Monday, December 5, 2016

Alec Baldwin to Donald Trump: Let"s Make a Deal!

Based on a recent barrage of Tweets, Donald Trump thinks Saturday Night Live is “unwatchable.”

And yet he continues to watch.

The President-Elect once again made his thoughts on this long-running sketch comedy show known over the weekend, blasting a skit that featured Alec Baldwin doing an impersonation of the mentally unstable real estate mogul.

In the bit, Baldwin made fun of Trump for his real-life penchant of re-Tweeting messages sent by random 16-year olds.

“Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable!” Trump wrote in response. “Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get any worse. Sad.”

It’s worth noting that Trump actually has made a habit of re-Tweeting strangers around the country.

And also that the ratings for Saturday Night Live have increased ever since Trump took aim at its impressions of him.

Baldwin, meanwhile, is having a blast; both at portraying Trump as an overwhelmed, immature egomaniac… and also at Trump’s reaction to this portrayal.

The last time Trump went off on SNL, referring to the program as “totally biased” and bizarrely asking for “equal time,” Baldwin shot back as follows:

“Equal time? Election is over. There is no more equal time. Now u try 2 b Pres + ppl respond. That’s pretty much it.”

The actor added:

“You know what I would do if I were Prez? I’d be focused on how to improve the lives of AS MANY AMERICANS AS POSSIBLE.”

This, of course, has become a common refrain among Donald Trump critics.

With all the problems facing this country, with all the violence and hate crimes that have sprung up since Trump’s election along, it’s baffling and depressing that our President-Elect seems more concerned about how he’s portrayed on a comedy show than anything else.

Talk about something that’s “SAD.”

So, what did Baldwin say in response this time around?

He sounds willing to compromise with Trump. It sounds as if he’s willing to stop impersonating the wannabe dictator, in fact.

In reference to his role on SNL and to Trump’s latest problems with it, Baldwin simply Tweeted the following on Sunday:

“Release your tax returns and I’ll stop. Ha.”

There you go, The Donald.

There’s your chance to rid yourself of this pressing annoyance.

Just do the same thing every other serious Presidential candidate has doe for decades and you’ll never have to see Baldwin’s giant pursed lips ever again.

You may expose how much money you owe to various companies and countries around the world by releasing your tax returns.

And you may prove to be not nearly as rich or as successful as you’ve claimed to be.

And who knows how much you’ve managed to NOT pay in taxes during that time…

… but at least you’ll be able to watch Saturday Night Live in peace finally.

What do you say?!?
