Showing posts with label Heyer's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heyer's. Show all posts

Monday, August 28, 2017

Heather Heyer"s Mom Sends Strong Message at VMAs

The most memorable moment from the MTV Video Music Awards had nothing whatsoever to do with music.

Toward the end of the broadcast, Susan Bro and Robert Lee IV took to the stage.

The former is the mother of Heather Heyer, a 32-year old woman who was killed by a White Supremacist during the ugly situation in Charlottesville two weeks ago.

The latter is a pastor and descendant of Civil War general Robert E. Lee, whose statue removal sparked protests in that town by modern day members of the Nazi party.

"It is my moral duty to speak out against racism, America"s original sin," Lee said as the audience applauded, adding while introducing Bro:

"Today, I call on all of us with privilege and power to answer God"s call to confront racism and white supremacy head on…

"We can find inspiration in the Black Lives Matter movement; the women who marched in the women’s march in January; and especially Heather Heyer, who died fighting for her beliefs in Charlottesville."

Heyer"s mother, who recently had very harsh words for Donald Trump, then appeared on stage to say a few words about her daughter"s legacy – and also announce the launch of the Heather Heyer Foundation, "a nonprofit organization that will provide scholarships to help more people join Heather’s fight against hatred."

Summoning up the strength, Bro said the following about her child:

"I want people to know that Heather never marched alone.

"She was always joined by people of every race and every background in this country.

"In that spirit, MTV has decided to honor all six nominees for Best Fight Against the System."

These were the category"s six nominees:

  1. John Legend ("Surefire")

  2. Alessia Cara ("Scars to Your Beautiful")

  3. Logic and Damian Lemar Hudson ("Black SpiderMan")

  4. Shailene Woodley and Taboo ("Stand Up/Stand N Rock")

  5. Big Sean ("Light")

  6. Lin-Manuel Miranda ("Immigrants")

They were were all presented with the award.

"Through their diversity, these six videos show their many ways to take action and many battlegrounds in the fight for social good," Bro said.

She and Lee then exited the stage arm in arm.

Pretty powerful stuff.

Watch the it all unfold now:

Heather heyers mom sends powerful message at mtv video music awa

Friday, August 18, 2017

Heather Heyer"s Mother: I Will Never Speak to Donald Trump!

Susan Bro, the mother of the woman killed during last Saturday’s white supremacy rally in Charlottesville, says she has not spoken directly with President Donald Trump.

And she told Robin Roberts on Good Morning America today that she has no plans to ever do so.

Bro"s 32-year old child, Heather Heyer, was mowed down in the street six days ago by James Alex Fields, Jr., a neo-Nazi who allegedly drove his car into a contingent of protestors in Virginia.

At her daughter"s funeral on Wednesday, Bro spoke forcefully against the hate groups that tried to silence people such as Heather, earning national acclaim, respect and sympathy in the process.

“They tried to kill my child to shut her up, but guess what, you just magnified her,” Bro said in front of a packed theater in downtown Charlottesville in honor of her daughter.

Added the mourning mother at the time:

“I’d rather have my child, but by golly if I got to give her up, we’re going to make it count."

Bro talked tearfully about Heather just one day after President Trump refused to condemn White Supremacists or their ilk.

He said in a press conference that violence on "both sides" was to blame for the chaos in Charlottesville, seemingly making a moral equivalence between Nazis and those who gathered to protest Nazis.

In the following interview, Susan says the President first called during Heather"s funeral.

Various secretaries tried reaching out to her at other times, presumably to connect her to the Commander-in-Chief, but she has no interest in making this connection.

"I"m not talking to the President now, I"m sorry," Bro said, expounding:

"It"s not that I saw somebody else"s tweet about him, I saw an actual clip of him at a press conference equating the protesters, like Ms. Heyer, with the KKK and the white supremacists."

Neither Trump nor anyone in his administration has visited Charlottesville in the days following Heyer"s murder.

But even if he suddenly decided to do so?

"You can"t wash this one away by shaking my hand and saying I"m sorry," Susan said. "I"m not forgiving for that."

Watch her exchange with Roberts below:

Heather heyer mother says she will never speak to donald trump

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Charlottesville Car Attack Victim Heather Heyer"s Mother Gives Powerful Speech at Memorial Service

Heather Heyer’s mother says the white supremacists and hate groups responsible for her daughter’s death didn’t shut her up … they made her message that much louder.  Susan Bro gave a powerful speech Wednesday at her daughter’s memorial…


Charlottesville Car Attack Victim Heather Heyer"s Mother Gives Powerful Speech at Memorial Service

Heather Heyer’s mother says the white supremacists and hate groups responsible for her daughter’s death didn’t shut her up … they made her message that much louder.  Susan Bro gave a powerful speech Wednesday at her daughter’s memorial…
