Showing posts with label Molest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Molest. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey Accused of Trying to Molest 14-Year-Old Actor Anthony Rapp

“Star Trek: Discovery” actor Anthony Rapp claims Kevin Spacey got sexually aggressive toward him when he was only 14 years old, and Spacey has responded by apologizing and coming out as gay. Rapp told BuzzFeed News the incident occurred in 1986 ……


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Josh Duggar: The Devil Made Me Molest My Sisters!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Josh Duggar molested five young girls while he was in his teens, four of whom were his sisters.

Astonishingly, Josh avoided jail time, as his parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, helped him hide his crimes from the authorities.

It’s the sort ot unthinkable atrocity for which most reality TV franchises would never recover.

The situation was made worse when it was revealed that Josh had attempted to cheat on his wife using the Ashley Madison affair-facilitating website.

Fans resigned themselves to the fact that the Duggars’ time as reality stars had come to an end, and critics revelled in the downfall of one of a family that had been a source of endless controversy from the time they entered the spotlight.

And yet, somehow, the Duggars made their way back onto television.

Sources say that under the terms of their new contract with TLC, the Duggars were forced to promise that Josh would never appear on Counting On.

But that was several seasons ago, and it seems that Josh is eager to repair his reputation … and the network is happy to consider any stunt that will boost Counting On‘s waning ratings.

“Josh will appear on the next season of his sisters’ series,” an insider tells In Touch.

“The plan is for him to address everything he’s done. What he has to say will be ratings gold, and TLC — and the Duggars — know it.”

Although if you’re hoping for a public apology from Josh, don’t hold your breath.

“Josh will cover everything and he will maintain the family line that God has saved his soul and guided him back to the right path,” the source said.

“But one thing you probably won’t hear is that he’s actually sorry, as he believes that external forces were to blame for his behavior.”

Yes, according to the Duggars belief system men can fall under the sway of Satan himself, who has the power to coax them into carrying out actions against their will.

And they believe that’s just what happened to Josh.

So why bring the disgraced father of four on TV if he’s not going to apologize.

Well, apparently Josh “isn’t doing well” at his current gig selling cars, and the family is hoping a second chance at reality stardom will allow him to escape the 9 to 5 life, for which he’s poorly suited.

Also, Jim Bob is pissed at TLC for telling him how to run his and this is his way of getting his power back.

For those of you not familiar with the Bible, wrath, greed, the thrist for power, and an effort to make sure your slothful son never has to put in another day of real work are all things Jesus was totally down with.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most dusfunctional fundamentalists.
