Friday, October 13, 2017

David Eason to Fans: Kaiser Is NOT Afraid of Me!

If you watched Monday night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, then we probably don’t have to explain to you why David Eason is not the most popular reality star in thw world this week.

The episode portrayed Eason and his famously volatile wife in such an unfleattering light that Jenelle Evans threatened to quit the show and deleted her Twitter profile in protest.

The newly-married Easons were depicted as bickering contantly and neglecting their many children.

At one point, Jenelle’s youngest son, Kaiser, nearly knocked over an MTV camera, and many viewers cited it as further evidence of Evans’ incompetence as a parent.

But while Jenelle has ben ranting and raving and threatening her bosses on social media, David remained quiet in the days after the episode aired.

Many fans assume Eason is lying low because he was once again exposed as an unfit father who has virtually no patience for Jenelle’s kids from previous relationships.

Today, David seemed to indirectly respond to the widespread criticism by posting the below photo on Instagram:

As you can see, the pic shows Eason seemingly enjoying the company of his wife and daughter, as well as Jenelle’s son Kaiser, who’s seated in his lap.

Many fans commented that they were confused by the photo, as David harshly disciplined Kaiser last week, and seems to not get along with Jenelle’s sons in general.

We’ve seen David openly mock Jace and speak disparagingly of both boys and their fathers.

Many fans have pointed out that if David engages in that sort of behavior on camera, there’s a good chance he’s even worse when he knows he’s not being filmed.

Currently, Jenelle is engaged in multiple custody battles and David’s behavior seems to be making her case worse by the week.

But as always, there are some diehard loyalists willing to defend the Carolina Hurricane and her troubled husband:

“No matter what ppl say, honestly you been in those kids life, married their mom then that means treating the kids just like your own that includes-loving & disciplining,” commented one fan on the pic.

“But either way if he just stood back while the kids misbehaved ppl would say “omg you can’t even step up and be a man/father figure.”

“I must be watching a different show- kaiser is terrified of David? I remember him crying bc he WANTED David – in the backseat when jenelle had to call David on the phone while picking up Marisa,” wrote another.

Perhaps Jenelle and her most faithful fans are right and David is merely being misrepresented.

It’s possible–but we have our doubts

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Jenelle’s questionable parenting.
