Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt: We"re Having a Baby...

Brace yourselves, world:

Another Spencer Pratt is on the way.

We’ll give you a few moments to collect your thoughts and keep your latest meal down…

About a month ago, Pratt and Heidi Montag shocked the world when they revealed they still exist.

Just kidding. We had heard rumblings that they were still an item and still living their lives over the years.

We simply had seen very, very, very little of the couple who did an impressive job of extending their 15 Minutes of Hills-Related Fame into at least 25 or 30 Minutes back in the day.

Yet there were Pratt and Montag again last month, back in the news and back on a tabloid cover.

For a very exciting reason: they are expecting a baby!

Speaking to Us Weekly about the development, Spencer and Heidi went over the story of how the former was told the news, while confirming that Montag is due in October.

“I have never been more excited,” Heidi says of the child in her womb, adding:

“The reality is sinking in that we are going to have a child! I’ve read every pregnancy book, and now I realize I don’t know anything.”

Now, in a new discussion with Us Weekly, Pratt and Montag has come out and announced their baby’s gender.

IT IS A BOY!!!!!

Montag says she was the one to inform her husband of this important tidbit, relaying his response to the tabloid when asked about it.

“He was really excited! He trains jujitsu all the time, so he’s excited to have a little grappler. He’ll be doing jujitsu and soccer with him,” she says.

As for what gets Heidi so pumped about having a son?

“I’m really excited for his personality and his little smile,” she explains, adding:

“I’m excited to take him to Disneyland and to see if he’s into dinosaurs, Mickey Mouse or ballerinas — it can be anything. Maybe he’ll be the best dance.”

Montag, of course, could do any of these things with a girl, too.

But whatever. No reason to harsh her buzz right now.

In closing, Montag responded to whether or not she’s heard from any of her old MTV friends and/or colleagues.

“Kristin [Cavallari] and Audrina [Patridge] both reached out and said congratulations,” she tells Us.

“I’ve actually been in touch with both of them for a while now. And I obviously asked both of them for advice.

“Kristin sent me a whole list of baby things you need in the first few months, which has been really helpful.”

We had our issues with Spencer and Heidi back in the day, but it’s pretty amazing they’re still happily married, isn’t it?

Consider all the Hollywood marriages that have failed and then consider how these two are still going strong. Maybe they weren’t as fake as we previously assumed.

Therefore, allow us to send Spencer and Heidi our very best wishes and to do the same for all the other celebrities set to become parents this year.

Good luck to you all!
