Showing posts with label Fairman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fairman. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Valerie Fairman: Late 16 and Pregnant Star"s Mother Gives Update on Daughter

In December of 2016, Valerie Fairman, one of the star’s of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant, passed away.

She was only 23 years old.

Her death was shocking for a number of reasons, one, of course, being her age.

Another was that she had an episode in the second season of 16 and Pregnant, the same season that introduced us to Jenelle Evans, Chelsea Houska, Kailyn Lowry, and Leah Messer.

Being in a group of ladies we’ve come to know so well, it was just sort of strange to hear about her passing.

One big reason the whole thing was so tragic was that Valerie left behind a daughter, Nevaeh, who was seven years old when she lost her mother.

Really, the whole entire thing was just one big mess of sadness.

The news of her death broke thanks to some tweets from her friends and family, and later we learned that she’d accidentally overdosed at a friend’s house.

She went to the bathroom there but didn’t come out. Her friend went to check on her, and when there was no response, the friend broke down the door to find Valerie unresponsive.

She never regained consciousness.

There were never any official reports about her specific cause of death, but many believe that she died after doing heroin laced with fentanyl.

This belief began in part because her ex-boyfriend, David Pryce, made a plea on Twitter after hearing the news of her death about shady drug dealers.

“I will always miss you Valerie,” he wrote, “and I want to tell anyone who is selling sh-t to people to stop. We have lost too many loved ones to what you are doing.”

In another statement, he said that she’d been dealing with “a lifelong problem” with opioid addiction, which is especially tragic, considering her life was so short.

Valerie passed away at the end of 2016, and that’s when we heard all of this — so how are things with little Nevaeh now, over a year later?

Her grandmother, Janice Fairman — Valerie’s mother — gave an interview to Radar Online to update 16 and Pregnant fans on how the girl is doing.

“Nevaeh is very well,” she says. “I don’t think it’s been hard for her. I don’t know if it will be in the coming years.”

“She’s doing well in school. I took her to a grief counselor, which she didn’t need.”

That may sound a little cold, but Janice points out that she had full custody of Nevaeh even before Valerie died, and that Valerie only visited once or twice a month.

She explains that “Because her mom wasn’t living here at the time, it made it easier on her. She’s still in the house she’s grown up in.”

She does say that she makes a point to tell Nevaeh about her mother often, and that “she has a necklace with some of her ashes.”

“Ashes are in her play room too. She also has flowers from the service.”

Thankfully, Janice reveals that Nevaeh’s father, Matt Pryce, “sees her every Saturday.”

“We try to keep Matt involved,” she says, even though “he has his own problems,” and she “doesn’t always” want to visit with him.”

Still, they “try and rearrange things so he doesn’t miss out on birthday parties and other activities.”

Finally, Janice asks that 16 and Pregnant fans remember Valerie as a “loving and caring person.”

“I know she was into drugs and wasn’t so nice,” she acknowledges, “but in her heart she really was.”

Here’s hoping that Nevaeh really is doing as well as Janice says, and that she continues to cope with this tragic loss as easily as possible.


Friday, December 30, 2016

Valerie Fairman: Was 16 and Pregnant to Blame for Her Death?

Stories don’t really get much sadder than the tragic tale of Valerie Fairman, former 16 and Pregnant star, and her untimely death.

And thank goodness for that — we honestly couldn’t handle anything sadder than this.

Valerie was only 23 years old when she died last week after a drug overdose. She left behind her seven-year-old daughter, Nevaeh, and several heartbroken family members and friends.

Her sister took to social media to write “Valerie you will forever be missed. I love you baby girl and I will always.”

An ex-boyfriend said “I will always miss you Valerie,” and he even got more detailed about what killed her.

“I want to tell anyone who is selling sh-t to people to stop,” he said. “we have lost too many loved ones to what you are doing. I am doing to start taking care of it.”

Several of the girls from Teen Mom also paid their respects to Valerie on social media, and MTV made a statement of its own, too.

“We are saddened by the news of Valerie Fairman’s passing,” the company said in a statement. “Our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this time.”

But according to a new interview Valerie’s family did with Daily Mail, it seems like they think MTV is ultimately to blame for her death.

If she hadn’t been on 16 and Pregnant, they claim, she’d still be alive.

Valerie’s mother, Janice Fairman, says that Valerie “was a gorgeous girl and it all went to her head.”

“She thought she could pretty much do whatever she liked after the show,” Janice reveals. “She was determined to get everything she wanted.”

“I wish she had never been on TV. It played a big part in her death. I think it messed her up big-time.”

She explains that “When we tried to put our foot down, that’s when she left home. I don’t think there was anything more we could have done to help her.”

Both Janice and Valerie’s birth mother, Beth Shepherd, believe that while Valerie has struggled with drug use for a while, the the drug that ultimately killed her was something called “pink.”

Pink is in the opioid family, it’s eight times stronger than heroin, and it’s totally legal in most states.

What a huge, depressing mess this is.

Janice says that Valerie had been “in and out of rehab for five years,” and Beth even says that “I took her to a methadone clinic a few times. But you have to want to get off drugs.”

Beth lost custody of Valerie when she was a toddler because of her own issues with addiction, but she’s been clean now for well over a decade.

“Valerie went through everything I went through,” she says.

“I was brought up in the middle of the country and I wanted some excitement so I would run off to Coatesville, which is like the big town around here. It was the same with her.”

“She told me how much she looked up to me,” Beth recalls, “and I was an inspiration to her because I had managed to get clean.”

Valerie, tragically, will never get that chance.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Valerie Fairman: Family Offers Update on Late Reality Star"s Daughter

Yesterday, the world learned that 16 and Pregnant star Valerie Fairman passed away.

She was 23 years old.

Sadly, few were surprised by the news that Fairman overdosed, as her struggles with substance abuse were well-documented over the years.

Fairman leaves behind a 7-year-old daughter named Nevaeh, who was thankfully not with her at the time of her death.

It seems that Valerie’s mother, Janice Fairman, had assumed custody of Nevaeh in order to provide a more stable environment for the young girl.

Today, Janice opened up about the family’s grieving process and offered an update on her granddaughter:

“We’re going to do a memorial, but we don’t know when yet because the body hasn’t even been released,” Fairman tells E! News.

“I have her child [Naveah], I’ve had custody of her. She’s doing very well.

Janice adds:

“She wanted to go to school because of the parties today so I let her go to school, and the counselor said she’s doing very well. She talked to her twice. She’s surrounded by support and friends.”

Earlier today, Us Weekly published an interview with Fairman’s ex-boyfriend, who says that her family had reason to hope that she had beaten her opioid addiction in the final months of her life.

“She was trying so hard. It’s a lifelong problem,” said David Pryce.

“I wish that I could have done more for her, that’s basically how I feel.

Several of Fairman’s former 16 and Pregnant colleagues offered their condolences to the troubled young mother on social media:

An MTV spokesperson issued a statement on Valerie’s passing today:

“We are saddened by the news of Valerie Fairman’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this time,” the network says.

Fans have requested that MTV re-air Valerie’s season of 16 and Pregnant both to pay tribute and to serve as a cautionary tale to other teens who may be experimenting with drugs.

Thus far, the network has yet to respond to those requests.

Our deepest condolences go out to Valerie’s loved ones.


Valerie Fairman "Tried So Hard" to Get Sober, Ex Says

Yesterday, the world learned the sad news that former 16 & Pregnant star Valerie Fairman had passed away at the age of 23.

Details were slow to emerge, but we eventually learned that Fairman died of an overdose.

Her struggle with substance abuse was chronicled during her brief period of MTV stardom, and Valerie struggled mightily to get sober over the years.

Unfortunately, in the end, she succumbed to the opioid abuse epidemic that’s already affected so many millions of Americans.

In the wake of her death, thousands expressed their condolences on social media, including several of Fairman’s former colleagues in the 16 & Pregnant/Teen Mom franchise.

Now, those closest to the troubled mother of one are opening up their loss and a life cut tragically short.

“I wish that I could have done more for her, that’s basically how I feel,” Valerie’s ex-boyfriend David Pryce tells Us Weekly.

“She was trying so hard. It’s a lifelong problem.”

Pryce says Fairman was badly misunderstood, not only by fans, but by those who thought they knew her best.

“All I have to say about Valerie is people don’t know how she really was,” Pryce added.

“She was very loving. She was very insecure. She always wanted to go places with me and just kind of hang out. Always wanted to be near me. She was a very, very good woman.

“She would just talk. She was very, very intelligent, which surprised me that she would end up like that.”

Pryce and Fairman dated for nine months in 2013, and the father of her 7-year-old daughter, Navaeh, is Pryce’s nephew.

Pryce paid tribute to Fairman on Facebook after learning of her death, but he also angrily called for something to be done about the worsening opioid problem in America:

“I will always miss you Valerie and I am want to tell anyone who is selling s–t to people to stop,” he wrote.

“We have lost too many loved ones to what you are doing and I am going to start taking care of it.”

Fairman was arrested twice in the past two years for crimes related to her addiction, but her family says that in the final weeks of her life, they had reason to be hopeful that she had turned things around.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Valerie Fairman Death: Teen Mom Cast and Fans React, Mourn 16 & Pregnant Star

News of Valerie Fairman"s death shocked the Teen Mom world today, as the 23-year-old"s passing sent shock waves across Twitter.

The former 16 & Pregnant cast member leaves behind a daughter, Nevaeh (Heaven spelled backwards), who is only seven years old.

The uncertain future of her little girl, combined with Fairman"s cause of death, make the situation about as jarring and somber as they come.

Her MTV co-stars, including those who went on to star on Teen Mom 2, are among those sharing their feelings and grief on social media. 

Not surprisingly, those who knew her are not taking it well. Valerie"s passing has also raised familiar questions about the perils of addiction.

See what the Teen Moms and their fans are saying below …

1. Rest Easy, Angel

Rest easy angel

Teen Mom 2’s Jenelle Evans, who starred with Valerie on 16 & Pregnant Season 2, was clearly moved by her passing.

2. Don’t Take Life For Granted

Dont take life for granted

Sage words from Jenelle. First time we’ve ever said that …

3. This Makes Me So Sad

This makes me so sad

More from Jenelle Evans, who later took these two tweets down from her page (for some reason, as they’re perfectly nice sentiments).

4. Condolences From Kailyn

Condolences from kailyn

Kailyn Lowry also offered her condolences to the grieving Fairman family.

5. The Teen Mom Community Grieves


Chelsea Houska offered condolences as well. Clearly, all of the stars of the Teen Mom community were affected by this passing.

6. Nikkole Paulun Shares a Memory


Nikkole Paulun also starred in the second season of 16 & Pregnant. She shared this photo of herself and Valerie.

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EMS Call for "16 and Pregnant" Star Valerie Fairman, Signs of Drug Abuse (AUDIO)

First responders rushed to Valerie Fairman initially thinking she might have suffered a heart attack … but once on scene there were signs of possible drug abuse. TMZ got the dispatch call to the fire dept and EMS Wednesday night in Coatesville,…


"16 and Pregnant" Star Valerie Fairman Tried Rehab 5 Times in 5 Years

Valerie Fairman was desperately trying to get clean for years before she died from a suspected overdose … according to her mother. Valerie’s mom, Janice Fairman, tells TMZ her daughter checked into 5 different rehab treatment facilities over the…


Valerie Fairman: Cause of Death Revealed, Tragic

The cause of death for Valerie Fairman, the former star of 16 & Pregnant on MTV, has been revealed, and it is both tragic and familiar.

As reported earlier today, the 23-year-old Valerie Fairman died this week following a string of legal and apparent personal problems.

It appears that her tragic demise was consistent with those issues.

Valerie’s mom tells TMZ she was at a friend’s home in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, yesterday when the friend repeatedly called for Valerie.

The reality star was in the bathroom, but she did not come out.

After not getting a response, the friend broke down the door and found her unresponsive; Valerie Fairman would not regain consciousness.

Officials suspect that a drug overdose was likely to blame.

The coroner is conducting toxicology tests to determine the official cause of death, but all signs point to an overdose, according to TMZ.

Valerie’s child, 7-year-old Nevaeh, is currently with her mom.

Nevaeh lived with Valerie’s parents for a long period during the series; Nevaeh’s father, Matt, struggled to accept that he was the dad.

For her part, the troubled Fairman had struggled for years.

Last year, she was arrested on prostitution charges and, just last week, she for resisting arrest and providing false ID to law enforcement.

It’s not clear what she was initially being arrested for in that situation, but she reportedly attempted to run from police, who subdued her.

News of Fairman’s death hit the MTV world hard today.

Her fellow reality stars and alumni turned to social media in droves to share memories and send their prayers to her grieving family.

“How incredibly sad. My heart goes out to her daughter and family,” Teen Mom 2’s Chelsea Houska, her co-star on 16 & Pregnant, wrote.

Jenelle Evans added, “Oh my god. I just spoke to her a couple months ago and told her I’m proud of her and looks like she’s doing good.”

“Don’t take life for granted,” Evans added.

“Hold your children and love them close.”

A spokesperson for MTV said in a statement:

“We are saddened by the news of Valerie Fairman’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this time.”

David Pryce, a man purported to be her ex, posted a message on Twitter that seemed to confirm Valerie’s drug problem:

“I will always miss you Valerie,” Pryce said.

“I am want to tell anyone who is selling shit to people to stop. We have lost too many loved ones to what you are doing.”

“I am going to start taking care of it.”

Fairman and her then-boyfriend Matt were featured on Season 2 of 16 & Pregnant, the forerunner to MTV’s popular Teen Mom series.

They welcomed Neveah (which is HEAVEN spelled backwards) and the show followed her (sans Matt, mostly) through early motherhood.

16 and Pregnant spawned three spin-off series: Teen Mom (now Teen Mom: OG), Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom 3 (3 quickly went off the air).

Amber Portwood, Farrah Abraham, Maci Bookout and Catelynn Lowell of Teen Mom: OG all appeared on Season 1 of 16 & Pregnant.

Chelsea Houska, Leah Messer, Jenelle Evans and Kailyn Lowry were on 16 & Pregnant Season 2 with Fairman before Teen Mom 2.

The popular shows have won praise for showing the hardships of teen parenting, with teen pregnancy rates on the decline since 2009.

At the same time, the programs have been criticized for glamorizing / making celebrities out of the young, often troubled women featured.


"16 and Pregnant" Star Valerie Fairman Dead of Presumed Overdose

Valerie Fairman — the 23-year-old star from the reality show “16 and Pregnant” — has died and her family tells TMZ it appears to be an overdose. Valerie’s mom tells us she was at a friend’s home in Coatesville, Pennsylvania Wednesday when the…


Valerie Fairman Dies; 16 & Pregnant Star Was 23

The life of former 16 and Pregnant cast member Valerie Fairman has come to a tragic end, according to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

Valerie, who starred on the MTV hit show’s second season in 2010, was only 23. She leaves behind seven-year-old daughter, Nevaeh.

Fairman’s cause of death is unknown at this point, but her battle with substance abuse and troubles with the law are well-documented.

Most notably, fans of the franchise may recall that Valerie Fairman was arrested back in February 2015 on charges of prostitution.

In April 2016, Valerie had reportedly been sentenced to two years of parole, stemming from that and prior run-ins with the law.

Last month, it appears that she violated her parole terms.

A hearing was scheduled to discuss the alleged parole violation, although it is not known at this point if that hearing ever took place.

She then ran into more trouble with the law a week ago.

The native of Oxford, Pennsylvania, was busted in her home state December 15 for resisting arrest and giving false identification to police.

It’s unclear what she was being arrested for at the time.

Whatever the circumstances, Valerie was released on bail, and a preliminary hearing in that case was scheduled for January 5.

Fairman died at some point within the last 72 hours.

“Valerie you will forever be missed,” Valerie’s sister wrote on social media. “I love you baby girl and I will always [love you].”

Her ex-boyfriend, David Pryce, meanwhile, alluded to the idea that the reality star’s passing might have been drug-related.

“I will always miss you Valerie and I want to tell anyone who is selling s–t to people to stop,” he wrote, referencing substance abuse.

“We have lost too many loved ones to what you are doing.”

In September 2009, Fairman became the mother of Nevaeh Lynn Fairman; Matt, her boyfriend at the time, also appeared on the program.

16 and Pregnant has spawned three spin-off series: Teen Mom (now Teen Mom: OG), Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom 3 (now off the air).

Maci Bookout, Catelynn Lowell, Amber Portwood and Farrah Abraham of Teen Mom: OG all appeared on the first season of 16 & Pregnant.

Jenelle Evans, Kailyn Lowry, Chelsea Houska and Leah Messer all were on 16 & Pregnant Season 2 before launching Teen Mom 2.

Fairman also starred on the show that season, but (like most of the 16 & Pregnant cast) was not picked for the very successful spinoffs.

Before, during and after that brush with fame, her life was clearly turbulent and her death marks yet another tragedy as 2016 winds down.

Valerie’s Twitter, which features many sweet photos of herself and her daughter, is still active, though she had not tweeted since October.

It’s not clear where Nevaeh is currently living, or what the long-term plan is for her; Valerie’s adoptive parents cared for her at one point.

Our hearts go out to her family and friends.
