Thursday, April 19, 2018

Amanda Stanton and Robby Hayes: Feuding on Twitter!

Though Amanda Stanton has talked abut her exes before, a recent vague tweet about an unnamed ex prompted Robby Hayes to come forward as the subject of her subtweet.

It was a mess.

Now Amanda is explaining why she shared what she did, and how she had never expected Robby to blow it out of proportion.

Amanda Stanton took to Twitter last week to share something truly bizarre that happened to her.

“I got a new debit card last month and got an email from an ex this morning.”

And it was more awkward than you’d think.

“Forwarding me an email that his Disneyland Annual Pass payment was declined & to update my card info…”

Which struck her as him asking her to continue to pay for his Disneyland pass. Absurd.

“I sure know how to pick em.”

Amanda’s cheating ex, Robby Hayes, decided to reveal that he had sent the email. He explained his actions on Twitter, writing:

“Lol is this how it happened or was I was trying to help you poor thing?”

His false sympathy after clearly feeling defensive about his email … did not go over well.

But as Amanda Stanton explains to E!, she had never meant to strike a never with him.

“It’s a shame he still harbors such harsh emotions towards me.”

They’ve been broken up for months, now. It seems that she didn’t expect him to be so touchy … or even to see her tweet.

She goes on to say that she wishes him “nothing but happiness and peace for him.”

That’s very kind of her to say.

Now that Dean Unglert is done with The Bachelor: Winter Games and has sadly broken up with Lesley Murphy (even though they were so cute together), 

Deanie Babies has an aptly named show on iHeartRadio titled Help! I Suck at Dating, which was clearly inspired by his disastrous Bachelor in Paradise love triangle.

“I guess what I was so confused about is that it’s been eight months and I have obviously moved on with my life.”

That email came out of the blue.

“I haven’t talked to Robby in forever; that’s the first time I’ve heard from him.”

Understandably, she didn’t feel like keeping in touch given how thngs ended (with him being exposed as an alleged cheater).

Amanda explains what went down.

“I checked my e-mail and I saw that he forwarded me his Disneyland membership…I got a new [credit card], and so his payment was being declined.”


“The funny thing is he can say he thought it was going to collections, but there was an option there to update your card information.”

If your card is no longer paying for a service like that, it doesn’t usually go to collections. The service just stops. It’s a day pass to a theme park.

Amused, she decided to share it.

“I just thought it was funny he was forwarding it to me other than putting his own card information on there.”

Now she has come to regret that decision.

“I think my mistake is saying anything on Twitter. I did think it was funny and that’s why I said something.”

She says that she had not realized that he would view this as an antagonistic tweet.

“I had no idea and I was completely shocked that he reacted the way that he did. It was just a funny tweet. I wasn’t even throwing shade at him nor did I hint that it was about him.”

She had zero intentions of unveiling Robby as the culprit.

“I wasn’t going to ever tell anyone it was about him.”

He told the world himself, for some reason.

“I was actually pretty embarrassed by it, because when I tweeted it, I never expected that to happen, nor did I want attention from it.”

A lot of tweets that blow up like hers did were never intended to do so.

“So, I guess I was confused why he reacted that way, because no one would have known it was about him.”

One wonders why he decided to draw attention to himself in this manner.

“I don’t know if he just wants attention, and that’s why part of me doesn’t even want to talk about it, because I feel like I’m giving him what he wants.”

Amanda then comes in with a pretty damning but possibly spot-on assessment of Robby’s motives.

“Like, he doesn’t even care that it made him look bad! I feel like he just wants attention — whether it’s good or bad.”

There are a lot of people like that in the world.

Oh well. Lesson learned, we guess.

And this isn’t the first time that Robby has done something that Amanda didn’t expect.
