Showing posts with label Schneider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schneider. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

John Schneider Plugs Merchandise On the Way to Jail, Could Get More Time

John Schneider’s still busy plugging books and t-shirts as he walks into jail to serve 3 days — but he could be looking at an even longer sentence if he doesn’t get busy following a court order … TMZ has learned. TMZ broke the story … the…


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

John Schneider Released from Jail After Five Hours Served

John Schneider’s time in jail was about as long as a ‘Lord of the Rings’ movie … thanks to overcrowding — but he’s got a lot to do to avoid going back.  We broke the story … the ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ star was sentenced to 3 days in County…


Monday, June 11, 2018

John Schneider Sentenced to Jail Over Delinquent Spousal Support

John Schneider’s gonna be behind bars for the next few days — a judge just gave him jail time for not paying spousal support to his estranged wife, Elvira … TMZ has learned. The ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ star was sentenced Monday to 3 days in L.A.…


Monday, February 5, 2018

"Dukes of Hazzard" Star John Schneider Gets Reprieve From Judge Over Back Spousal Support

John Schneider got a big break from the judge presiding over his divorce war … he has a month to make good on a ton of delinquent spousal support, but the clock is ticking. John was behind more than $ 150,000 in support, and Elvira’s pissed.…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rob Schneider Says He Was Sexually Harassed by Director, Harvey Weinstein"s Not Only One

Rob Schneider wants to make one thing clear about Harvey Weinstein – the mogul is no lone wolf, and Rob knows it because he too was sexually harassed by a director. While Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Rob Schneider: BLASTED for Martin Luther King-John Lewis Tweet

Rob Schneider is an expert as many things:

Making bad movies. Making terrible movies. Making historically unfunny and pathetic excuses for movies.

But Schneider does not appear to be a Civil Rights expert, as evidenced by a Tweet that has landed the “actor” in scalding hot water.

On Monday, Schneider felt a need to lecture Georgia Congressman John Lewis on some American history, most notably the way Martin Luther King Jr. lived his legendary life.

Lewis, of course, has been in the news of late because he has said he will NOT attend Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20.

The politician said last week that he doesn’t consider Trump to be a “legitimate president,” based on intelligence reports that confirm Russia hacked into this year’s election, with the intention of helping Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.

In response to that decision and assessment, Trump went off on Lews via Twitter.

“Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results,” the President-Elect wrote, adding:

“All talk, talk, talk – no action or results. Sad!”

This Tweet is racist, misguided and ridiculous.

Lewis literally marched alongside Martin Luther King Jr. and was arrested on many occasions while fighting for civil rights in the 1960s.

You’d be hard-pressed to find a politician who has accomplished more or taken more action than John Lewis.

j. lewis tweets

But such lack of logic, intelligence and sympathy is to be expected from Trump.

We guess it should have been expected from the actor best known for having portrayed Deuce Bigalow, too.

This is what Schneider wrote yesterday on social media:

“Rep. Lewis. You are a great person. But Dr. King didn’t give in to his anger or his hurt. That is how he accomplished & won Civil Rights.”

Lewis – who has served as the U.S. Representative for Georgia’s 5th congressional district since 1987 – was with King on the day of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963.

He also famously marched with King during the 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery.

And yet Rob Schneider (Rob Schneider!) somehow felt qualified to lecture Lewis on what King did and thought.

Fortunately, Twitter users also saw the irony and felt the anger as a result of this Tweet.

“Rob Scheider [sic] lecturing anyone on anything is offensive, much less John Lewis on MLK Day. #facepalm,” one person wrote online, while another added:

“As if rob schneider and his entire shtick as a sidekick to Adam Sandler career wasn’t embarrassing enough.”

There was also this amazing takedown, which pointed to all the times Schneider played characters that were nothing but ethnic and racial stereotypes:

rob s

Schneider is yet to respond to this onslaught of criticism.

We’d say it would be good for his career if he did so, but let’s be honest:

Rob Scheider has not had any kind of career in a very long time.

If this was his attempt to simply make some news and to see his name in a headline for the first time in years, then well done, Rob! Mission accomplished!

Now you may return to sticking your lips as far up Sandler’s butt as they can go. You’re an idiot.
