Showing posts with label Premarital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Premarital. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Duggar Girls to Fans: If You Have Premarital Sex, You Will DIE!

The Duggar kids have all been homeschooled, and now we’re getting a sense of what health class was like on the compound.

Not surprisingly, it seems Jim Bob and Michelle weren’t above using scare tactics when it came to dissuading their children from engaging in premarital sex.

The Duggar courtship rules are notorious for strictly prohibiting virtually all forms of physical contact before marriage.

The threat of eternal damnation is the primary deterrent that causes unmarried Duggar couples to stick to hand-holding and side-hugs.

But it seems that in order to make doubly sure that they’re able to resist temptation, the family also frightens hormonal young people with more earthly dangers.

In Touch Weekly has unearthed an excerpt from the 2014 memoir Growing Up Duggar, in which Jana, Jill, Jessa and Jinger talk fearfully of the sexually transmitted diseases that await those who are unable to hold off until marriage:

“God has created physical intimacy to be a wonderful wedding gift for pleasure and bonding and to procreate children, but if it is done prematurely or with multiple partners, the very thing that was created to bring joy can bring sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, herpes, and human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause infertility, cervical cancer, and a life sentence of pain and suffering,” the girls write.

“HPV is just one of many sexually transmitted viruses, but it has recently become a notorious killer of women. According to the National Cancer Institute, ‘Virtually all cervical cancers are caused by HPV infections,"” the excerpt continued.

“The American Cancer Society estimates that 4,030 women will die from cervical cancer this year. STDs like HPV also carry a high risk of being passed on to loved ones, including the woman’s husband or her children,” the Duggars added, just in case your genitals were not yet sufficiently terrified.

Of course, it’s possible to have safe premarital sex, but don’t tell that to the Duggar gals, who seem to have pretty much made up their minds that it results in instant death.

The emphasis on HPV is particularly strange, as while the disease is fairly common, in most cases, it doesn’t result in any symptoms:

“In most cases, HPV goes away on its own and does not cause any health problems,” the CDC states.

Really, the need to convince young fans of the physical dangers of premarital sex is strange, as anyone reading a Duggar bio is probably pretty all-in on all that “after-life” and “vengeful God” business.

Just assuring them they’ll burn in hell is probably sufficient when it comes to scaring them into keeping their knees together.

But hey, maybe the Duggars believe that frightening people away from premarital sex is a lot like premarital sex itself – you can never be too safe.

Anyway, we suppose the method has proven effective.

While there may have been some “shotgun wedding” rumors about Joy-Anna, it seems the Duggar women have thus far all abstained from sex before marriage.

The Duggar men, on the other hand … well, that’s a different story.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: CAUGHT Lying About Pre-Marital Sex?!

Ever since the world learned that Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child, speculation that the 20-year-old is lying about her date of conception has run rampant.

Joy says she got pregnant just days after marrying Austin Forsyth.

Fans believe she’s lying with the full support of her family.

The Duggars strictly forbid just about all forms of physical contact prior to marriage, so the revelation that one of Jim Bob and Michelle’s daughters got pregnant out of wedlock would be hugely damaging to the family’s wholesome image.

Joy and Austin have admitted to breaking “courtship rules” in the months leading up to their marriage, but the Duggars dating guidelines are so strict that that could mean they simply held hands for too long.

When Joy announced her pregnancy with an Instagram photo, many fans voiced their opinion that she appeared to be further along than the 3-month point that she claimed.

The fact that she spent much of the past month avoiding the spotlight only seemed to lend further credence to claims that she’s not being entirely truthful about the timeline of her pregnancy.

Joy was absent from the Duggars’ Thanksgiving photo, and she didn’t appear in any of the pics the family posted for Christmas.

Yesterday, she posted the above photo to Instagram, along with a caption reading, “Christmas date night!”

It was the first pic she posted in which her midsection is visible since November 11.

That’s a major break from Duggar tradition, as Joy’s older sisters thoroughly documented every step of their pregnancies on social media.

Naturally, fans were quick to put Joy’s latest photo under a microscope in order to determine if she’s any further along than she claims.

(Joy claims she got pregnant in May, and she’s stated that she’s expected to give birth in February.)

Radar Online had the photo examined by Dr. Sean Henry, a gynecologist and women’s health blogger, who, it should be noted, has not treated Joy personally.

“She looks like 32 weeks or so,” Dr. Henry tells the site.

That’s roughly two weeks further along than Joy claims she is.

Can Dr. Henry make such an exact determination simply by looking at a single photo?

It’s a question that’s currently being hotly debated amongst Duggar fans on social media.

And it’s one that likely won’t be resolved until Joy gives birth–and perhaps not even then.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Premarital Pregnancy Theory Confirmed?

On Thanksgiving Day, the entire Duggar family assembled to celebrate … whatever it is that we celebrate on Thanksgiving.

Well, we should say almost the entire Duggar family was on hand.

“We had a wonderful time together over the past few days, lots of delicious food and the making of new memories that will last a lifetime! We were so thankful to have kids and grandkids under one roof,” matriarch Michelle captioned the above photo.

As you can see, even the disgraced Josh Duggar was invited to the family’s Thanksgiving festivities.

So naturally, fans are curious as to why Joy-Anna Duggar was absent from the gathering.

Of course, the internet has plenty of theories on that score.

As you may recall, Joy-Anna is pregnant with her first child.

The announcement came just three months after the 20-year-old married Austin Forsyth, prompting theories that she actually got pregnant before her wedding.

If you know where the Duggars stand on the issue of premarital sex, then you know why that would be a very big deal.

The Joy-Anna “shotgun wedding” theories are rampant on social media, and many fans are convinced that Joy is absent from her family’s holiday pics due to her burgeoning baby bump.

The comments section on the Duggars’ latest Instagram photo is loaded with questions about Joy-Anna’s absence, but thus far, those queries have gone unanswered.

Many fans have pointed out that Joy and Austin may have decided to spend the holidays with the Forsyths.

But if that’s the case, why wouldn’t her parents just say so?

The fact is, there are a number of reasons why Joy may not have been photographed alongside the rest of her family.

But it’s not as if the Duggars aren’t aware of the controversy surrounding her date of conception.

So the fact that Joy is absent without any sort of explanation is enough to raise plenty of eyebrows … and questions.

Many are taking the lack of a justification from her family as a sure sign that Joy is further along than the Duggars would have us believe.

We hate to indulge conspiracy theories, but the situation is mighty suspicious.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Breaking Courtship Rules, Engaging in Premarital Sex?!

Even if you don’t know much about the Duggar family, there’s a good chance that you’re familiar with their incredibly strict courtship rules.

Parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are almost as well known for their extremely conservative views on dating and relationships as they are for their massive brood.

But the latest Duggar daughter to enter a courtship might be refusing to comply with her family’s stringent guidelines.

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth announced their courtship back in November, and fans immediately got the impression that the relationship had been going on much longer than they were letting on.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Joy-Anna and Austin have been an item for well over a year, and that they’ve boldly ignored her family’s courtship rules.

“Despite this ‘courting’ nonsense, Joy-Anna and Austin have actually been having sex together for a year,” says a source close to the family. 

The Duggars not only forbid premarital sex, non-married couples aren’t permitted to engage in any kind of physical contact.

The insider says Joy-Anna and Austin made it clear from the start that they do not share her parents’ beliefs when it comes to sex:

“Jim Bob and Michelle can preach all they want about their children’s chastity, but the plain fact is that their kids are like anyone else’s; when they get to their late teens, their hormones are raging,” the source claims.

“Joy-Anna is no different, and she and Austin went way past the hand-holding stage a long time ago — and it led to them getting the fright of their young lives.”

As for the news that Joy-Anna is pregnant with Austin’s baby – predictably, the story’s been exaggerated, but the insider maintains it does have a factual basis:

“Joy-Anna believed that she had become pregnant by Austin,” says the anonymous family friend.

“Given her family’s beliefs, you can imagine the panic mode that followed for the duo.”

He adds:

“That was obviously a huge sigh of relief for everyone concerned, but it didn’t erase the horror for Jim Bob and Michelle that they had come closer than close to having another family scandal on their hands.”

Obviously, it’s insane to compare consensual sex between two adults to the scandal that ensued after the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls (four of whom were his sisters), but in Jim Bob and Michelle’s eyes, anything that causes their fanbase to question the strength of their faith and the effectiveness of their parenting is a threat.

The Duggars have bizarrely cashed in on their kids’ sexual restraint, and the news that Joy-Anna refuses to remain chaste for her parents’ sake would constitute a tremendous blow to their reputation.

Their fears about being exposed as less pious than they’ve let on may help explain why Joy-Anna and Austin seem to be getting rushed toward the altar.


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

11 Famous Couples Who DEFINITELY Had Premarital Sex

The following couples definitely did not wait until marriage to have sex.

How do we know this?

Because they welcomed a child into the world before they even exchanged vows. How scandalous! Sort of!

Scroll down and click around to find out what married couples became fathers and mothers before they became husbands and wives…

1. Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis

Ashton kutcher and mila kunis baby

Kutcher and Kunis go way back, all the way to their time as co-stars on That 70s Show. They welcomed Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher into the world in early 2015, months before tying to know in July of that year.

2. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Brad pitt and angelina jolie pose

These two were married once! It’s true! At the ceremony, sons Maddox and Pax walked their mother down the aisle; while Shiloh and Knox acted as ring bearers; and the Jolie-Pitt daughters, Zahara and Vivienne threw petals.

3. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Kim kardashian and kanye west just married

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West got married in May of 2014, months after they became parents for the first time to a girl named North.

4. Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler

Kristin cavallari and jay cutler picture

Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler got together in 2010… broke up in 2011… got back together soon afterward… and then welcomed son Camden into the world in 2013. Some believe they only got re-engaged due to Cavallari’s pregnancy.

5. Hayden Panettiere and Wladimir Klitschko

Hayden panettiere and wladimir klitschko picture

Yes, we’re including Hayden Panettiere and Wladimir Klitschko in this gallery. As of this writing, they are merely engaged. But they seem to be in love and we’re confident they’ll get married… and they are parents to a girl named Kaya.

6. Camila Alves and Matthew McConaughey

Matthew mcconaughey and camila alves at golden globes

We can’t recall a time when these two were NOT together. They welcomed son Levi in 2008 and daughter Vida in 2010. The couple’s youngest son, Livingston, 2, was born in 2012, months after the couple got hitched in Austin.

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11 Famous Couples Who DEFINITELY Had Premarital Sex

The following couples definitely did not wait until marriage to have sex.

How do we know this?

Because they welcomed a child into the world before they even exchanged vows. How scandalous! Sort of!

Scroll down and click around to find out what married couples became fathers and mothers before they became husbands and wives…

1. Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis

Ashton kutcher and mila kunis baby

Kutcher and Kunis go way back, all the way to their time as co-stars on That 70s Show. They welcomed Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher into the world in early 2015, months before tying to know in July of that year.

2. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Brad pitt and angelina jolie pose

These two were married once! It’s true! At the ceremony, sons Maddox and Pax walked their mother down the aisle; while Shiloh and Knox acted as ring bearers; and the Jolie-Pitt daughters, Zahara and Vivienne threw petals.

3. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Kim kardashian and kanye west just married

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West got married in May of 2014, months after they became parents for the first time to a girl named North.

4. Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler

Kristin cavallari and jay cutler picture

Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler got together in 2010… broke up in 2011… got back together soon afterward… and then welcomed son Camden into the world in 2013. Some believe they only got re-engaged due to Cavallari’s pregnancy.

5. Hayden Panettiere and Wladimir Klitschko

Hayden panettiere and wladimir klitschko picture

Yes, we’re including Hayden Panettiere and Wladimir Klitschko in this gallery. As of this writing, they are merely engaged. But they seem to be in love and we’re confident they’ll get married… and they are parents to a girl named Kaya.

6. Camila Alves and Matthew McConaughey

Matthew mcconaughey and camila alves at golden globes

We can’t recall a time when these two were NOT together. They welcomed son Levi in 2008 and daughter Vida in 2010. The couple’s youngest son, Livingston, 2, was born in 2012, months after the couple got hitched in Austin.

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