a stretch, and while we love Kaitlyn, it would be very out of character for her to want to have a low-key wedding. 

It’s more likely that Kaitlyn was having a joke and trying to make Claudia laugh, but we’re sure Kaitlyn will clarify the comments in due course. 

As expected, fans were on the fence about the comments and what they meant. 

“There’s a tiny, tiny chance that it’s just true but it just doesn’t make sense, logically, and it doesn’t fit with Kaitlyn’s personality.”

“I love her, but the girl loves attention, and I don’t see her getting married quietly making just a passing comment about it,” said one fan.

Another fan chimed in, saying “Kaitlyn sometimes says things off the cuff on this show. I hope she would understand that if this is true, saying publicly that you got married to get a green card/stay in the country is technically fraud.”

“If the US government wants to come after you, they can, and they won’t care if you have actually been in a relationship for a while.”

Given the fact that Kaitlyn has been talking about having two wedding dresses for the momentous occasion, it would not make sense for her to be already married. 

There is the slight chance that she is married, and milking the publicity train in the aftermath, but it would still very out of character. 

They don’t do Bachelor Nation weddings low-key. They are elegant affairs that are littered with flashing lights as everyone poses in front of the cameras. 

As always, we’ll keep you up to speed on any further developments on the marriage front!

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tony Romo Quits Football ... Bring On The Booth!!

Tony Romo’s QB days are over … at least for now … he is reportedly retiring from the NFL to pursue a career in broadcasting.


Monday, March 27, 2017

Ezekiel Elliott Pulls a Gronk ... Takes Over DJ Booth, Too (Video)

Gronk wasn’t the only big NFL star behind the DJ booth this weekend — Ezekiel Elliott took over Steve Aoki’s set.  Zeke — sporting a skull mask — partied at STORY Nightclub in Miami on Saturday night. We’re told he had a blast. No problems,…


Ezekiel Elliott Pulls a Gronk ... Takes Over DJ Booth, Too (Video)

Gronk wasn’t the only big NFL star behind the DJ booth this weekend — Ezekiel Elliott took over Steve Aoki’s set.  Zeke — sporting a skull mask — partied at STORY Nightclub in Miami on Saturday night. We’re told he had a blast. No problems,…


Rob Gronkowski Hijacks DJ Booth ... Topless Turn Up (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Here’s Rob Gronkowski dancing funny … with a water bottle … without a shirt. The NFL star took over the DJ booth at Hyde Beach at SLS South Beach on Sunday night … essentially serving as DJ Carnage’s private turn up dancer. Things got messy…


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Miley Cyrus -- Celeb Treatment at Voting Booth (VIDEO)

Miley Cyrus got the VIP treatment on election day — literally driving into a polling place and casting her ballot while Liam Hemsworth never let go of the steering wheel. Miley hit up a fire station in Bev Hills that offers curbside voting…


Friday, February 26, 2016

Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth: SCAMMING Bachelorette Fans???

“But their love seems so real!” said no one ever.

While Bachelorette Kailyn Bristowe and her #1 rose recipient, Shawn Booth are keeping marriage talk at bay, former contestant JJ Lane is calling their relationship a total sham.

Lane spoke to In Touch about how Bristowe and Booth are sitting on a throne of lines together in the name of cash.  

And though he may be right in his assumptions that this is all a farce, Lane kinda sounds bitter to say the least.

“Kaitlyn and Shawn’s relationship is a sham,” Lane claimed. “They have a business relationship. Shawn is only sticking with her for the money.”

What about true love?  What about the televised wedding?  

“Shawn is such a jealous, insecure person,” Lane continued. “There is no way that Kaitlyn is going to be able to live her life long-term with a guy like that.”

Like any villain, Lane ended his interview with a zinger.

“I will revel in their divorce!” he proclaimed.

OK, guy.  chill out.

Few Bachelor/Bachelorettes have gone the distance with their rose recipient, so everything Lane is saying could possibly be true.

However, ABC must have some ironclad restrictions on what past and present contestants can and cannot say.

Bottom line: Save it for the tell-all, Lane (be sure to get through the legal tape first).

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth: Moving in Together!

On the down low and under the radar, Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth of The Bachelorette fame are still going strong here in 2016.

They’re even moving in together, as a matter of fact.

“We’re very touchy feely,” Bristowe reveals to People magazine. “That’s how we show our love. We grab each other’s butts all the time!”

Given that this is the couple that personally gave away the biggest secret in the history of The Bachelor spoilers, we aren’t really shocked.

Fans may recall that Bristowe accidentally posted a video on Snapchat of Booth in her bed before The Bachelorette season finale aired.

Smooth, it wasn’t. But hey, they were hot for each other from the start, and now they’re shacking up together in a new home in Nashville.

“We’ve come full circle,” says Bristowe of this new phase.

“There was no weird, ‘Oh no am I going to be able to live with this?’ I get mad at him when he shaves [all over the sink], but that’s about it!”

Adds Booth: “The pressure doesn’t get to us at all.”

“We only knew each other for ten weeks before I proposed. We’re both normal people and the most normal thing we can do is wait.”

To hear Kaitlyn tell it, “we’re living together, we’re enjoying being engaged. When we start to plan, we’ll let everybody know!”

One thing she can promise you right off the bat?

“I’m going to take his name. I’m not a traditional person, but when it comes to that, I like the idea of being traditional. I think it’s romantic.”

Sounds like they have no shortage of romance these days. ”I love Shawn more now than the day he proposed,” says Bristowe. 

“That was like a fantasy love. Now it’s real.”