Showing posts with label Toll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toll. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2019

R. Kelly "Surviving" Taking a Toll ... Riddled with Panic Attacks


R. Kelly is feeling the heat in the wake of Lifetime’s docuseries, because while law enforcement hasn’t nailed him yet, he’s been suffering panic attacks severe enough to require medical attention.
Sources connected to the embattled singer tell us the panic attacks ...
R. Kelly "Surviving" Taking a Toll ... Riddled with Panic Attacks

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

TMZ Live Ice-T Arrested After Toll Booth Debacle

ON TODAY’S SHOW Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton: Terrorist Bomb Threats  Kylie & Travis: Stormi’s First Pumpkin Patch! Megyn Kelly: Blackface Apology Kanye West: Gunning For Rock Grammy


Ice-T Arrested in NYC for Evading Toll at George Washington Bridge

Ice-T blew through a bridge toll heading into New York City, and cops busted him for it … TMZ has learned.  Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Ice was arrested by Port Authority police Wednesday morning for toll evasion as he…


Sunday, September 16, 2018

FEMA Administrator Uses Spousal Abuse to Dispute Puerto Rico Death Toll

President Trump may not be too far off in his claim that the death toll numbers in Puerto Rico were inflated … so says a FEMA administrator, who insists deaths linked to spousal abuse in the wake of the hurricane aren’t actually the hurricane’s…
