Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ryan Edwards Pleads Guilty to Yet Another Crime

Ryan Edwards is getting to be very familiar with his local courthouse these days.

Edwards has been arrested three times in the past year, and many are baffled by the fact that he’s not currently behind bars.

(We suppose you can never underestimate how much easier it is to navigate the criminal justice system if you’re both white and mildly famous.)

The charges against Ryan have ranged from serious to relatively benign, but despite his many, many brushes with the law, it looks as though the troubled Teen Mom OG star has no intention of changing his ways.

Edwards’ latest arrest was for a speeding ticket, but because he’s currently on probation in connection with 80,000 other infractions, it could have carried serious legal consequences.

In fact, Ryan spent a week in jail following his latest run-in with the cops, and he was originally supposed to remain behind bars until his arraignment.

But once again, his lawyers worked their magic (“Judge, I’d like to remind the court that my client is both Caucasian and a reality star …”) so he strutted into court on Tuesday having spent the past several weeks at home as a free man.

According to Radar Online, Ryan pled guilty to the speeding charge, having apparently reached a plea deal with prosecutors.

That may sound like a lot of courtroom drama for a simple moving violation.

But Ryan has reached the point where a jaywalking ticket could land him behind bars if he winds up in front of the wrong judge.

All these legal troubles began in March of 2017 when Ryan was arrested for heroin possession near his hometown in Tennessee.

While still on probation for those charges Edwards failed a drug test and was once again taken into custody.

He received a suspended sentence, probation, and five days community service.

Also during this time, Edwards baby mama, Maci Bookout, was granted a restraining order against him after Ryan allegedly threatened to murder her husband.

Needless to say, the man has been incredibly lucky in court — but his employers have been far less forgiving.

Recently, MTV fired Edwards and his wife, Mackenzie Standifer.

Accounts vary as to why the network reached that decision with Ryan and Mackenzie insisting that they’re discriminating against him because of his addiction, and others claiming that Maci demanded the network give her ex the ax.

We’d say it’s a blessing in disguise, as Ryan can use this time away from the spotlight to focus on getting his life in order.

But let’s face it — that’s never gonna happen.
