Showing posts with label Tantrums. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tantrums. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Kate Middleton: Hiring "Supernanny" to Cope With Prince George Tantrums?

It may seem like Kate Middleton never has a care in the world.

She’s freakin’ royalty, after all, which means she can snap her fingers and have you beheaded for showing up someplace wearing the same outfit as her.

According to the people who keep track of such things Kate and Prince William are lazy even by royal standards, which we assume means they refuse to lift their heads to make things a little easier for the people who feed them grapes for a living.

But toddlers are toddlers, and they care not for your titles, tiaras, or cozy relationships with the Illuminati lizard people who control the weather.

Which means that when it comes to disciplining 3-year-old Prince George, Kate has the same problems as every mom.

Well, maybe not every other mom.

She doesn’t have to find someone to stay with her kids overnight because she got stuck working a double at whatever the UK equivalent of Wal Mart is, but you get the idea.

The first clear indication that George could possibly be anything other than the prim and proper offspring he’s been depicted as came during Pippa Middleton’s wedding last month. 

Kate was spotted losing her temper with George and Princess Charlotte, and we imagine Kate Middleton getting pissed is either hilarious or pants-wettingly terrifying.

It was tough to tell from the photos.

Anyway, around this time Will and Kate lost their head housekeeper, reportedly because she quit over their excessive demands.

So there’s a vacancy in the house of Windsor, and at least one of Will and Kate’s two kids is turning out to be a royal pain.

What to do?

Why, this is England, so the answer is to bring in a proper nanny, of course.

And we’re not talking some spoonful of sugar, flying umbrella type.

No, sources say Will and Kate shelled out 250,000 pounds (about $ 320,000 or 5 Chris Christies) for a so-called “supernanny” who’ sworn to whip their kids into shape.

“The new nanny is a graduate of Bath’s prestigious Norland College,” a source tells Grazia.

“She’s fluent in six languages and will speak to the children in French and Spanish, as well as using her skills as a qualified child behavioural specialist to help Kate and William deal with tantrums and other issues.”

Yes, she may speak six languages, but she doesn’t understand sass talk, ya hear?

Anyway, that’s how we like to imagine her introductory speech to the kids going.

Naturally, they’ll fight back with various hijinks, up to and including ingenious booby traps.

We basically stopped learning new things about the world around the time Home Alone came out.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Adam Lind: Getting Fired From Teen Mom 2 Over Beef With Producers, On-Set Tantrums?!

Chelsea Houska baby daddy and all around no-goodnik Adam Lind made it clear on the Teen Mom 2 Season 7 reunion that he is unhappy.

With the MTV show, with how he is portrayed on it, everything.

Well, despite alleging in a bitter sit-down with Dr. Drew that he was done with Teen Mom 2, Lind is indeed back filming new episodes.

Those child support checks don’t write themselves, after all.

That doesn’t mean everything is going smoothly now, however. According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, quite the opposite is true.

The South Dakota derelict was spotted around his hometown recently, being filmed by an MTV crew for the new season of the hit show.

Adam Lind attended daughter Aubree’s softball game, which was being filmed of course, and “was rude to the film crew and producers.”

Apparently, the producers were far from pleased.

“He attended that game with his fiance, Stasia and daughter Paislee, and basically the whole time just whined,” The Ashley’s source says.

Lind, who just got engaged to Stasia Huber, openly complains “that whatever he did on camera would be edited to make him look bad.”

“The producer tried to assure Adam that wasn’t true, but he still caused quite the scene. Stasia was basically just standing there, silent.

“The whole time. She looked really uncomfortable.”

The Ashley also cites a second source, who backs up the first, and adds that this is technically being called Season 7B (rather than 8).

Contracts were not renegotiated, so it’s possible (though not confirmed) that Lind simply could not stop filming yet even if he desired.

In any case, the powers that be are not happy with Adam’s tantrums, as they are paying him very, very well to appear on the franchise.

There is even talk of withholding payment from the father of two if he keeps pulling this kind of crap and doesn’t cooperate during filming.

“If he is not doing the job they are paying him to do, why should he keep getting paid? That’s their feelings on it,” Ash’s source dished.

Again, he may have no choice but to shut his yap.

A judge recently upped the amount he owes Paislee’s mom, Taylor Halbur, in child support, so what’s he going to do, get a real job?

Enough said.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tom Cruise Hates John Travolta, Throws Tantrums Over Cookie Dough, Leah Remini Says

Over the past week, Leah Remini has given a number of candid interviews about her time as a member of the Church of Scientology.

Remini has gone into detail about why she left Scientology. She’s made shocking allegations about the sexual harassment she suffered as a young member of the Church.

But perhaps it’s not surprising that the comments that are garnering the most attention are Leah’s criticisms of Scientology’s golden boy, Tom Cruise.

Remini’s new memoir, which hits stores today, details several incidents of shocking behavior from Cruise.

In an excerpt released yesterday, Remini claimed that she once saw Cruise and Katie Holmes neglect their daughter, as Suri – who was just 7 months old at the time – laid screaming on a bathroom floor.

Leah’s latest revelations are pretty tame by comparison, but they still paint a picture Cruise as a seriously troubled and possibly abusive man.

In new excerpts from Remini’s book obtained by Radar Online, the actress opens up about her time as a member of Cruise’s handpicked inner-circle – and all the bizarre behavior she witnessed during that very strange time in her life.

Remini writes that she was one of several Hollywood stars to be chosen for the Cruise Crew, but notes that big-name Scientologists such as John Travolta and Kirstie Alley were excluded from the group.

“I had heard that Tom didn’t like them,” Remini writes.

She goes on to say that remaining in Tom’s good graces meant engaging in weirdly childlike activities, such as massive games of hide and seek.

According to Remini, Cruise’s childishness extends to his temper, and she recalls seeing him berate an assistant who Cruise believed had forgotten the cookie dough necessary for an afternoon of baking with his “friends.”

“Get in the f–king present time, is what you need to do!” Cruise reportedly screamed. “It was horrible to watch someone I admired come undone, and even worse to witness the fear in the assistant’s eyes.”