Showing posts with label Passover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passover. Show all posts

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Nas Says Kelis Violated Custody Agreement Claiming She Had a Passover Pass

Nas and Kelis are duking it out in court again … and this time it involves a Jewish holiday. Nas has filed legal docs asking a judge to penalize Kelis because she refused to turn over 8-year-old Knight … she says it’s because the kid wanted…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sean Spicer Defended Hitler During Passover Because Of Course He Did

If Melissa McCarthy"s Sean Spicer impression taught us anything, it"s that Spicy is a joke of a human being.

Generally, jokes aren"t frightening or infuriating, but in Spicer"s case, the eventual punchline might come in the form of a rant about how bad it is to bully the president, delivered as nuclear fallout from a North Korean missile mutates his tiny mouth into a face anus.

Sean Spicer is bad, is what we"re saying.

But is he "use a factually inaccurate to let Hitler off the hook in the midst of a holiday meant to commemorate the Jewish people"s long history of persecution" bad?

Before today we wouldn"t have thought it was possible, but apparently the answer to that question is a mind-blowing yes.

As you"ve likely heard, the U.S. fired 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian air base last week in response to reports that Bashar al-Assad had ordered a nerve gas attack against his own people.

Spicer apparently thinks Assad is the first dictator ever to use chemical weapons to commit atrocities against civilians, because he had this to say during his daily press briefing:

“We didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II. You had someone as despicable as Hitler, who didn’t sink to using chemical weapons.”

Not surprisingly, baffled reporters immediately asked for clarification, and Spicer"s follow-up only made thing much, much worse:

“[Hitler] was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing," Spicer said, adding that the situation in Europe in the the 1930s and "40s was different, because Nazis brought their victims to “Holocaust centers” before brutally murdering them.

He also repeatedly mispronounced Assad"s name, but that bit of gross incompetence reeeeeally pales in comparison here.

For obvious reasons, social media has pounced on Spicer"s comments, with some calling for his immediate firing:


Now, as one of the most high-profile representatives of the Trump administration, it might be wise for Spicer to simply step down to save his boss a world of headaches.

But that would be a smart decision – and as we learned again today, Spicy doesn"t do smart decisions.

Watch the most jaw-dropping moments of today"s briefing in the clip below:

Sean spicer defended hitler during passover because of course he