Friday, December 4, 2015

Emma Stone: Attempting to Steal Ryan Gosling From Eva Mendes?!

Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling have worked together on multiple films, and the actors have gushed about their fondness or each other in multiple interviews.

Unfortunately, it seems the Emma and Ryan may have different ideas about the nature of their off-camera relationship.

As you may have heard Stone broke up with Andrew Garfield in April after several years of dating.

Shortly thereafter, we began to hear rumors that Gosling was cheating on Eva Mendes with Stone, but nothing ever came of the affair allegations.

Now, the folks over at Celeb Dirty Laundry are reporting that Gosling and Mendes briefly broke up as a result of his romancing the Stone, and Emma did everything in her power to ensure that the couple stayed separated.

Despite Stone’s best efforts, the website reports that “unnamed insiders reported that Ryan and Eva decided to give things one more try and want to give Esmeralda a baby brother or sister.”

Further complicating matters is the fact that Garfield is reportedly trying his best to win Stone back, but she only has eyes for Gosling.

Sound like quite the Hollywood love quadrilateral. It seems fitting that the film that Gosling and Stone recently completed filming is entitled La La Land.