Monday, July 23, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Daughter Twerks, Wears Towel, Admits to Killing Dog

"She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I"m doing mine."

This is something that Farrah said about her daughter, Sophia, when she was only four years old.

Judging by recent developments, it"s also probably something that she would still say today.

Yep, it doesn"t look like Sophia, now nine years old, has much adult supervision, judging by the kinds of things she"s been sharing on social media lately.

And if she does have adult supervision … well, then perhaps we"re even more concerned.

1. Exhausting


How many times are we going to have to talk about Farrah and her complete lack of parenting skills? HOW MANY?!

2. Too Much

Farrah and sophia with flowers

It’s always been excessive, how awful she is, but it’s really been getting out of hand lately.

3. Seriously, Stop

Farrah abraham sucks at photoshop

Just this month, she tried to convince Sophia that it would be a hilarious prank to convince someone that her dog had died, and then when her dog actually died, she took a video of Sophia crying instead of, you know, comforting her.


Farrah abraham dressed like a magician

Also this month, Farrah was officially charged with battery after getting violent with a hotel employee — and, don’t forget, during the original incident, Sophia was upstairs sleeping.

5. Ugh

Farrah abraham snapchat image

Earlier this year, she got a lot of negative attention for having Sophia in the room while she got butt injections, and for getting her to film the procedure.

6. Uh …

Farrah abraham blonde for single af

Also earlier this year, she shocked us all when she said that she and Sophia take naked photos of each other and save them on their phones.

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