Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Jeremy Vuolo: Jinger Duggar"s Fiance Spotted Engaging in WEIRD Behavior With Own Cousin!

Reports that Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second child are dominating today’s Duggar news and providing some much-needed publicity for the second season of Counting On which happens to not-so-coincidentally premiere tonight.

But while the expansion of the Seewald clan will no doubt receive plenty of screentime, the show will reportedly focus primarily on the courtship between Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo.

Yes, Jinger and Jeremy are engaged and Counting On cameras were reportedly on hand to capture the early days of the couple’s relationship.

(They’ve only been dating for a few months, so in a way, we guess it’s still the early days.)

There’s no word yet on whether or not the JinJer wedding will be televised, but Vuolo was recently on hand for another couple’s nuptials, and you can bet the events of that night will definitely not be featured on a Duggar-approved show.

In fact, you can be sure Jinger’s parents are doing some serious cringing today:

The Duggar Family News Facebook page recently posted the above photo along with a caption reading:

“Jeremy doing the garter tradition to his cousin. I’m pretty sure we won’t see this at his wedding.”

Yes, the leg that Jeremy is getting so up close and personal with belongs to his cousin.

Now, to be fair, the garter thing is sort of like the bouquet toss for the single men at a wedding.

It’s not uncommon, but it’s a little weird in this case for a few reasons:

For starters, let us repeat that that’s Jeremy’s cousin.

That’s weird on its own, but considering he’s soon to marry into a family was recently involved in an incestuous sex scandal, you would think he’d just take a pass.

Speaking of Jeremy joining the Duggar clan, the family is so chaste that they don’t even allow engaged couples to kiss before the wedding.

Considering they don’t even allow their daughters to expose their ankles in public, we imagine that Jim Bob and Michelle aren’t too cool with the garter tradition.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for tonight, then check out the premiere to see if Jer has some explaining to do.

He might find himself on the receiving end of a Jim Bob glare that could bend a spoon.