Showing posts with label Insult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insult. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Kim Kardashian West Uses R-Word at Halloween Party to Insult Guests

Another huge star has offended the special needs community — this time, it’s Kim Kardashian West who used the r-word to insult Halloween party guests who couldn’t guess her costume.  Kim dressed up as Pam Anderson to attend Kendall Jenner’s…


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Kim Kardashian Gets Body-Shamed By Tyson Beckford, Fires Back With Homophobic Insult

It’s one of the most random celebrity feuds in recent memory, and it’s got Twitter divided as to how far is too far when one is clapping back at a hater.

It all started when Tyson Beckford commented on an Instagram photo that showed Kim Kardashian walking into Jimmy Kimmel’s studio for an appearance on his show earlier this week.

Kim K Shade Room

“Sorry I don’t care for it personally,” he commented, as though anyone had asked his opinion.

“She is not real, doctor f–ked up on her right hip.”

Now, Kim has been denying plastic surgery rumors for the entirety of her career, so it’s not surprising that she took issue with Beckford’s remark.

It is surprising, however, that she chose to malign a marginalized segment of the population in her rebuttal.

“Sis we all know why you don’t care for it,” Kim replied on Instagram.

Kim Kardashian-Tyson Beckford

Just in case there was any confusion with regard to her intentions, Kim made added the usual shade-throwing emojis:

A brush painting fingernails, a frog, a tea cup — all combining to evoke the image of a bitchy Kermit cutting his critics down to size with a single offhand remark.

Generally, those who stand up to online bullies are applauded for their courage.

But Kim’s comment has raised some serious concerns.

Obviously, she’s implying that Beckford is not interested in her sexually because he’s gay.

Setting aside the troublingly hubristic assumption that if someone doesn’t want to bed you, it must be because of their sexual orientation, it’s problematic that Kim seems to think that accusing Beckford of being a closeted gay man amounts to an insult.

Beckford addressed Kim’s comments in an Instagram story, but opted not to remark on the allegations of homophobia.

“Despite what @TheShadeRoom might be tryna say, my opinion on women who do plastic surgery stays the same, not for me!

“I personally don’t care for it! End of story.”

Just in case anyone doubted that he’s an incredible douche bag, Beckford added:

“Always gonna pick a Beyonce over anyone else.”

Yes, it’s one of those sad situations in which both parties come away looking like jerks.

Obviously, there’s a debate to be had over who comes off worse here.

But the fact that both Kim and Tyson have a whole lot of growing up to do is inarguable.

Do better, y’all.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Roseanne"s TV Apology to Valerie Jarrett Ends with an Insult About Her Haircut

Roseanne Barr took a crack at an on-air apology to Valerie Jarrett for posting a racist tweet about her, but it didn’t go too well … especially at the very end. Roseanne was speaking on Sean Hannity’s show Thursday night about her…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Samantha Bee Addresses Ivanka Trump Insult C-ntroversy

Last week, comedian and late night host Samantha Bee apologized after referring to Ivanka Trump as a "feckless c-nt."

Conservatives, still licking their wounds from Roseanne"s cancelation and eager for payback, raised their voices online. Even Trump demanded Bee"s firing.

On Wednesday night, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee"s newest episode began with a cold open in which Bee addressed the controversy.

Samantha bee 01

During Full Frontal"s cold open, Samantha addresses the camera and her audience with a somber tone.

"You know, a lot of people were offended and angry that I used an epithet to describe the president"s daughter and adviser last week."

She referred to Ivanka as feckless, meaning that she is irresponsible, but that was not the word that had people up in arms.

"It is a word I have used on the show many times hoping to reclaim it."

In most English-speaking countries, the c-word does not carry the scandalous weight that it does in the United States. Clearly, Bee would like for that to change.

"This time I used it as an insult."

Generally speaking, you can"t reclaim a word while also hurling it at people you dislike. She admits her error.

"I crossed the line, I regret it and I do apologize for that."

Samantha bee 02

For those who are puzzled as to why her description of Ivanka was controversial at all, Bee explains exactly why.

"The problem is that many women have heard that word at the worst moments of their lives."

This, folks, is how one describes a slur. For the LGBT+ community, there"s an f-slur and a t-slur, among others. For many black people around the globe, that word is the n-word.

Naturally, people against whom a slur would be used are generally allowed to use it, as it does not mean the same thing coming from them.

But not all women are eager to hear the c-word, in any context.

"A lot of them don"t want that word reclaimed, they want it gone. And I don"t blame them."

She would never want to be part of making any woman relive the suffering of her past, whether it"s from creepy catcallers on the street or from a toxic partner or family member.

"I don"t want to inflict more pain on them."

Samantha bee addresses the controversy

Don"t worry — even though this cold open was not really designed to entertain, she has some good lines.

"I want this show to be challenging and I want it to be honest, but I never intended it to hurt anyone."

Well …

"Except Ted Cruz."

Famously, Bee teamed up with Michelle Branch for "Goodbye Ted Cruz" after Cruz dropped out of the 2016 Presidential primaries, a spoof on Branch"s classic "Goodbye To You."

Bee also acknowledged that women weren"t the only ones who took issue with her use of language.

"Many men were also offended by my use of the word."

And …

"I do not care about that."

Samantha bee 03

Samantha laments that the episode that aired and its many important topics were overshadowed by four simple letters.

"I hate that this distracted from more important issues."

Among other things, Full Frontal writer Ashley Nicole Black"s mother appeared during a segment of the episode that will probably never air again. That"s so unfair.

"I hate that I did something to contribute to the nightmare of 24-hour news cycles that we"re all white-knuckling through."

Every day is a… wait, she already said nightmare. Remember when checking Twitter was fun?

"I should have known that a potty-mouthed insult would be inherently more interesting to them than juvenile immigration policy."

Samantha talked even further about the issue of ICE separating children from their parents at the border, including asylum seekers who are abiding by the law.

"I would do anything to help those kids. I hate that this distracted from them. So, to them, I am also sorry."

You can really hear her adorable Canadian accent when she says soorry, there. But that"s not the point.

Samantha bee 04

Before the (jokingly censored) opening music plays, Samantha Bee has just a few more words of advice.

"If you are worried about the death of civility, don"t sweat it."

Her job is not to be polite, particularly not to those who are in power.

"I"m a comedian. People who hone their voices in basement bars while yelling back at drunk hecklers are definitely not paragons of civility."

But she reiteratest hat she regrets using the c-word.

"I am really sorry that I said that word."

She shares another thought.

"But you know what? Civility is just nice words. Maybe we should all worry a little bit more about the niceness of our actions."

Those are wise words.

Samantha bee addresses ivanka trump insult c ntroversy

Friday, December 22, 2017

Meghan Markle Insult at Queen"s Lunch with Racially Insensitive Jewelry

This is a fine hello for Meghan Markle … she attended her first Christmas Lunch hosted by the Queen, and one of the Royals thought it was a good idea to wear a piece of jewelry that disparages people of color. Princess Michael, who is married to…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Mel B Storms Off "AGT" After Simon Cowell"s Insult

Mel B hurled a cup of water at fellow ‘AGT’ judge Simon Cowell and then stormed off the set in the middle of a live show, after he made a reference to a very sensitive subject … her marriage. Simon was critiquing a contestant when he began…


Monday, August 7, 2017

"Rica Famosa Latina" Star Luzelba Confirms Spanish "Whore" Insult in Forearm Slicing

The “Rica Famosa Latina” star who got her forearm slashed open by her co-star confirmed our Spanish translation of an insult she hurled moments after the slicing … and yes, “puta” does mean “whore.” We spoke to Luzelba about the fight last…


Friday, July 28, 2017

Rapper N.O.R.E. Defends Amber Rose"s Philly Insult

Amber Rose doesn’t think people from her South Philly ‘hood are ugly, they’re just not exotic … at least that’s the defense her pal N.O.R.E.’s tossing up for her. The rapper was out in NYC when we asked him about Amber’s remark about…


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Kendall Jenner"s Pepsi Ad a "Personal Insult" to Black Lives Matter Leader Johnetta Elzie (VIDEO)

Civil rights activist Johnetta Elzie is slamming Kendall Jenner for pretending to be something she’s not in that Pepsi ad, and mocking the real work of real-life protesters. ‘Netta, one of the Black Lives Matter leaders, isn’t letting…


Friday, January 20, 2017

Donald Trump Inaugural Address: Did He Insult Every Former President?

Well, it’s official. 

Whether you hate it or really hate it, Donald Trump is now the 45th President of the United States.

At noon today, Trump was sworn into office, and in addition to Rick Rolling America with promises of never giving you up or letting you down, he roasted the folks sharing the stage with him like he was reenacting the final scene of 8 Mile.

In an address that often sounded more like a campaign speech, Trump struck what analysts (including Republicans like NBC’s Hugh Hewitt) are calling a “grim” and “divisive” tone.

It didn’t come as much of a shock, as Trump rode his “us against them” mentality all the way to the White House, and he’s thus shown no interest in “acting more presidential,” as he’s frequently promised he would.

Some are going so far as to call today’s speech a new low for Trump, as he took his first speech as president as an opportunity to criticize and insult those who held the office before him.

Shortly after thanking the Obamas for their graciousness during his transition, Trump turned on them and just about every one else on Capitol Hill, stoking the flames of outrage by claiming that all politicians have been amassing power and wealth at the expense of the American people:

“For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have bore the cost,” Trump told the crowd.

“Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed.”

He added:

“The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.

“Their victories have not been your victories.

“Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.”

Historian Doris Kearns-Goodwin snidely called the address “the best campaign speech” of Trump’s career, noting that he “made enemies” of both Capitol Hill and “the world at large.”

Lester Holt noted that he “found [himself] squirming” during the address, as he felt that Trump was “indicting many of the people he shared a platform with.”

Naturally, Trump supporters have lauded the speech, with some incorrectly claiming that it’s the first time a president has mentioned God in an inaugural speech.

(In fact, every president has ended his address with “God bless America.”)

Chuck Todd called the mistaken assertion evidence of the “informational divide” between Trump supporters and the rest of the nation.

Sadly, that divide will likely get deeper in the years to come.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Arian Foster In Hot Dog Stand Showdown Over N-Word Insult (VIDEO)

Arian Foster — along with his brother and father — was involved in a heated standoff at a hot dog stand in Houston this weekend … and it all started with shoe smack talk. TMZ Sports has footage of Arian, his brother Abdul and father Carl at…


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Andrew Garfield CRACKS UP Reading Mean Tweets On Jimmy Kimmel Live! Find Out What Insult Made Him Lose It HERE!

Most celebrities don’t take kindly to total strangers insulting them.

Except Andrew Garfield, who could NOT control his laughter while reading his Mean Tweet on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Related: Andrew Reveals His Thoughts On Fatherhood!

The Amazing Spider-Man star was featured on Wednesday night’s LIVE segment, and thoroughly enjoyed getting virtually roasted by an anonymous Twitter user!

Emily Blunt, Salma Hayek, and Jack Black also participated in the segment — but they didn’t share the same appreciation for their Mean Tweets as Garfield did!

Watch the funny clip (below) to see what got the actor cracking up!

[Image via ABC.]