Showing posts with label Ignites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ignites. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Samantha Grant Trashes Chrissy Teigen as "Pudgy Airhead," Ignites Greatest Feud of Our Time

Samantha Grant has gone ahead and really done it now.

The estranged half-sister of Meghan Markle has spent the past year or so attacking her famous sibling, going after the new Duchess for ignoring their father and for essentially abandoning her family.

In Samantha’s very misguided opinion, that is.

About a week ago, for example, Samantha – who is 17 years older than Meghan and who did not grow up in the same household as Prince Harry’s better half – Tweeted the following:

Act like a humanitarian, act like a woman. If our father dies, it’s on you Meg.

How lovely, right?

A few days after Grant penned these kinds words to Markle, the pair’s father gave yet another interview to yet another British publication.

And, yet again, Thomas Markle absolutely BLASTED his daughter, accusing Meghan of cutting him off and holding a grudge against him for skipping her wedding and actively taking credit for everything Markle has accomplished.

This is not even hyperbole.

“What riles me is Meghan’s sense of superiority,” Thomas said to The Daily Mail, adding over this past weekend:

“She’d be nothing without me. I made her the duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.”

Markle has most remained silent while having her name endlessly dragged through the mud by her relatives.

But Chrissy Teigen could no longer sit idly by after reading Thomas’ latest insult-filled Q&A.

It’s unclear whether Teigen even knows Markle, but the former model has become well known for honest, open and hilarious approach to social media.

She’ll basically write anything, about any topic, at any time.

Heck, she once publicly told husband John Legend he could no longer bang her doggy style.

So… into the Markle-infested waters did Teigen wade on Sunday, Tweeting in response to Thomas’ ridiculous interview:

“this guy…this guy sucks. what is wrong with him? let your daughter be happy, please. this is embarrassing.”

Naturally, this set off Samantha Grant, who is constantly looking for any opportunity she can find to make headlines.

“So this pudgy airhead… who knows nobody in the family is opening her pie hole?” wrote Grant on her private Twitter page, concluding of her dad and of Chrissy:

“This guy” is our father and deserves a lot of respect. You are the one who sucks.”

We can’t help but wonder whether Donald Trump ghost wrote this Tweet for Samantha.

Teigen has not yet responded to Grant.

She may not do so because Grant is not worthy of anyone’s time and is just desperately trying to milk her 15 Minutes of Fame for as long as humanly possible.

But Teigen has never exactly been afraid of a fight, having taunted Donald Trump to the point that he recently blocked her.

We sort of hope she ignores Grant, but we sort of hope she goes all Chrissy Teigen on her as well.

Stay tuned!


Saturday, July 7, 2018

NBA"s Brandon Jennings Ignites Neighborhood War, Cops Called 30-40 Times!

Milwaukee Bucks point guard Brandon Jennings is the most HATED man in his neighborhood — with neighbors telling TMZ Sports they’ve called police between 30 AND 40 TIMES on the guy.  Here’s the deal … law enforcement tells us cops were called…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 8 Episode 10 Recap: Kyle Richards Ignites a Feud

Once upon a time, Kyle Richards and Lisa Vanderpump were the best of friends. 

Nowadays, their friendship is in tatters, and they are doing everything and anything to showcase that for the cameras. 

When The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 8 Episode 10 got underway, Dorit Kemsley was busy trying to get back in good graces with Vanderpump. 

However, Dorit failed to come clean about trashing the SUR boss, and, well, the meeting went nowhere as a result. 

Enter Kyle, who was ready to reveal all to her former BFF. 

“What did she say, exactly?”, Vanderpump asks as she realizes she is in for a treat.

“Jealous and insecure, that you’re needy,” Richards responded.

“She said I’m jealous; I’m needy, I’m insecure… what else?” Lisa asked, before adding, “That really hurts my feelings.”

That was enough for Lisa to know that Kemsley was the one who had been stirring the pot. The two women vowed to confront Dorit for her actions. 

With the ladies attending a party in Dorit’s honor for her appearing on some magazine cover, it was only a matter of time before the action kicked into high gear. 

It was all civil initially, with the ladies toasting to Dorit’s success. You could tell Dorit was loving her ego being stroked. 

“I feel f—ed over,” said Kyle who was not amused that Lisa did not stick up for herself.

Dorit subsequently admitted that she was out of the event, and she was heading home. 

“I don’t want to be bothered with this s—,” Dorit snapped at the two women before heading off. 

Then, disaster struck when LVP offered to leave with Dorit. Kyle looked like she wanted to hurl her drink at Lisa and have the ground swallow her up. 

“I mean, it was one thing not to have my back inside,” Kyle explained in a confessional.

“But now Lisa is offering a ride to Dorit, who’s been gossiping about her? Lisa completely holds me to a different standard. Anytime I have ever said anything remotely unflattering; she has punished me.”

“It doesn’t matter what’s gone down,” Vanderpump responded.

“I believe Dorit, and my relationship and friendship supersedes anything that has been said. If she is insistent on going home on her own in a taxi, then I will be going with her.”

Dorit eventually agreed to get on the bus back to the hotel with everyone else, but Kyle was mad. 

“I don’t want you to cry,” Vanderpump admitted, but Kyle was not ready to back the eff down.

“Just leave me the f— alone, Lisa,” she says. “Leave me the f— alone.”

“I know for a fact that what Dorit has said upset Lisa and hurt her feelings,” Richards said in a confessional. “I’m not even mad at Dorit anymore; I’m confused by [Vanderpump’s] behavior.”

The ladies failed to resolve their differences and opted instead to retreat to bed. 

Will they fight another day? 

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills continues Tuesday nights on Bravo. 


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Kim Kardashian Topless Pic Ignites Controversy (Also, Probably, Boners)

At this point, we’ve probably seen Kim Kardashian topless a couple hundred times.

Maybe a couple thousand?

It’s hard to estimate, when you consider the screen shots from her sex tape alone and then cycle through her Playboy and Paper spreads and then consider her Instagram account, like, everday.

But we’ve never seen Kim Kardashian topless quite like this before.

The reality star and mother of three shared yet another photo on social media this morning of herself without a shirt on, yet this one is different.

For one thing, she’s facing away from the camera… which sucks.

For another thing, a professional photographer did not snap this image. Nor did Kim herself.

Instead, the person behind the camera was… four-year old daughter North?

Yes, according to Kardashian herself in the caption below:

kim, no shirt

As you might expect, many social media users had A LOT to say about this snapshot.

And not much of it was positive.

“So now your daughter is taking the provocative photos for you to post?” one user wrote, while another chimed in as follows:

“Why Kim?? Seriously you are her role model. There’s so much good and beautiful about you and your family. Why cheapen it? You don’t need to.”

We understand these opinions. We really do.

But we also don’t know the context of the picture.

Most kids just love to snap pictures. Perhaps Kim and North were just goofing around.

We doubt Kim told her toddler to take a picture of her half-naked and then explained that it would instantly go up on her Instagram page.

And, let’s be honest, North probably sees her mom without a shirt on all the time. This isn’t exactly a big deal to her.

But critics weren’t buying any of this logic.

“I can’t imagine asking my daughter to take a provocative photo of me,” wrote someone else in response, adding:

“This is pretty distasteful seeing as a child took it.”

Kim certainly has been in a weird mood ever since becoming a mother for the third time.

How so? Well…

FIRST, she named this new child Chicago West.

THEN, she attacked Lamar Odom.

THEN, she went after Lindsay Lohan.

THEN, she put her hair back into blonde braids.

And she keeps posing mostly nude. Like, very often.

As we’ve mentioned before, Kim now has three little kids at home and may just be very bored.

So, in the case of her latest image, at least she managed to kill two birds with one stone: She found something for both her and North to do!


Friday, November 3, 2017

Ami Brown & Billy Brown: New Photo Ignites Fan Controversy!

A few days ago, we reported that there are rumors that Alaskan Bush People is filming without Ami Brown.

It now looks like, despite the rigors of chemotherapy and her fight against lung cancer, Ami Brown may have joined her family in Colorado.

But evidence of her arrival is stirring up a new controversy, and Billy Bush is getting slammed by fans of the show.

Up until the beginning of this week, the Brown family was living large in a Beverly Hills mansion that was seemingly at odds with their outdoorsy, post-apocalyptic lifestyle that we’ve seen from them on camera.

They can afford the $ 2.7 million home because, well, they’ve been doing a reality series for seven seasons.

It’s long been suspected that their lifestyle didn’t match what viewers saw on screen.

Little discrepancies, plus the presence of various Browns on social media, clued in viewers to the fact that the show isn’t as authentic as people like to imagine.

But you know, that’s fine. It’s a reality series, not a documentary.

And living in that mansion puts the family close to a hospital where Ami can undergo treatments for her stage 4 lung cancer.

It also means that Ami can live in relative comfort, surrounded by her family.

(Most of them, anyway)

And, though Alaskan Bush People wouldn’t be the same without Ami, we did understand why her relatives might go ahead with filming Season 8 while Ami still recovers.

Except that Ami might not be out of the picture, yet.

Ami Brown and Billy Brown in Colorado

Alaskan Bush People: Exposed is a non-fan-page where fans and non-fans alike can see updates on the family.

Sometimes they report insider information — we don’t know their source, but they’ve often proven to be accurate.

Fans who take selfies with the Browns, usually at random retail outlets in the western portion of the US, also clue in the page, which then posts those photos.

Often with a huge watermark, as you can see in the screencap above.

In that image, you see Ami in a wheelchair that is being pushed by Billy, purportedly in Colorado.

This would lead us to believe that Ami Brown is, in fact, in Colorado to film with her family.

Is Alaskan Bush People‘s hiatus finally over?

However, eagle-eyed fans spotted a little detail about this photo.

And suffice it to say that it ignited a firestorm.

Take a look at that photo, and at Billy Brown’s pocket. Notice that red box there?

Fans were quick to point out that it looks like Billy is carrying a carton of smokes, on display for everyone to see.

The hypocrisy of continuing to smoke while his wife is very probably dying of lung cancer did not escape commenters.

“Pack of smokes in billy’s pocket that’s real nice.”

Smoking is a notorious cause of lung cancer, though not the only cause.

“Look closely. Do you deny that there is a pack of Marlboro cigarettes in Billy’s pocket? Do you know that Billy’s wife has Stage 4 lung cancer? Do you understand the absurdity and hypocrisy of this photo?”

The Brown family is pretty familiar with accusations of hypocrisy, but this is a bit more serious than sleeping in a hotel room while pretending that you live in the woods.

“Nice pack of smokes in Billy’s pocket there. Stage 4 lung cancer and they can’t stop. No sympathy. My mom was a 3 pack a dayer until COPD set in. Quit cold turkey. I’ve never smoked because of it. … I am sorry she has cancer, even more sorry she lives with assholes, but karma is a real bitch.”

We don’t know that “karma” is the right word. Ami doesn’t deserve lung cancer, surely. But it’s understandably distressing to many fans to see that Billy hasn’t changed his habits.

“If this family found a way to make money kudos to them. Sorry Ami is ill but the lung cancer sure is explained in his shirt pocket. 2nd hand smoke.”

It was pointed out to this commenter that Ami Brown was a two-pack-a-day smoker.

Others kept their comments short but firm:

“He needs to stop smoking.”

It is worth noting that Alaskan Bush People: Exposed says that Ami is actually going to go back to L.A. to finish this latest round of chemo.

The family hasn’t announced anything one way or the other, but … is it possible that Ami is just going back and forth between Colorado and L.A?

Could that possibly be good for her? In her condition?

The only thing worse for her than flying constantly and being around a chronic smoker, at this point, would be roughing it in a Colorado winter while her body is especially vulnerable.

We hope that the Brown family clears up any misconceptions and soon.

Still, Ami and Billy’s youngest, Rain Brown, doesn’t know if her mom will make it.

Doesn’t Billy owe it to his family to make sure that he, at least, will still be around for them for years to come?


Monday, October 30, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Latest Pic Ignites "Shotgun Wedding" Controversy

It’s been  since we learned that Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child, and the controversy surrounding her conception date rages on.

In case you missed it, allow us to bring you up to speed on the latest goings-on within Joy-Anna’s uterus:

Joy-Anna married Austin Forsyth back in May.

Three months later, she announced that she was three months pregnant.

According to the Duggars, Joy-Anna got pregnant on her honeymoon, but some fans aren’t buying into that version of events.

Perhaps it was the fact that she was already sporting quite a sizable baby bump in her announcement photo.

Or maybe it has something to do with the time Joy and Austin confessed to breaking courtship rules.

Whatever the reason, Duggar obsessives are convinced that Joy got married in a “shotgun wedding“–and her latest pic isn’t helping her case:

It’s Joy’s birthday this week, and to celebrate, Austin posted the above photo, along with a caption in which he gushed about his expectant wife:

“Happy birthday to the love of my life! Besides my salvation, you have been the best thing that has happened in my life!

“From being my spiritual encourager, working partner, hunting buddy, and everything in between you complete me in so many ways! I am always amazed at how much integrity and character you display in our day to day lives! I love you with all my heart!”

So what’s so suspicious about Austin’s fairly straightforward birthday post?

Well, some fans believe the way pic is frame is an indication that the couple has something to hide.

The Duggars typically celebrate pregnancy even more than most families.

Baby bump progression is usually meticulously documented and posted on social media for all the world to see.

So a poorly-lit tight closeup of a face is an unusual way ro celebrate a Duggar woman’s pregnancy.

Is it definitive evidence that Joy-Anna and Austin engaged in premarital sex.

Obviously not, but we’ll probably never get that.

So you can expect fans to continue latching onto every shred of possible evidence.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Damon Wayans Jr. Ignites Controversy with "Racist" July Fourth Tweet

Damon Wayans Jr. made us laugh pretty hard during his run as Coach on New Girl.

But the actor has elicited a very different reaction from a number of Internet users in response to his sarcastic Fourth of July Tweet on Tuesday.

In celebration of the holiday (or in “celebration,” perhaps we should write, with the quotation marks added and emphasized), the former Fox sitcom star Tweeted the following yesterday morning:

Happy white people proud of their racist ancestors day.

Wayans, of course, is making a joke here about how so many Americans essentially bow down at the feet of the country’s Forefathers, especially on July Fourth…

… despite the fact that so many of these founders owned slaves.

Heck, Thomas Jefferson even impregnated at least one of his slaves.

Was this joke funny or foul, however?

Over 1,100 people Liked the tweet, while more than 1,200 replied to it.

And many of these responses didn’t think Wayans was in the right for using such a patriotic occasion to play the race card in this kind of manner. 

“Just another example of Hollywood talking down to Americans. They hate this country & their fans. #FabricatedRacism sadly returns @wayansjr,” wrote user @ViperNTheTemple.

The actor actually replied to this critique, stating that he was making a joke and some people just took it personally and that’s okay because “jokes aren’t illegal.”

This is true.

It’s also irrelevant, of course.

Whether or not you agree with Wayans’ stance, no one is saying he ought to go to prison for expressing it.

“Not illegal, but offensive & hateful,” wrote user @WTPatty, making this same point online.

Others, meanwhile, pointed to the men and women in the armed forces who have died for our independence and freedom and remarked that they should be the focus of all July Fourth Tweets.

This day isn’t really about George Washington, they argue.

It’s about the thousands of people who aren’t grilling with their families because they are on the frontlines of major danger overseas.

This is the best, most rational argument against Wayans’ quip.

But not many users made it. They went straight for the personal jugular instead.

“Enjoy what’s left of your already s–tty career that your dad created for you,” wrote user @JasonSMoonen, to which Damon shot back:

“Thanks Jason 🙂 . Will do :).”

Wayans starred as Coach on New Girl from 2011 through 2016.

He also played a key role on ABC’s criminally underrated Happy Endings and in the movie Let’s Be Cops.

He concluded his back and forth with critics here by writing:

“It was a joke. But feel free to be offended by it.”


Thursday, June 29, 2017

TMZ Live: Donald Trump: Ignites War W/ MSNBC

HERE’S THE RUNDOWN Kanye’s Going Back On Tour! Lil’ Kim: I Plead The Fifth! Karrueche Avoids Chris Brown Drama DJ Khaled’s Son Is No Fan Of Bieber


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Dancing with the Stars: Feud Ignites Between Heather Morris and Nancy Kerrigan!

Have you been keeping up with all the goings-on with the latest season of Dancing with the Stars?

Yeah, it just premiered Monday night, but if you’ve been paying attention, there’s been a solid amount of drama already.

The big issue this season — the show’s 24th season, if you can even believe it — is that one of the cast members is none other than Heather Morris.

Heather is best known for playing the dumb but lovable Brittany Pierce on Glee, but the girl has also worked as a professional dancer.

Like, she’s been a backup dancer for Beyonce. She’s going to kill it.

And according to an insider who ran his or her mouth before the season began, “There has been some joking and a little snark about it among the other contestants.”

“But it’s just because there is literally no doubt she’s a professional dancer. It takes the others days or even a full week to learn a routine. She gets it down in a matter of hours.”

Dang right there’s no doubt she’s a professional dancer — you think Beyonce would just grab some pretty girls who can get down at the club or who took jazz classes when they were little?

But while it sounds like there’s a general issue among the other dancers in regards to Heather, now we’re learning that there’s one specific cast member who’s upset about the situation.

And that, friends, is Nancy Kerrigan.

How delicious, right?

A source tells Radar Online that “Heather and Nancy were super cold to each other” during Monday’s premiere, “and already have a duel going on.”

It makes sense — besides Heather, one would think Nancy would be one of the cast members to watch, what with her professional ice-skating background.

But also, both ladies received the same score during the premiere, tying for third place.

And third place was apparently not where Heather wanted to be.

“Heather was visibly upset last night after tying with Nancy for third place,” the source explains, “and said that her score was unfair. She was just so cocky going into the competition.”

But in an interview yesterday, Dancing with the Stars executive producer Ashley Edens explained why Heather won’t automatically destroy her competition.

“We’re not shying away from the fact that she 100 percent has dance experience,” Edens said. “Because of that, she will be judged on a higher level and there will be higher expectations on her.”

So after hearing that, we have to imagine that more meltdowns are in store.

Yep, this sure is a season to watch!
