Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Dancing with the Stars: Feud Ignites Between Heather Morris and Nancy Kerrigan!

Have you been keeping up with all the goings-on with the latest season of Dancing with the Stars?

Yeah, it just premiered Monday night, but if you’ve been paying attention, there’s been a solid amount of drama already.

The big issue this season — the show’s 24th season, if you can even believe it — is that one of the cast members is none other than Heather Morris.

Heather is best known for playing the dumb but lovable Brittany Pierce on Glee, but the girl has also worked as a professional dancer.

Like, she’s been a backup dancer for Beyonce. She’s going to kill it.

And according to an insider who ran his or her mouth before the season began, “There has been some joking and a little snark about it among the other contestants.”

“But it’s just because there is literally no doubt she’s a professional dancer. It takes the others days or even a full week to learn a routine. She gets it down in a matter of hours.”

Dang right there’s no doubt she’s a professional dancer — you think Beyonce would just grab some pretty girls who can get down at the club or who took jazz classes when they were little?

But while it sounds like there’s a general issue among the other dancers in regards to Heather, now we’re learning that there’s one specific cast member who’s upset about the situation.

And that, friends, is Nancy Kerrigan.

How delicious, right?

A source tells Radar Online that “Heather and Nancy were super cold to each other” during Monday’s premiere, “and already have a duel going on.”

It makes sense — besides Heather, one would think Nancy would be one of the cast members to watch, what with her professional ice-skating background.

But also, both ladies received the same score during the premiere, tying for third place.

And third place was apparently not where Heather wanted to be.

“Heather was visibly upset last night after tying with Nancy for third place,” the source explains, “and said that her score was unfair. She was just so cocky going into the competition.”

But in an interview yesterday, Dancing with the Stars executive producer Ashley Edens explained why Heather won’t automatically destroy her competition.

“We’re not shying away from the fact that she 100 percent has dance experience,” Edens said. “Because of that, she will be judged on a higher level and there will be higher expectations on her.”

So after hearing that, we have to imagine that more meltdowns are in store.

Yep, this sure is a season to watch!
