Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Brandon Browner Arrested for Attempting to Murder Ex-Girlfriend

Between Kellen Winslow II being arrested on 19 charges and LeSean McCoy accused of unspeakable domestic violence, this summer is reminding football fans that some of their heroes … are not.

Now, former NFL quarterback Brandon Browner is charged with trying to kill his ex-girlfriend. This is not the first time that has been accused of violence towards her or others.

He was arrested on Sunday east of Los Angeles. Be warned, folks: some of these details are not for the faint of heart.

According to prosecutors at the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office, the 33-year-old former athlete is charged with attempted murder, first-degree residential robbery, and other counts.

His arraignment is scheduled for July 30.

According to the allegations, Browner broke into his ex-girlfriend’s apartment.

He is said to have chased the woman, physically dragged her back into her house when she attempted to flee, and attempted to smother her with a carpet.

While it sounds considerably less serious than attempted murder of a former partner, he also allegedly stole a Rolex watch valued at $ 20,000.

It is not immediately evident whether or not Browner has an attorney.

Given that he signed a contract worth $ 15 million just a few years ago, it seems likely that he can afford a decent defense team.

Having played for both the Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots, he enjoys the distinction of being one of the few players who has been on two different NFL teams who won the Superbowl back-to-back.

Though online sources are unclear as to his exact net worth, many assume that his alleged theft of a Rolex watch was motivated by something other than a need for cash.

Additionally, it is unclear what exactly motivated him to allegedly break into the La Verne, L.A. home of his ex-girlfriend.

But a troubled hsitory may shed light on what went down.

Last September, Marin Foster, who is the mother of his two children, filed a restraining order against Browner.

On her application, she reported that he had broken her tailbone, busted her eardrum, and given her multiple black eyes. She also suggested that he had threatened to kill her, if not in so many words.

It gets worse, in part because the permanent restraining order was not granted.

On May 6 of this year, prosecutors alleged that Browner inflicted “unjustifiable physical pain and mental suffering” on a two-year-old.


Last month, he plead no contest to misdemeanor charges of battery and cruelty to a child by inflicting injury.

If you’re wondering how much our legal system cares about protecting children, he served one day in prison, and three years on probation.

Also, 48 hours of community service and he is forbidden from seeing his victim for three years.

The only good news about this series of horrifying events, which are going to keep us up at night, is that committing a crime while on parole could mean that he spends longer in prison.

Assuming, of course, that his is convicted and actually given a real sentence this time.
